Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 436 The last robbery

Chapter 436 The Last Calamity

"Actually, since your accident in the competition, Master Ding has been sending us around to find out your whereabouts, lest those people with ulterior motives will harm you." Xiao Jia regained his composure, and immediately resumed his original flattery, " A few days ago, the old man figured out your location from a hexagram, and immediately let me come here, seeing that you are safe and sound, I feel much more at ease."

Xiao Jia didn't tell the truth, because Zeng Yifan had always hidden his information very well, and Ding Zhengtao's divination ability alone could not calculate his whereabouts at all.In fact, if it wasn't for Yuan Gang's help and Zeng Yifan's own appearance, Ding Zhengtao might still be catching him blind right now.

But what Xiao Jia said was not all lies. Now Ding Zhengtao was indeed very worried about Zeng Yifan's safety. After learning of his whereabouts, he immediately sent Xiao Jia and a group of supervisors to look for Zeng Yifan.Perhaps it was Xiao Jia's luck. When searching separately in the city, he was the only one who saw Zeng Yifan.

To be honest, when Zeng Yifan suddenly appeared from beside him, Xiao Jia was really frightened, every pore of his body could feel the aura emanating from this man.

Of course, this time Ding Zhengtao sent Xiao Jia and the others not to hunt down and kill Zeng Yifan. In fact, even if all the supervisors were added together, it might not be able to hurt a single hair of Zeng Yifan.

"Ding Zhengtao wants to invite me back to the competition?" Zeng Yifan looked a little surprised, but only he knew that all this was not surprising to him.

"You are a direct disciple of the Dao of divination, and now you are the No. Min, "Recently, the jurisdictional institutions set up by the organizing committee of the competition have been damaged to varying degrees. Many fortune-tellers either died for no reason or disappeared strangely. Some of them survived, but they were either disabled or You have become an idiot, and the entire divination world is facing an unprecedented crisis."

Lao Huo was a little startled when he heard it from the sidelines. Although he couldn't compare with the strength of the headquarters, he was more or less aware of the strength of the competition organizing committee in various places. The opponent's strength should be It has developed to an extremely dire state.

And the most frightening thing is that there is obviously no clue about where such a powerful force came from and what its background is.

"As for Yi Boer," Xiao Jia continued, "because he voluntarily gave up the second round of the competition, the organizing committee decided to allow him to withdraw from the competition."

"Give up voluntarily?" Zeng Yifan asked playfully.

"That's right, he didn't do anything in the second round of the match. He stayed in the room from the beginning to the end. He really gave up the match automatically." Xiao Jia explained in a serious manner.

"Oh!" Zeng Yifan agreed in agreement.

Afterwards, Xiao Jia described with emotion the circumstances of the deaths of well-known fortune tellers in various places, and emphasized the current difficulties.While listening to Xiao Jia's introduction of what happened recently, Zeng Yifan sipped his coffee leisurely, and also took care of breathing from time to time, he didn't seem very surprised like that.

After Xiao Jia finished introducing everything, a sly smile appeared on the corner of Zeng Yifan's mouth.

"Finish?" Zeng Yifan yawned, and looked at his watch, "Reply to Ding Zhengtao for me, I accept his invitation."

"You..." Xiao Jia didn't expect Zeng Yifan to agree so readily, and was a little at a loss for a while.

"However, I still have some personal matters to deal with, so I'll have to wait a few more days." Zeng Yifan said commercially, "Of course, if Ding Zhengtao is willing to provide some manpower resources, maybe his waiting time will be shortened a lot."

After finishing speaking, Zeng Yifan picked up the coffee cup and sipped it slowly, as if he had no intention to speak again.

"I'll hurry back to the headquarters and tell Master Ding the truth." Xiao Jia stood up tactfully, and bowed to Zeng Yifan, "Then, let's take my leave first."

Xiao Jia left, but Zeng Yifan didn't show any intention of moving, he quietly stared at the coffee in his cup as if thinking about something.

"Sure enough, it's the same as our calculation, and the plan is going smoothly." Lao Huo smiled.

"This is just a small dish at the beginning. The real meal will come later." Zeng Yifan shook his head and said, "Braised pork ribs, garlic bones, overlord bones, and a bunch of bones waiting for me to eat."

"What you're talking about..." Lao Huo thought for a while, stretched out his hand and drew a hexagram on the table, "This hexagram last night?"

The hexagram that Lao Huo drew on the table looks like four yin and two yang, which is exactly the two Kan hexagrams superimposed to form "Han is water".

