Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 442 Immortality

Chapter 442 Immortality

"Yifan, if I told you that there is a pulse in this channel now." Li Shaoyun raised the thin vine in his hand and said, "What would you think?"

Channel has a pulse? !A few people looked at Li Shaoyun in disbelief. He didn't look like he was joking, but the statement that this channel has a pulse is too outrageous.

"You should have also noticed that the yin and yang airflows here are fighting each other, right?" Li Shaoyun continued, "You have never studied medicine, so you ignore it. In other words, this passage got a 'corpse'."

"Less yin does not arrive, kidney qi is weak, less essence and blood, qi rushes and is forced, goes up to the chest and diaphragm, ancestral qi gathers, blood congeals down the heart, yang qi recedes, heat returns to the yin thigh, moves with yin, and makes the body Not benevolent, this is a corpse."

Li Shaoyun, who is a medical student, knows that the trend of the Qi pulse formed by the turbulent Yin and Yang Qi in this channel is just the "shaoyin not arriving" in the human body pulse condition of cadaveric syndrome.

Shijue is the name of an ancient disease, mainly due to the disorder of yin and yang, qi and blood, and the yin and yang qi of Shaoyin repelling each other.This disease is easily judged as death in ancient medical diagnosis, but in fact the patient did not die.

But this is a part of the underground passage, how could human pulse symptoms appear in the lifeless Qimen pattern?Chinese medicine, Fengshui, Qimen Dunjia, what kind of place is this!

"Since there is a one-to-one correspondence between the Eight Gates and Nine Palaces and the human body." Li Shaoyun smiled, "Then what's so strange about the pulse of the human body?"


From the computer screen, Tang Yi and Mo Rufeng had already passed through the gate of life, but turned into a passage that was contrary to them.

The door of life, the door of Shangji, the main life is vigorous, grows rapidly, continuously, vigorous, the door of life is the most prosperous door among the eight doors, and it is advisable to carry life to death when fighting with the door of luck.

At least for now you don't have to worry about them.

Turning into the passage beside him, the atmosphere around him gradually calmed down, without any collisions or fluctuations. The fork in front of him was intertwined and changed, and he had unwittingly entered into the most complicated link.

This is the place where the passages intersect the most, and a circle of forks surrounds the four of them.

Zeng Yifan suddenly discovered that there was yin and yang energy surging all around him, but only here there was no change in the air flow, and it looked completely dead.

"This guy is very sick. The person on the left has a sick pulse, which is called internal deficiency." Li Shaoyun kept shaking the thin vine in his hand, and muttered, "On the right, even the real dirty pulse came out. People are not sick, which is equivalent to adding another item-'walking corpse'." From the perspective of pulse theory in traditional Chinese medicine, Li Shaoyun's statement is not unfounded, "The pulse patient is not sick, so it is called walking corpse. Those who do not know people will die short-lived. People are sick and their pulses are not sick, and their reputation is weak, and they have no valley spirit, so although they are tired, they will not suffer." If we judge based on this theoretical basis, there is hidden in this pattern of eight gates and nine palaces. "Walking corpse" disease.

This walking corpse is also called walking meat in Chinese medicine.Because the person is not angry, but still active, the person's life is actually gone.If there is a true visceral pulse in the pulse condition, the person is still not sick. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the five viscera are completely extinct. If there is a sudden change, illness and death can occur immediately.

Zeng Yifan had some doubts in his heart. The layout of the well-shaped building was originally designed to accommodate yin, but at noon, there was a phenomenon of yin and yang coexisting. The yang energy obviously came from the residents of the well-shaped building, and these yin-yang qi They were all led underground by the "coffin well".

From this point of view, these yin and yang qi should serve the passageway of the Eight Gates and Nine Palaces pattern below, but how can there be diseases and pulses similar to the human body in the passageway?

"Could the yin and yang qi be drawn down from the well to suppress the pulse of the disease here?" Xiao Lang, who had been silent all this time, thought to himself, "But if this is the case, unless the passage itself has life, Or maybe it's connected to some life."

Because he is not good at the theory of Feng Shui, and he knows nothing about medicine, but from the perspective of an ordinary person, he still expressed his opinion.

"You're only right about the second half of the sentence." Li Shaoyun shook his head, "The pulse of the disease here is just caused by those yin and yang qi. To put it bluntly, this is called yin and yang imbalance."

"That's strange, who is full and has nothing to do to create such a pattern, just to make this passage sick?"

