rune hunter

Chapter 297 The Cult of the Damned

Chapter 297 The Cult of the Damned
Baron Farah originally thought that he would lose all his belongings that night, but he didn't expect that fate would make a big joke on him. In the end, his manor survived and received three hundred homeless guards , transformed into the most powerful lord among the local lords of Sword Castle.

However, with his current status, Baron Farah has no sense of happiness at all, because he is very aware of his real situation, which is actually being involved in the whirlpool of the game between several major forces.Although on the surface he has the official status recognized by Sword Castle, and secretly has the full support of the Eastalenians, but in fact the enemy he will face is also a vicious wolf who eats people and does not spit out bones.

The customs and traditions in the Jianbao area have always paid little attention to conventional armed forces, and the local lords do not pay much attention to the private soldiers they train, and only hope that they can play the role of guarding the house.Small nobles like Baron Farah, who were entrusted to the north, might spend a little more time building the defense facilities of the manor to guard against the brain-dead robbers who came to fight the autumn wind, but that's all.

To be honest, Mr. Baron had a little bit of confidence in the level of his guards before this, otherwise he wouldn't have the guts to come out to domineering and snatch the women.However, after seeing the fully armed Istaron warriors, he knew what a real army looked like. He immediately dispelled all unrealistic fantasies, and expressed the greatest kindness to El with the most humble gesture.

Even if he received these three hundred guards, it would not bring any sense of security to Baron Farah, because when he and El reported the matter, the young general didn't even bat an eyelid, just nodded to indicate He knew about it.This completely ignoring attitude made Baron Farah feel deep fear.

He regarded himself as a wild wolf, thinking that he could bark and growl with sharp teeth, but in the eyes of a real lion, he was not even comparable to a rabbit.At best, a field mouse, plump but still not toothy enough.On the other hand, on the other side, that masonry brotherhood can make those big shots take it seriously, and it is conceivable that they are the real jackals.

Back in the temporary tent he had prepared for himself, Baron Farah dug out a bottle of wine from the suitcase, bit the cork and took a big gulp, grabbed the few hairs left on his head and shrank into the corner, heavily Sighed.The world is difficult and the fate is too much. It is both accidental and inevitable to get to this point. He can only bear the bitter fruit brewed by himself silently.

Baron Farah drank a few sips of mulled wine, and when he was a little dazed, he suddenly heard someone coughing lightly outside the tent, and he shuddered violently, most of whom woke up from the alcohol, jumped up and asked loudly: "Yes!" Who's out there?"

"Master, it's me..." A rather familiar voice came from outside. Baron Farah patted his head and looked at the woman who walked in suspiciously, feeling a little dazed for a while.Of course he remembered this woman, a refugee with a child.It happened that he was patrolling his own wheat field with his guards that day, and saw this woman's daughter stealing immature wheat.In normal times, this is actually not a big crime, and Mr. Baron would not care about a little kid.But now there are refugees everywhere, if they don't kill chickens and monkeys, God knows if these homeless people will make progress.

Baron Farah had planned to hang the girl as a warning to others, but her mother ran out and begged to trade herself for her daughter's life. Seeing that the woman was quite pretty, the baron didn't hold back and took this The woman took her back to her manor.

Frankly speaking, this woman is not just a matter of beauty, but also has a good figure and temperament. According to her, her ancestors were once famous nobles. If it hadn't been for the outbreak of the plague, she would never have fallen to this point.Mr. Baron had to admit in his heart that he did have a little interest in this woman.Later, when El asked someone in the name of her daughter, Mr. Baron was really reluctant.

But I didn't expect that this woman found her head again in the middle of the night. What's going on?Thinking of General El's eyes full of meaning when he mentioned this woman, Baron Farah suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

", why are you here?" Baron Farah nervously watched the woman who walked into his tent. Although she was holding a basket of freshly baked bread, Mr. Farah would not believe that she was Sincerely come to give yourself a midnight snack.To be honest, his relationship with this woman is really not at that level.

"Master, I heard that you won't be going back at night, so I brought you some supper." Momo's mother, a woman named Tima, showed a gentle smile to Baron Farah, bent down and put the bread on the baron's bed. On the table.

"Well... it's so late, you come to me, won't General El have any objections?" Baron Farah sat down cautiously, and asked tentatively.