"Hexagram 29, the threshold is water." Zeng Yifan put down the coffee cup in his hand, frowned slightly, "This coffee is really bad."

On the wide suburban road, three black Lincoln cars were speeding at high speed. In the leading car, Xiao Jia was whispering something to Zeng Yifan beside him.

"Master Ding has been feeling unwell recently and cannot meet with you in person, but he takes special care of us and will obey your orders in everything." Xiao Jia handed over a cigar and said flatteringly.

"This stuff is too strong, and it's easy to get stuck if you smoke it. It's time to do business right now, and you must be clear-headed." Zeng Yifan glanced at the cigar, smiled and shook his head, "Have you done what I said?"

On the night when Zeng Yifan met Xiao Jia, he received a call from Xiao Jia, saying that Ding Zhengtao fully agreed to his request, and that Xiao Jia would lead a team of capable personnel at Zeng Yifan's disposal to complete what he said before. "private affairs".

"According to your instructions, we have already found that place." Xiao Jia looked at the watch on his hand, "An hour ago, ten brothers under my command were guarding there, and following your instructions, they were standing still and observing."

"In this hour, they shouldn't have contacted you more than twice, right?" Zeng Yifan stared at the passing scenery outside the window, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

"You are clever! They only contacted me twice." Xiao Jia looked at Zeng Yifan with a little surprise and said, "One time they found the clue you mentioned, and the other time they found the exact location."

"Are they sure there is no one going in or out?" Zeng Yifan's voice suddenly sank, as if speaking underwater.

"This... No, at least no one has been in or out since the moment they arrived." Xiao Jia recalled and replied affirmatively.

"Let those special subordinates in your car get ready." Zeng Yifan looked away from the window of the car, looked at Xiao Jia and said, "Notify those brothers who are in charge of monitoring, don't let anyone approach that place, if necessary , you can risk your life."

Xiao Jia was a little confused. Judging from the reports of his subordinates, the place Zeng Yifan asked them to find was just an old abandoned building. Because it had been abandoned for a long time, it had become a dangerous building, and no one went there on weekdays.It takes so much effort to guard such a broken place?Even risk your life when necessary?

But no matter what, Xiao Jia knew that no matter how ridiculous it sounded, what Zeng Yifan said was full of deep meaning, not to mention that Ding Zhengtao had told him earlier that no matter what weird request Zeng Yifan made, he must be satisfied.

After explaining to several subordinates, Xiao Jia contacted the ten subordinates who were in charge of monitoring, and repeatedly emphasized on the phone that he must do his best to ensure that no one else approached the dangerous building.

Listening to Xiao Jia's arrangements, Zeng Yifan continued to look out the window, the scenery passing by in front of his eyes was constantly changing, and the thoughts in his mind were also running rapidly.

Zeng Yifan's purpose in going to that dangerous building was to find someone, someone who he felt needed to help him out of this chess game.Before that, he had predicted the whereabouts of this person, and after locking the position, he notified Xiao Jia to send someone to find the location he calculated.

Zeng Yifan was not worried about this person's safety. According to the divination at that time, although the person was in serious danger, he would not be life-threatening.

But now, Zeng Yifan felt a little worried, because he had a premonition of some variables, some variables that had never appeared in the fortune-telling.

"Three black cars, this is not a very good omen." Zeng Yifan secretly sighed, "No. 60 four hexagrams, the fire and water are not over."

It was the three black Lincoln sedans driven by Xiao Jia and the others that made Zeng Yifan aware of the uncertainty. At that moment, his heart suddenly moved for no reason.

The number three represents fire, which is the Li hexagram, and black represents water, which is the Kan hexagram. In this way, we get No.60 four hexagrams "Fire and water are not in good condition".

Lihuo is the body hexagram, and Kanshui is the use hexagram. This is a hexagram that restrains the body. According to the hexagram theory, it is unlucky, but now it is autumn, and the effect of Kanshui is relatively weak. For the main hexagram There is still room for redemption.

But when the car drove on the suburban highway, Zeng Yifan noticed that the direction of the car was heading north, which meant that the dilapidated building was located on the north side, and the north was water, which was also the Kan hexagram. The impetus in the hexagram "Shui Wei Ji" has become more and more serious, and the situation is getting worse.