"It shouldn't be difficult to base it on. Going straight ahead is Jingmen." An idea flashed in Zeng Yifan's mind, "If I remember correctly, people with kidney deficiency are tired, and the pulse of the heart is the key to the final judgment."

From the nine palaces, the five elements belong to fire, and the eight gates are Jingmen.

Jingmen, the gate of Zhongji, the Lord Huaxian is easy to move, attracts a lot of attention, acts prominently, and makes a big splash.

This dynamic gate position represents the heart of the human body.

As soon as he entered the Jingmen position, a majestic yang flame rushed towards his face, like a raging ocean wave crashing on the shore.Li Shaoyun waved his hand and slapped the wall violently, a leafy green vine immediately blocked in front of him, and the ever-growing green leaves finally resisted the extremely fierce yang energy.

"If you regard this place as the heart, then the yang energy just now is equal to the 'Hongmai'." Li Shaoyun stretched out his hand to hold the trembling green vine, "Well, the more the Hongmai pulses, the more vigorous it becomes, that is the dead vein."

From this point of view, the "corpse Jue" at the kidney position of Xiumen, the "walking corpses" at the gathering place, and the "flooding" at the heart position of Jingmen, the entire underground pattern is completely permeated with an imbalance of yin and yang. Sickness.

The heart is fire, and it is called Shaoyin. Its pulse is large and long, and it is the heart pulse.Those who are self-satisfied with heart disease will heal.Falsely, the pulse comes and goes slightly, so it is called reverse, and the disease lies in it.The pulse comes from a small head and the main body is big, so it is called Fu. The disease is on the surface, and those with a small head on the top will sweat.If the lower microben is large, it will be blocked, and you will not be able to urinate. Those who have no sweat on the head can be cured, and those who are sweaty will die.

Leaving aside the Jingmen, everyone walked into a safe passage to rest for a while, Li Shaoyun couldn't help talking to himself in a low voice, as if he was thinking about something.

"If this is a patient, he will be sentenced to death if he commits any of the crimes of dead body, walking corpse, and flooded pulse." Li Shaoyun thought deeply, "But judging from the overall pulse condition, this guy is not dead yet. .”

"Not dead?" Xiao Lang raised his glasses and said, "Could it be possible to be half-dead?"

"Although the pulse conditions in these three places are all unfavorable dead pulses, if they are put together, they will restrain each other." Li Shaoyun explained.

"Like the 'yin and yang twins, water and fire' in Qimen Dunjia?" Li Shaoyun's words just reminded Zeng Yifan that this kind of unreasonable approach, like the setting of Linjia Village in Yun County, can achieve a delicate balance.

"According to this situation, there will only be one situation for that person..." Li Shaoyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Not old!"

"Not old!"

Zeng Yifan and Li Shaoyun said in unison.

"Immortality?!" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. If this is a way of survival, it would solve the long-cherished wish of many emperors and generals in human history. This kind of phenomenon that goes against the laws of nature may only appear in mythology. .

"Strictly speaking, it should be the stagnation of the body's metabolism." Zeng Yifan added.

"Guided by the Fengshui pattern, the natural haze is bred, with the help of the yang qi produced by the residents of the well-shaped building, following the principle of Qimen Dunjia, combined with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the yin and yang qi can cause diseases and cause the body's metabolism to stagnate. To achieve the purpose of delaying aging."

This is a more comprehensive explanation given by Li Shaoyun.

"But..." Zhang Mengmeng suddenly felt that something was wrong, "If it was carefully arranged by someone, how would these layout settings affect that person?"

"Nine Stars Tuna." Tang Yi appeared at the end of the passage with a smile, followed by Mo Rufeng.

It turned out that Tang Yi also noticed the weird airflow in the passage. Unlike Zeng Yifan and the others, they did not follow the characteristics of the airflow to investigate, but followed the vines to find out the situation of the pattern of eight gates and nine palaces.

Tic-Tac-toe Building is determined according to the three wonders of the sky, and the pattern of the Eight Gates and Nine Palaces is set according to the Eight Gates and the Nine Palaces of the Land. Judging from the combination of Qimen Dunjia's general disk, the nine stars of the astrolabe are missing.

Tang Yi, who is proficient in this way, found out the corresponding positions of the nine stars in the calculation, which are nine small light-transmitting holes distributed in the hidden places on the top of the passage.With the shifting of the astrolabe in the sky, the nine stars are constantly changing their positions, guiding the energy of the stars into the pattern, promoting the changes in the entire pattern, and then following the change of the position, guiding the energy of yin and yang to the layout of the people. body.

This is the reason why Zeng Yifan and the others walked into the dead end inexplicably at first.

