Chapter 440

Making a high-profile appearance, spending a lot of money, and buying houses with the imperial feng shui master around, this kind of behavior is bound to spread to Wang Weihao's ears, no matter what his purpose is, he will definitely find a way to deal with those hidden evil sources when he is alarmed, so as not to make things happen .In this way, the few of them saved a lot of time and manpower. This is the "knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger" agreed by the several people in advance.

Before this, Zeng Yifan still had doubts about this plan, but now he is full of confidence.Because once the source of evil planted by Wang Weihao is exposed, the consequences will be enough to put him in jail.In this regard, no matter what Wang Weihao's purpose is, he will never hope that he will have such a result.

"You're an ignorant, ignorant guy." Tang Yi said coldly, "This is the good apprentice Yuan Gang taught? It's really insulting to the master!"

Throughout the ages, some magnificent buildings have been regarded as symbols of social civilization and ruler power. Although the ancient architectural technology is not as advanced as modern ones, there are still many great buildings that have become cultural miracles that have been passed down through the ages.

In addition to relying on the wisdom of the ancient working people and the support of manpower and material resources at all costs, it is said that there is also an incredible and terrifying method to assist in the construction, which is called "drilling piles".

In the long history of architecture, there have been many amazing buildings, such as the Great Wall, the Grand Canal, the Forbidden City, etc., and "pigging piles" is a bad custom that is secretly spread in the construction industry. The basic points of its method It is to sacrifice the living to suppress evil before the construction project starts.

The most typical legend about "living piles" is that when the Great Wall was built in the Qin Dynasty, it is said that all the workers who were compulsorily recruited were buried alive at the foot of the Great Wall after the completion of the work, with the purpose of making their souls and the Great Wall one. , Protect the Great Wall from falling down.And this custom was also spread to Japan, and it was called "human pillar".

According to legend, this practice originated from the sacrifice method during the construction of the bridge. First, a pair of boys and girls were found, and the boy was buried alive in the pier at the head of the bridge, while the girl was buried alive in the pier at the end of the bridge. , they will become the patron saints of the bridge, and bless the bridge never to collapse.

Some ignorant and superstitious construction workers believe that building construction is called breaking ground, which also means turning over the underground soil, which will inevitably harass and offend the evil spirits that have lived there for a long time, so it will hinder the progress of the project, and at least cause frequent accidents during the construction period. Accidents can cause buildings to collapse, so the cruel custom of "piercing raw piles" quietly and covertly appeared in some buildings.

There is an unwritten tradition among people who believe in this kind of practice. Before laying the first pile, you must first choose an auspicious day, and find a child to nail it to death with steel bars, pour cement, and bury it on the construction site. In the auspicious place, the mage held a ground-breaking worship ceremony. They believed that this would ensure the safety of the construction site and the smooth progress of the project in the future.It is rumored that some pre-war buildings in Hong Kong were also built in this way. The children's bones excavated in a construction site in Ho Man Tin earlier are said to be the "living piles" of the past.

Sometimes ignorance and superstition often deceive people's minds. While killing innocent children alive, they expect them to protect the peace and stability of the building after their death. I'm afraid there are not many normal people with this kind of whimsical theory understandable.

The community that Zeng Yifan and the others saw just now adopted this cruel method, but obviously some people in the geomancy knew a little more about Feng Shui than those ignorant people, and used the so-called "shengzhu" as the "shaman" in the layout. source".

However, Zeng Yifan still didn't want to believe that this inhuman layout was really arranged by Wang Weihao?Just to put Rising Sun Construction to death?


Inside the Lingcheng Police Station, the reception room.

"This... this is so outrageous!" A man wearing a senior police rank took the case, and there were some seven-inch photos on the table in front of him. Half of the shriveled corpse of a child was exposed from the broken pieces.

"Notify all the police officers immediately, gather urgently!" The man ordered loudly, the police officers around him saluted, and disappeared into the corridor outside the door in a gust of wind.

"This is just one of the evidence samples." A young man sitting across the table said, "I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to obtain evidence for all the buildings constructed by Rising Sun Construction."

"Comrade, thank you for your reminder and cooperation." The man wearing a senior police rank stepped forward and shook the young man's hand, "Don't worry about collecting evidence, our police station's efficiency is top-notch!"