Kanshui is dangerous and twists and turns, alluding to the villains and thieves in the rivers and lakes. Judging from this, it is not difficult to see that someone must be playing tricks behind this, and all these signs gradually appeared after Zeng Yifan arrived here. That is to say, those The change came with Zeng Yifan's arrival. Looking at it from another perspective, someone wanted to make the situation worse before Zeng Yifan rushed to the dangerous building.

"How long until we get there?!"

"We'll be there in five minutes." Looking at the navigator, Xiao Jia replied immediately.

After 5 minutes, Zeng Yifan looked at his watch, hoping that there would be no other variables in these 5 minutes. If his deduction of the hexagram was accurate, the key to what he thought of just now was the result of the whole hexagram.

In an abandoned dangerous building.Three men sat on a stone pile, as if they were waiting for someone.

A few minutes later, one of the burly men got up, took out something from his waist, and walked over to another thin man.

He held a shiny dagger in his hand, and the blade stuck to the thin man's neck.

"I don't like others to make their own decisions." The thin man raised his hand leisurely, his eyes slanted to his right side, "but I don't like others pointing knives at me even more."

"I don't like people killing people in front of me, especially killing people for no reason." The man with the knife said every word, "Yun San, you——should—die!"

"Liu Ziheng, do you have the guts to kill me?" Yun San squinted at Liu Ziheng with a smile.

Liu Ziheng did not answer, but moved the dagger closer, his face was as cold as ice.

"Liu Ziheng, you can kill Yun San, but you have to be clear about one thing." A cold voice came from the side, "Yun San kills people who are destined to die, every move is a change, if you kill Without him, some fixed numbers will become variables.”

"People who are destined to die..." Liu Ziheng's body trembled, his expression became complicated, "Are those policemen also destined to die?!"

"Human life and death are natural laws, and what is destined will definitely happen. Yun San is following this law, the only difference is the method." The voice continued.

Liu Ziheng paused for a moment, then his eyes widened with anger: "A bastard like him who disregards human life can kill him [-] times."

Just when the dagger was about to cut through Yun San's neck, Yun San suddenly released a few steel needles from his cuff.

"Whoosh!" As soon as the steel needle pierced Liu Ziheng's body, Liu Ziheng fell limp on the ground, only his eyes were still wide open, but he had no strength at all.

Yuan Gang didn't react much to Yun San's actions, but after Yun San did another thing, Yuan Gang couldn't understand it: "You injected him with a crazy amount, don't expect me to help you."

"When the islanders and the Koreans are dealt with, I'm afraid he will be about the same." Yun San laughed, and lifted a large backpack behind him to the front, put it beside Liu Ziheng, and said to himself, "One against ten, He needs these."

Outside the dangerous building, a group of men in black were entering quickly. They got the news that Zeng Yifan and his party were here.This is the top master of Onitsuka School and Tai Chi School.

The people Xiao Jia arranged outside had been paying attention to the situation in the dangerous building, but they didn't expect a group of people to rush in from outside, and they were all wiped out without even a whimper.

In the dangerous building, Liu Ziheng's originally limp body gradually burned like a fire, and his wide eyes gradually burned red...


Three black stretched Lincolns pulled up.

When he saw the dangerous building from a distance from the window, Xiao Jia told the men in the three cars to stop on the spot and walk to the dangerous building.He divided his subordinates into three groups, one group followed him and Zeng Yifan to approach the dangerous building from the front, and the other two groups detoured to the two wings of the dangerous building, and told the two groups of subordinates to keep in touch through the walkie-talkie at any time.

Zeng Yifan lit a cigarette, leaned lazily by the side of the car, watched Xiao Jia arrange those subordinates, and admired this guy in his heart.

In the car just now, Zeng Yifan was about to call to stop, but he just raised his hand, and before he could make a sound, Xiao Jia told his subordinates to stop before he could.It's not because Xiao Jia had guessed Zeng Yifan's intentions, he was just better at observing facial expressions.

Of course, judging from the grouping arrangement of Xiao Jia's subordinates, this guy's thinking is also very clear, and he handles things in an orderly manner. It really saves people a lot of thought to have such a subordinate lead a team to handle affairs.

It seemed that Xiao Jia was not just a jester who could flirt with flattery, no wonder Ding Zhengtao valued this guy with not very good divination skills so much.

Zeng Yifan smiled, turned his gaze to the dangerous building in the distance, and a hint of worry flickered in his eyes.

 I recommend a historical gourmet article "The Tang Dynasty on the Bite of the Tongue", and you can read it if you like children's shoes.


(End of this chapter)

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