Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 431 Only 1 Dead

Chapter 431 Only one death

The backyard of the cemetery is not small. Except for the cemetery office and the staff lounge, the rest are antique houses with large bays.According to local customs, this area is called "Tingling Yasuo", and all the ashes of those who died within the year are stored in it, waiting for the winter solstice to be buried.

Because there is no burial, at most it is to worship when it is delivered. Compared with the lively scene outside, this place is a bit quiet.

After entering the arch and going to the right, it happened to be the "Tingling Yasuo" in the three rooms. The four people came to the door, looked around for a while, and found an inconspicuous place to wait.

These four people were Zeng Yifan, Tang Yi, Xiao Lang and Mo Rufeng who were specially found.

"Will he really die here?" Mo Rufeng asked, "I'm still a little skeptical."

What he asked was Tang Yi who had just talked to Gu Bulai.Tang Yi did not answer his question, but turned to the side, where stood Zeng Yifan and Xiao Lang

"Only you die can solve the problem." Tang Yi's voice was hoarse, but quite thick, "Only he can let you die well."

"Death is only a temporary solution to the problem." Xiao Lang supported the mirror frame, "Besides, he may not be able to die successfully."

"It's best to die." Zeng Yifan raised his head, looking as if he was trying to break through life and death, "If you die, it's all over."

At this moment, the door of the "Tingling Yasuo" in the north slowly opened, and Gu Bulai leaned out, and then waved. Tang Yi saw them, and immediately called the three of them to go over, and flashed into the room.

The inside of the room is bigger than it looks from the outside, and rows of tall cabinets are neatly arranged. If the urns inside were not visible through the glass of the cabinet doors, it would be easy to mistake this place for a library or an archive room.

Gu Bulai walked straight in with the four of them, and stopped behind the innermost row of cabinets.

"Tell me, who do you want to bury?" Gu Bulai said this to Tang Yi, but looked at the other three people, "What do you want to die like?"

"I am the one to be buried." Zeng Yifan took the initiative to stand up, "The more miserable the better, the violent death is everything."

Gu Bulai gave him a cold look, swayed his body, and came face to face with him, then stroked Zeng Yifan's two arms with both hands, followed by a pull and a spin, making him turn in a circle on the spot, with two palms Squeeze along the shoulders all the way to the waist.

"The evil spirit possesses the body, and all six doors are closed?!" Gu Bulai's thick eyebrows twisted into commas, and he turned to Tang Yi and said.

"Why, can't you bury it?" Zeng Yifan raised his eyebrows and asked.

Hearing this, Gu Bulai, who was originally frowning, turned green: "It's a joke, as long as it's a living person, there's nothing I can't bury."

As he said that, he turned around and walked to the back of the innermost row of cabinets, raised his hand and scratched at the ground, and a cleverly disguised floor flap was lifted, revealing a one-meter-square hole.

"Go down." Gu Bulai pointed to the entrance of the cave, and said to everyone, "I'll bury him now."

There is a section of stairs made of solid soil at the entrance of the cave. After walking down a few steps, you will find that there is a very long staircase in the shape of a circle. Everyone climbs up the stairs and descends. If Gu does not come, you will be the last to follow, and turn back to close the floor flap door intact. superior.

The cave was suddenly dark, but Tang Yi, who was walking in front, didn't stop, he just went ahead to explore the way, Zeng Yifan and others walked slowly behind him, and Gu Bulai followed slowly at the end.

There are hundreds of steps under my feet, but every time I stretch out my feet, I still reach the stairs. It seems that I will always walk on the stairs and cannot touch the flat ground.The surrounding air was filled with a smell of mud, and the temperature felt on the body surface was also much lower. It seemed that the burrow was not as deep as usual.

After walking like this for about half an hour, everyone finally set foot on a flat ground.

Crap, Zeng Yifan couldn't help but polish the lighter. Before he could see the surrounding environment clearly, a gust of wind came from behind and extinguished the flame of the lighter.

"When you come to my land, you have to follow my rules." Gu Bulai's voice became more dull in the cave, "No fire is allowed where you go, nothing at all!"

There was a majesty in that voice, Zeng Yifan grinned when he heard it, thinking that this old man's rules are really special, could it be that this place used to be a coal mine, and there was gas underground?But after thinking about it, fire belongs to the five elements, and this place is under the soil, maybe there is another mystery.

Since he was still "unreached", he had to continue walking, Zeng Yifan secretly speculated in his heart, he didn't pay much attention to his feet, just after taking a few steps, there was a click, as if he had stepped on something, his feet sank, and he tripped a stagger.