"Director, please be polite. The police and the people are cooperating." The young man said with a smile on his face. "As soon as our executive president finds out about this situation, I will immediately let you know. We will never do anything for tigers."


On the third day after the plan was carried out, neither Sunshine Construction nor Wang Weihao himself made any movement.

Zeng Yifan and the others moved to two communities in the same manner, leaving a high-profile impression on the sales managers there wherever they went.It stands to reason that such information would reach Wang Weihao's ears very quickly. According to common sense, he should start to deal with the evil sources in the community.But the strange thing is that no matter how they look at each other, they can't see each other's actions, and even Wang Weihao himself seems to have disappeared out of thin air.Those who went to inquire reported that the CEO of Rising Sun Construction had gone abroad.

Could it be that he overestimated him, and Wang Weihao ran away when he saw that the matter was revealed?
"If this continues, something will happen sooner or later." Tang Yi glanced at the buildings outside the car window and said, "Just attack those wilted plants, and within three days, the evil spirit will definitely break out."

"Something has happened." Mo Rufeng stared indifferently into the distance.

Accompanied by the piercing sirens, several police cars roared into the community...


"Maybe it's a rumor." Zeng Yifan scrolled through the webpage, "It's hard to tell whether the information on the Internet is true or false, and it's easy to be untrustworthy."

"The person who posted the post on the forum claimed to be an employee of Rising Sun Construction Group, so he made a special trip to break the news." Zhang Mengmeng mused, "The response rate is extremely high, and it was set as the headline within an hour. It doesn't seem like a rumor."

"Lingcheng News Network has also started to reprint related information." Mo Rufeng quickly operated on the computer, "The TV station will have an exclusive interview in 10 minutes."

While looking for information about Rising Sun Construction, Zhang Mengmeng accidentally saw a leaking post on a real estate forum in the city, saying that Zheng Zhengduo, chairman of Rising Sun Construction Group, was secretly arrested by the police on suspicion of vicious crimes, and the city bureau dispatched a large number of police forces to Investigations and evidence collection were carried out in various residential communities undertaken by Rising Sun Construction Group.

Zeng Yifan and the others always thought that Wang Weihao did this, but they turned their finger on Zheng Zhengduo in an instant. Could this be Wang Weihao's plan to frame him?

And how did the police know about this?Could it be that the salespeople in those neighborhoods saw something strange and secretly reported it for fear of getting into trouble?But they don't know what is buried in the cement pillar, so how can they provide strong clues to the police?

During the doubt, a hotline news broadcast appeared on the TV, and a reporter with a capable face appeared on the camera. Behind him was a community of buildings, with several police cars parked around, and many police officers were busy.

"...The police are now investigating and collecting evidence. According to reliable sources, this case involves the tragic death of more than a dozen young children. The large number of them and the vile criminal methods are really rare." The reporter kept pointing left and right in front of the camera impassionedly Then, the camera turned suddenly, and a man wearing a senior police rank appeared in the screen, and the reporter immediately couldn't catch up with him and asked.

"Sorry, I have nothing to say." The police officer waved his hand majestically, turned around and hurried away.

"Excuse me about this case..." The reporter followed up unrelentingly, but the rapid questioning stopped there suddenly.

Two police officers walked over carrying something covered in plastic sheeting, and a gray-black thing was exposed from the side. It was...the child's shriveled arm!

A big hand blocked the camera, covering the arm and the reporter's pale face.


"It's easy now." Mo Rufeng stretched his waist comfortably, "The police are very nimble when they do things. With this posture, they can be done in a day."

"It's a coincidence that the police came here, as if they were right." Zhang Mengmeng shook his head and said, "Could someone be helping us secretly?"

"It's true that I helped, but it's hard to say how hard it is." Zeng Yifan smiled, "Finally, we didn't work in vain. It's time for us to deal with that big bone."

"The bone is not only big, but also very hard." Tang Yi said quietly, "I hope we can chew it."


If the communities built by Sunshine Construction Group live in the middle class of society, then the residents in the three well-shaped buildings in front of us are the bottom class of society.

The cold and gray concrete exterior walls are covered with mottled water stains and weathering spots, and the corroded steel windows are lined with broken glass, like monster mouths devouring people, eagerly waiting for the prey to fall into the mouth.