"You think too much, master, how could that general like an elderly woman like me." Tima smiled wryly and shook her head and said, "Your Majesty General said it was my daughter's request, but the fact is That's true. Momo's child was very lucky and met a reliable little partner. And after I came here, I didn't get any preferential treatment, and I needed to work just like everyone else."

"Oh? So that's the case?" Baron Farah's eyes moved slightly, his face softened a little, he collected himself, and asked calmly: "You can't say that, I have seen the situation here, they This team of exiles is many times better than the life of those refugees outside. At least they can still eat clean food now, and they can sleep peacefully at night with powerful army guards. If you and your daughter can be accepted , is also a good thing.”

"You're right, master." Tima smiled, nodded and said, "Although I still have to continue living a life of ups and downs, being able to be with my daughter and being able to eat and wear warm clothes is the greatest happiness. Dare to ask for more."

"That's fine, I hope you don't blame me for those things in the past." Baron Farah sighed, raised his head to look into Tima's eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "I won't gossip, what do you want to do when you come here tonight?" What's the matter?"

"Actually, it's nothing..." Tima felt embarrassed by Baron Farah's eyes. She hesitated for a while, as if she had made up her mind, she leaned forward slightly in front of the baron, and said in a low voice, "Master, what happened back then is my responsibility." I don’t blame you, I know you are not a bad person. But these people, these Istaren people, maybe they are good people, but they have their own relatives to take care of, and I would rather trust you than them.”

"This is a bit against my will. What do I have that you can trust?" Baron Farah shook his head and said, but he already vaguely understood what this woman wanted to express in his heart.

"Actually...Actually, I..." Tima panicked when she saw the baron's indifferent face. She opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say, and her face flushed red all of a sudden.After hesitating for a long time, she finally made up her mind, raised her head and said to the baron seriously: "Master, do you still remember what you said on my bed the night before?"

"Of course I remember." Baron Farah nodded and said, "I told you that night, if you are willing to be my woman sincerely, I can also consider getting your child back and giving her a bite to eat. These I haven't forgotten what I said, as for now..."

He looked at Tima, and suddenly felt his mouth dry, so he cleared his throat and said, "My wife was brutally killed by those thugs, and now she is a bachelor. If you want to be my woman, I can Let your daughter be my adopted daughter."

Outside the tent, a few little ghosts who were eavesdropping on the corner looked at each other, and Momo pinched the branch in her hand expressionlessly.

At the other end of the camp, El dug his ears, stretched his shoulders, and put the selected arrows into the quiver one by one.On weekdays, he would carry at least three quiveres when fighting. In addition to his back, he also had two arrows tied behind the saddle.But in some special cases, such as when doing some shady things at night, he will only carry 24 arrows, which may be reduced according to the situation, but will never exceed this number.

Tie the quiver behind his back, put the dragon tooth bow on his back, and patted the wind marks on his waist. El took a deep breath, jumped off Laurana's carriage, and fled his figure into the dark shadow among.

The soldiers guarding the campsite were all experienced veterans, but no one noticed El's departure.His footsteps were silent, leaving no trace of coming and going.Of course, the secret whistle around the campsite is not a problem, because these are all arrangements that El has personally checked.With their abilities, they can't and don't need to guard against the silver-ranked powerhouses. As for ordinary people, they are more than enough.

After leaving the camp for some distance, El stopped, turned around and asked leisurely behind him, "When do you plan to follow?"

There was a twist in the starry night sky, and Tiana's figure quietly emerged from the air.She looked at her hands in doubt, and asked with some doubts: "I have covered up the sound and magic fluctuations, how did you find me?"

"They're all old buddies, I guess I know you will definitely follow." El rubbed his nose and said with a playful smile: "But is this okay? Both of us are people with status now, and it's impossible to leave at the same time." Is there a problem?"

"There are some things that I have to confirm personally before I can rest assured." The magician girl nodded and said.

"Curse Sect?" El's eyes moved, and he blurted out subconsciously.

"There is still the Truth Society now." Tiana sighed: "If possible, I really don't want to provoke the third type of psychosis."

 For the sake of the toothpaste's integrity recently, why don't you give me two tickets?
(End of this chapter)

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