"Well, be careful, they are suffering." Gu Bulai said with a smile, with a slightly weird tone, "You will need their help later."

Zeng Yifan didn't want to understand, what are "they"?What I stepped on just now looked like pottery and rubble, but it seemed a little brittle.

"How did you find this place?" Tang Yi, who was walking ahead, stopped suddenly and asked without thinking.

"Since I am the 'King of Hades', I have more fate with the dead." Gu Bulai said lightly, "It is not difficult to find this place."

The two of them were asking and answering, Zeng Yifan next to him started to feel his scalp explode, he probably stepped on that thing just now, maybe it's under there...

"Take another twelve steps forward and enter the cave on the left. Everyone stands against the cave wall." Gu Bu looked at the pointer on the luminous dial, "It's getting late, and there's still a lot of work to do."

According to Gu Bulai's order, the people continued to move forward, walked about twelve steps, and found a hole in the earth wall.After Zeng Yifan and the others walked in, they stood one by one along the cave wall, but they couldn't see Gu Bulai and entered the cave.

Chi, chi, a clear sound came from under the feet of everyone; chi, chi, a similar sound came from outside the cave.

The sound is not difficult to distinguish, it should be the sound of gas rushing out of the pipe or vessel, but what kind of gas will there be in this hole?Soon, the surrounding temperature rose, and the cave suddenly became hot like a dog day.Could it be that Gu Bulai did something wrong?But the air in the cave was much fresher, and it didn't feel like being underground at all.

Zeng Yifan subconsciously looked at Tang Yi beside him, and saw that he hadn't moved, his expression was still calm, as if he was very relieved of Gu Bulai's actions.Xiao Lang and Mo Rufeng didn't move either, they just stared at the feet in front of them with strange expressions on their faces.

That's not right, Zeng Yifan suddenly came to his senses, he could not see his fingers in the cave and basically walked by touching, but now even Tang Yi and the others could see their expressions very clearly.

It turned out that at some point, there was light in the cave. Although it was not very bright, it was enough for people to see everything clearly.The light was soft and so bright that Zeng Yifan didn't realize it for a while.

As the temperature rises, the cave becomes brighter. The place they are in is a [-]-square-meter earth cave. The light source comes from the surrounding walls of the cave and the ground in front of it. The color is slightly green, reflecting on everyone's faces. It looks very weird.

However, the weirder thing was still in front of them, Zeng Yifan and Mo Rufeng couldn't believe whether what they saw was real or not, even the well-informed Xiao Lang beside him was stunned at this moment.

Facing the faint green light, Gu Bulai appeared at the entrance of the cave, holding a strange small shovel in his hand.

"Zeng Yifan, you can die." He smiled grimly.

The unknown depth of the hole, the eerie green light, the weird and gloomy old man, all this looks a bit like a scene from a third-rate horror movie. If he only saw these on the screen, Zeng Yifan would definitely not feel anything.

But now he is personally on the scene, not to mention there is a big pit not far from his toes that makes him covered in hairs.

In fact, it wasn't just the big pit, the whole cave was full of things that made Zeng Yifan feel uncomfortable.

Bones, bones of various colors, and these bones obviously belonged to humans, but they were scattered and separated for some reason, and embedded in the four walls of the cave in pieces.

Of course, there are not the most bones on the cave wall, and there are more bones in the big pit in front of him.Zeng Yifan probably understood the source of the green light in the cave, which was the phosphorescent light from the bones.

He didn't know what kind of method Gu Bulai used to increase the temperature in the cave, but it was probably related to the sound of airflow, and there must be a lot of oxygen mixed in the air, otherwise the phosphorus fire in those bones would not be so fast. Light came out of the earth.

But why did he go to so much trouble to light it with flaming fire?Maybe it has something to do with the reason for the fire ban here...

"Go in." Gu Bulai pointed to the big pit that made Zeng Yifan's hair stand on end, "I have to bury you quickly."

go in?Zeng Yifan looked at the bones in the pit and almost choked on his saliva.If he really wanted to go in there, there was no need to bother Gu Bulai to bury it, Zeng Yifan would just hang up by himself.

"Go...in here?" Zeng Yifan scratched his head, "You don't mean to bury me with bones, do you?"

"Haha, a Feng Shui master and a fortune teller are still afraid of bones?!" Gu Bulai laughed loudly.

Who said that Feng Shui masters must not be afraid of the dead?One or two is really not afraid, the key is so many.
Besides, Gu didn't come, I saw him walking to the big pit, pulling the shovel in his hand, the shovel stretched several feet suddenly, and became a special long sled.Gu Bulai swung the sled, and inserted the pry head into the bone pile in the big pit. Then, with the force of his arms, the upper layer of the bone pile was lifted up, revealing a square hole below.