Now that the crux of the problem has been found, the next step is to break the game.

Coming out of the underground passage, several people tried their best to find a way to crack the well. Tang Yi calculated the key points of each disk in the entire layout system, but he seemed to be stuck on the origin of the layout of the "coffin well burial house" on the ground. .

In fact, if you look at it from an overall macro perspective, the whole pattern begins with the mutual flow of yin and yang caused by the "coffin well burial house".First, there are three strands of yin qi, and then the yang qi in the residents is forced to leak out. Combined with the yin qi, it is introduced into the ground from the coffin well, and transformed into disease qi through the special design of the underground passage. Finally, the whole pattern is formed through the breathing of nine stars. The atmosphere brought to the layout.

The layout and principle of the entire pattern in front of me seem to be very clear, but everyone has disputes in terms of cracking it.

Tang Yi and Mo Rufeng believe that the key to breaking the game lies in the yin and yang qi. Their idea is to block the three yin qi with Mo Rufeng's pure yang spiritual fire, and at the same time, Li Shaoyun will arrange pure yin plants to balance the remaining yin and yang aura in the game. Zeng Yifan blocked the pattern and tried to remove the pattern effect of the underground passage.

But Zeng Yifan didn't think so. In fact, the residents in these three well-shaped buildings had developed special physiques.They have been living in an environment with yin qi for many years, and the yang qi in their bodies has been leaking out due to the oppression of yin qi. Over time, the human body has formed a special "yang fierce" reaction.

The so-called "yang fierceness" refers to the human body's strong resistance to yang qi in order to adapt to the yin environment. If the yin qi is blocked now, even if Lin Yue's pure yin plants can balance the yin and yang qi in the entire pattern, they cannot control it. The yang energy that was born in the body of those residents.In this way, I am afraid that the pattern has not yet been cracked, and the residents of the three well-shaped buildings have all died out of blood.

This is like a diver working in the deep sea. Once the speed of surfacing is too fast for some reason, what people see on the water surface is just a swollen corpse.

"Although the Yin Qi in the pattern is strong, it is not dangerous. It is continuous like a long stream." Tang Yi said slowly, "It is precisely because of this that the people in the building will gradually adapt and develop a 'male' physique. Survive the pattern."

"The people in this layout are very smart, but also very cruel." Mo Rufeng said coldly, "If these people don't die, they can guarantee the supply of yang energy in the layout for a long time, but if they try to leave or someone intervenes rashly, they will definitely die."

"If that's the case, why do those people get sick?" Zhang Mengmeng, who hadn't spoken a word, questioned.

"The yang energy of the human body cannot compete with the yin energy of nature after all. When yin enters yang deficiency, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it means wind and cold enter the body, which is why people get sick." Li Shaoyun sounded like a doctor consulting.

The wind and cold enter the body...

Since those people will get sick, it is a manifestation of yang deficiency. If they will die due to yang fierceness after removing yin qi, then they will become sick due to yang deficiency if yin qi is left.The crux of the problem is the yang qi forced out by the pattern, people lacking this part of yang qi will naturally lose their balance.

So, what needs to be done now is to draw back the Yang Qi lost by people!


"Thank you very much for your help to the people in your hometown." A middle-aged cadre said enthusiastically, "There has been no condition for repairs here, but this time it has helped us a lot."

"When people are old, Ye Luo wants to return to his roots. Doing small things is nothing." Tang Yi sighed all over his face, his straight waist was now bent, looking like an old man.

"My father specially invited a construction designer to design a plan for the reconstruction of the building here." Mo Rufeng turned around and introduced.

"We have strictly measured the structure and load-bearing of the entire building." Zeng Yifan handed over a blueprint and explained professionally, "According to the building's own deterioration and inadequacy, our design idea for the renovation is..."

For old buildings like Tic-Tac-toe Building, the responsible unit in this area has long had the idea of ​​repairing and renovating, but it is difficult to raise funds and the residents cannot be resettled. For this point, you only need to check the relevant information website. fully aware.

Zeng Yifan made full use of his expertise in architectural design, and based on his own experience, he came up with a complete set of reconstruction plans within two days.

With the 1000 million they got from He Chengdong and Li Shaoyun's sponsorship, several people found the responsible unit in this area, and put forward a request for the reconstruction of the well-shaped building in the name of doing good deeds for the people in their hometown.The middle-aged cadre in charge of this matter couldn't help being moved by Tang Yi's narration, and immediately contacted the relevant units, and everything seemed so smooth.


(End of this chapter)

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