Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 84 Fuxi's Eight Diagrams

Chapter 84 Fuxi Eight Diagrams

Uh!Zhang Mengmeng was a little sweaty, no matter what boys think, it's so weird.Although marrying Nuwa brothers and sisters can be regarded as one of the legends about Fuxi, but that is not the point.It's for the reproduction of offspring, so they don't pay much attention to it.

"Fuxi is the humanistic ancestor of the Chinese nation. According to legend, Fuxi took the body of the boa constrictor, the head of the crocodile, the horns of the stag, the eyes of the tiger, the scales of the red carp, the feet of the giant lizard, the claws of the goshawk, and the tail of the white shark. , the baleen of the fin whale created the totem dragon of the Chinese nation. The descendants of the dragon come from this." Zhang Mengmeng explained sternly.

It is necessary to establish a positive image of Fuxi, otherwise, talking about Fuxi's gossip pictures is like talking about erotic pictures.

In fact, it is well documented that erotic pictures were first used to ward off evil spirits.Because intercourse between men and women was considered unclean in the early days, painting this unclean behavior as a pattern and pasting it on the door can prevent ghosts and evil spirits from invading the room.

However, this topic cannot be discussed, otherwise it would be more embarrassing than warm winter and cool summer or meeting red envelopes.

"Even if Fuxi created the totem of the dragon, or even created the gossip, it's all a legend, but my township of dragons is true." In order to avoid the cold, and he has no interest in Fuxi, the man who slept with his sister, Zeng Yifan had no choice but to Quietly brought the topic to reality.

"We have a picture of Fuxi's gossip in our museum!" Zhang Mengmeng said suddenly with a solemn expression.

Uh!seriously.Which counterfeiter is so boring, even if he pretends to be Qin Shihuang and writes adverbs, he can sell more money than pretending to be Fuxi and draw a picture.

However, Zeng Yifan didn't dare to say these words, otherwise, Zhang Mengmeng, who was full of enthusiasm for his work, would definitely give him a face on the spot, and he wouldn't even give him a chance in the future.

"Oh, really? Then what's so mysterious about this picture?" Zeng Yifan could only follow Zhang Mengmeng's point of interest duplicity.

"Follow me!" Zhang Mengmeng excitedly grabbed his hand when he heard that Zeng Yifan was interested in Fuxi's Eight Diagrams.

Seeing the white and slender hand on his wrist, Zeng Yifan's heart beat faster, and he suddenly felt that it was the right choice to follow the girl's interest.Regardless of whether he is Fuxi or not, being able to be with Zhang Mengmeng and memorizing Lao Maozi's quotations is also a blessing.

"Where are we going..." Until he was pulled downstairs and got into the car, Zeng Yifan was still a little bit overwhelmed. He probably didn't want to open a room just because he was happy, but it's good to have some thoughts.

This kind of thing is not something that only Zhao Dapeng and his ilk would think about, all men would think about it.

"Go to the museum." Zhang Mengmeng held the Zhenlong plate in his arms, and when he thought of being able to verify whether the Fuxi gossip map in the museum was the one in the legend, he couldn't help himself with excitement, and his face turned red.

"The museum isn't open on Saturdays, is there anyone?" Looking at Zhang Mengmeng's blushing face, Zeng Yifan was a little bit off-centered. It's not a good first time for this kind of office passion.

"It's good that there are no talents, otherwise how can we do it." Zhang Mengmeng wanted to verify this matter, of course, the more low-key the better.Otherwise, if colleagues find out that they have taken out cultural relics privately, they will be criticized if they are light, but if they are serious, they will lose their jobs.

No one is good at... doing it!Zeng Yifan could no longer control himself and thought in a completely different direction.The museum is such a unique sex spot.


On the mountainside of Tengling, there is an ancient temple hidden.Because the temple is small and dilapidated, and it is built in the air on the rock wall, the way out is not convenient, so there is almost no incense on weekdays.

"Is this Haihua Temple?" Zheng Zhengduo looked at the bare lintel and dilapidated walls, and looked at Shen Jingwen suspiciously.For him, he is willing to try any way that can save his son.So much so that I walked all the way up the mountain to here, and I was so tired that my face turned blue.

"I have practiced here with master for eight years, and I only hope that the old master will still see me." After Shen Jingwen finished speaking, there was infinite regret in her eyes.

The scene of going down the mountain more than 20 years ago was printed in my mind again.

"Fengshui nourishes people, but it can also kill people! If you go against God's will and change your fate, you will be punished by God, remember it!"

"Disciples always remember Master's teachings."

However, the self back then, who was proud of his youthful vigor and talent, still went astray, so that although he enjoyed the glory and wealth, he lost his lover, lost all his skills, and even changed his appearance.Now the mother and daughter can't recognize each other, and they encounter evil spirits collecting debts every night, and they can't sleep in a trance.These are retribution.

I just don't know, if I come to see Master today, can I ask for the understanding of the old man, and give me a spell to save Zheng Jiahao's life.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Jingwen knocked on the door twice.

Not long after, a young monk about ten years old opened the door.

"Amitabha, two benefactors, RB Temple does not accept pilgrims today, please go back, both of you." The little monk put his hands together and said respectfully.

"Little master, we are not here to offer incense, but to find someone."

Zheng Zhengduo looked at this clever and cute little monk, and thought that Zheng Jiahao was so cute when he was a child. For some reason, he has become more and more playful since he entered high school.If it's just playing with women and burning money, Zheng Zhengduo can indulge him. Xuri's huge family business is enough for him to eat and wear for a lifetime.But I didn't expect that he was still taking drugs!It's nothing more than taking drugs, but now it's almost dead.

Zheng Zhengduo married and had children late because of his hard work in his early years. He only had his son Zheng Jiahao in his 30s. After that, he gave birth to three daughters.It's almost sixty now, if something happened to Zheng Jiahao, the Zheng family might really die.

"Who are the two benefactors looking for?"

"Excuse me, is Master Huaiyuan here?" Shen Jingwen asked.

"Master Huaiyuan doesn't see any visitors, please go back, both of you." After the little monk finished speaking, he went to close the door.

"Wait a minute!" Shen Jingwen blocked the door first, and took out a red cloth bag from her arms: "Please little master, please give this to Master Huaiyuan."

"Okay then." The little monk took the red cloth bag and glanced at Shen Jingwen's hand stuck on the door.

Shen Jingwen hurriedly took her hands away, clasped her hands together to apologize.

"Master, there are two benefactors looking for you outside. I said you didn't see any visitors, so they asked me to hand over this red cloth bag." Seeing that Master was meditating, the young monk put the red cloth bag on the table.After that, I swept the ashes in the incense burner and wiped the table.

After all, the master explained that no one will be seen, and there is no reason to come in, so it is easy to be scolded.

After a while, seeing that the master didn't do anything, and I had already finished all the chores I could do, I could only add weakly: "The two benefactors seem to be very kind and pious..."

Huaiyuan let out a breath, opened his eyes and said, "Bring that bag here."

"Good master." The little monk happily handed the red cloth bag to Huaiyuan.

The two people outside the door were either rich or expensive just by their clothes. The master always didn't see visitors like this, and Haihua Temple didn't open the door for many years. In addition, it was in disrepair for a long time, and there was almost no incense.Without incense, it means that you can only eat bran swallow vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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