The construction of these three buildings is very strange. The four buildings are surrounded by a square, leaving a space like a deep well in the middle. The junction of the buildings is slightly extended, leaving a part of the useless reinforced concrete structure.

Zeng Yifan, who has a background in architectural design, knows that this is a load-bearing design in early buildings to balance the self-weight of the entire building. Since the technology and materials for high-rise construction were not mature at that time, this design must be adopted.Only in this way, the hollow part of the building body wastes a lot of space, and also causes the dark room effect of the inner unit. Most residents living in the inner unit will have a "small black room".

Not only that, a lot of waste and rubbish are accumulated in the "well" of the building over time. Although some kind-hearted people clean it up from time to time, it is just a drop in the bucket.Therefore, all the residents on the first to third floors will be sealed by the windows of the "well", and it is simply "out of sight, out of sight".

In terms of architectural structure, this belongs to backward technology and unreasonable design and construction.But at any rate, it can be regarded as a shelter, and for those who are too cash-strapped to afford a better house, they can only live here temporarily.After all, people are very adaptable. If they wait until the municipal relocation, they may be able to improve to a better house.

But from the perspective of feng shui, even sleeping on the street is better than staying here, because these three well-shaped buildings should not be a place for living people to stay at all.

The reason why Tang Yi was able to find these three wells was entirely due to his ability to identify them by hearing the wind.His keen sense of smell told him that the pattern of energy veins here is unusual, and there must be something strange about such a huge haze and evil spirit appearing in a building where people live together.Following the breath, he found the "Daixiao Dog" and "Burning Cat", and found that there were a considerable number of them. From this, he judged that the layout of the Jing Tac-toe Building was deliberately designed by someone.

In fact, judging from the appearance pattern alone, these three well-shaped buildings belong to the "Yang Zhai Yin Bureau", which means that the pattern of the tomb burial site is transferred to people's normal residences.

If you see a similar layout in a tomb, it should be a very good situation. The ancient Feng Shui theory believes that "the corpse belongs to yin, and it grows with the haze, and it gets the light of fighting evil stars, and it lives in Liuyihui". Yin Zhize, the Qi that connects to the earth veins of the Ming River, is self-supporting, and it grows by itself." That is to say, the corpses buried in this pattern can fully enjoy the Qi veins in the burial ground, and use the Yin Qi to germinate. Nourish and pass on blessings to future generations.

But that's the layout for corpses, if you put it on a living person, wouldn't it make people look like ghosts?
There were such a group of people in the ancient geomantic omen world. They believed that the subtle changes in geomantic omen can be done unreasonably, and the more dangerous the pattern itself has a great transforming function.This theoretical basis is a bit similar to the so-called "fighting poison with poison" in Chinese medicine. When confronted with some dangerous and difficult events, we usually adopt a more sinister pattern to hedge and deal with it, in order to achieve the effect of "negative and positive".

The "Yang Zhai Yin Jue" is the "masterpiece" of these people. If the owner's own luck is not good, the birth date is dangerous, or the area is extremely unfavorable but unable to move out of the place, they will arrange it according to this method.

Firstly, the three parts of the Yang Zhai are closed, leaving only one side facing away from the sun to open doors and windows. The window frame is three feet above the ground and the panes are six panes. Yang Zhai.

Then dig a deep well in the yin evil place in the house. It doesn’t matter if there is water or not. well".

Finally, open a skylight at the dousha position on the roof, so that the direction of the Big Dipper starlight just connects with the "Mingjing", corresponding to the direction of the six windows of the house, so that the three breaths converge at the same point, and according to this direction, the The bed of the owner of the house is arranged here.In the star theory of Fengshui Kanyu, the Big Dipper itself has a certain evil spirit, and the Big Dipper facing the window means "Dousha enters the palace".

This approach can indeed play a considerable role within a certain period of time, but as another famous saying in Chinese medicine says-"Treat the symptoms, not the root cause".

For those who are victims of special circumstances, the haze gathered in the yin of the Yangzhai can wash away the unfavorable atmosphere on them, so as to achieve balance.

But after all, human beings cannot be compared with the endless natural forces.While offsetting the unfavorable breath, the cloudy air that has grown in large quantities began to have an effect on the human body.Over time, these hazy qi force out the yang qi in the human body, causing people to suffer from frequent illnesses and even death.

(End of this chapter)

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