It turned out that the bones in the big pit were not piled up randomly, but were formed after special stacking. The square hole in the middle could just accommodate an adult lying flat, and the bones that Gu Bulai pried up were specially made. finished cover.

Zeng Yifan's eyes widened, the old man really planned to bury him with bones!
"That's how Hades buried people." Mo Rufeng sneered from the side, "In order to make this place, you don't know how many innocent people's bones were used."

Judging from the number of surrounding bones, it would take at least a thousand bones to form such a scale. If Gu Bulai did this by killing people or stealing corpses, he would be a heinous bastard.

"It's up to me how to build this place, what you think is up to you." Gu Bulai put the bone cover aside, supported the sled and looked at Zeng Yifan and said, "Whether he can get in or not is his business. But if it’s late, it’s everyone’s business.”

Mo Rufeng was robbed by him so that he didn't know how to answer, and now Zeng Yifan did ask him for help, so he can only not investigate the origin of these bones for the time being.

"Okay, okay, I'll go down." Zeng Yifan reluctantly said, "As long as you can ensure that I will definitely die."

"I, Gu Bulai, buried 170 people, and all of them were dead." Gu Bulai bared his white teeth and said, "Don't worry, I'll kill you."

Zeng Yifan shrugged, walked slowly to the pile of bones, looked into the square hole with his head, gritted his teeth, rolled over and lay down inside.

As soon as he lay down, the head of Gu Bulai's toboggan poked into the hole, flipped over and hit Zeng Yifan's right shoulder accurately.Zeng Yifan only felt a numbness in his right arm, and suddenly a gust of air flowed between his arms.But the sleigh head didn't stop there, it slapped Zeng Yifan's right arm all the way until it came to an abrupt stop near the wrist, and then the sled head turned upwards, creating a gust of wind.

At that moment, Zeng Yifan had a strange feeling that the prying head seemed to have taken something from his arms.

He wasn't sure, but Mo Rufeng and Xiao Lang who were standing outside could definitely see that there was a puff of mist coming out of Gu Bulai's pry head. Although it was a little discolored under the dark green light, they could still distinguish The original color of the mist - light blue.

That is evil spirit!They immediately understood Gu Bulai's method just now. He used a long sledge several feet long to accurately slap the key acupuncture points on Zeng Yifan's right arm, and penetrated his "quantity" into Zeng Yifan's right arm through the sledge, forcing him to release Excess evil spirit.

When he was in the sewer, Xiao Lang had to put in a lot of effort to control the scurrying evil aura. Later, even though Zeng Yifan became a vacuum, the evil aura still lingered.But Gu Bulai could easily force them out with only a strange sledge, and the two of them immediately felt awe of the weird "King of Hades" in front of them.

No matter how awed Mo Rufeng and Xiao Lang are, Gu Bulai's subordinates never stop.

Seeing the cloud of evil spirit coming out, he shook the long sled violently with both hands, and the pry head was blown up by a gust of wind, blowing the cloud of evil spirit to the top of the cave.Strange to say, the group of evil spirits did not disperse under the action of the prying wind, but formed an air mass as if wrapped by something.

The ball of evil spirit floated in the air like a balloon for a few times, and then slowly fell down. Gu Bulai didn't even raise his eyelids, and turned his hand to pry up the bone cover, and closed it back to the distance accurately, and locked Zeng Yifan in the square hole tightly. Reality.

Then he turned over the long sled in his hand, and the head of the sled caught the cloud of evil spirit in the air, and quickly pressed against the bone cover that had just been put on.

Pfft, the prying head was lightly pressed against the bone cover, the ball of evil spirit was like a water polo that was squeezed, and the light blue mist sprayed around, Tang Yi, Mo Rufeng and the others suddenly felt the air radiating Come an extremely powerful impact.

But the mist didn't spray out the scope of the big pit. It seemed to be restricted by something, and was pressed into the whole pile of bones by an invisible force.

As soon as the evil spirit submerged, Zeng Yifan's cry came from under the pile of bones, as if he was still beating.

Although the cry was not loud, it was clear enough that it sounded urgent.Mo Rufeng's face changed drastically, and he wanted to jump into the pit as soon as he shook his body.But Tang Yi's movements were faster than him. Before Mo Rufeng lifted his feet, Tang Yi's big hands had firmly pressed his shoulders.

"Old Tang, he..."

"Don't worry, he's fine." Tang Yi actually had a smile on his face, and then gestured for him to listen carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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