rune hunter

Chapter 306 The Camp Riot

Chapter 306 The Camp Riot

In the exile camp, Laurana put away the alchemy equipment connected to the communication crystal expressionlessly, turned her head and said to Ahmed: "Those two unreliable adults probably have an accident, and now we can only rely on ourselves."

"No way, didn't you report your safety through the news in the morning?" Ahmed frowned, took out a piece of parchment that had been smeared countless times from his arms, and looked at it carefully: "Yes, There is no ominous omen today..."

"I don't know what the bad omen in your imagination looks like... But it obviously doesn't look like a good omen now?" Laurana sighed and looked into the sky.

The location where the exile team camped yesterday was not too far from the refugee settlement, at most it was only about 500 meters away.The area in front of the camp was originally supposed to be a neat wheat field, but it had already been plucked out by the hungry refugees, and now there was only a wasteland left.This plain area is the most ideal terrain for the Eastalenian cavalry, not only has a good vision but also is suitable for short-distance charges, so they did not take the threat of the Masonry Brotherhood to heart.

Yet just after the sun rose this morning, there was an unusual commotion in the direction of the refugee ghetto.Some refugees living in the peripheral area bravely approached the exile camp. They dragged their families in groups of three or four, skinny and naked, and they did not pose any threat at first glance, so the guards of the camp did not No alarm was sounded.

By the time Laurana received the news and rushed over from Tiana's desk, the situation outside had become very tense.The refugees showed no intention of attacking, but surrounded the camp, begging for food repeatedly.Some refugees didn't even say a word, just knelt down on the ground with their rice bowls in their hands and kept kowtowing.The pleadings of men and women mixed with the cries of children, making people upset and at a loss what to do.

When El and Tiana left last night, they didn't give specific orders to the camp. Maybe they didn't expect that kind of accident at that time, which caused the camp's reaction speed to be slow.By the time Laurana ordered to stick to the camp order, small-scale riots had already occurred in some areas.

On the way from the Brown Earth Hills to Sword Fort, Tiana successively collected some refugee families from other places.Her original intention was to adjust the refugee structure within the exiles, but now it seems that this decision is still missing.No one at the time knew of the existence of the Brotherhood of Masonry, and such an unexpected factor was not taken into account.

Most of these refugees who joined later are complete family combinations of parents and children, which has the advantage of stability for the entire exile team.But it is undeniable that they are just ordinary civilians, and they don't have the order that the Istaren people cultivated from the bottom of their bones.So far, these newly joined refugees are still a burden to the team. Tiana originally planned to stay in the Sword Fort area for a while, on the one hand to rest and replenish supplies, and on the other hand to conduct militarized training for these refugees.

However, the plan never changed quickly, and now she not only lost the opportunity to stay, but also had to face the various impacts derived from these negative assets.

When the refugees outside surrounded them, soon some refugees in the camp were surprised to find their friends and relatives.Everyone has escaped all the way here, and it is not uncommon to see parting from life and death, and now they meet again by chance, the excitement can be imagined.So these refugees also began to beg the soldiers guarding the camp, praying for them to be reunited with their relatives.

This kind of request is reasonable, but it is a big trouble to implement it. You don't need to think about it. If you open the door and let people go, other refugees will definitely rush in.A mob with nothing like this would never consider issues that have nothing to do with them, such as the camp's ability to bear, or the feelings of others. They just want to survive, and they will pay all the price for it.

No one knows whether these refugees who seem to be close to death will suddenly become emotional and violently hurt others.No matter what happens in this situation, it is very unfavorable for the people of Eastalen, because they hold weapons in their hands, while the opponent is unarmed. If they strike rashly, even if they do not consider the consequences, they will still face conscience and moral condemnation.

The crowd on the ground was clamoring, and the birds in the sky seemed to be agitated. Countless crows flew up from the surrounding wheat fields, hovering over the camp for a long time, refusing to land.They croaked as if laughing at the ridiculous disputes of humans.No matter how you look at it, these dark guys don't look like a good omen.

"Mr. Ahmed, please contact General Hank and let the night watchmen become independent as a mobile force. I will go to Mr. Anderov and reach a consensus with him first." Laurana watched the commotion outside the camp and returned He turned his head and whispered to Ahmed.Although she and Ahmed can basically take on the work of El and Tiana in the usual military and government affairs, but in this special case, shortcomings were immediately revealed.

The team of Istaron exiles may appear to be well-ordered to outsiders, but it is actually a large group composed of many interest groups.Maybe El and Tiana are not old enough to convince the crowd, but they have unquestionable prestige in this group.Although the two of them put on a confrontational posture on the surface, on the important issues of the general direction, the decisions made by any one of them will be implemented unconditionally.

As for Ahmed and Laurana, they can only temporarily replace them and cannot replace them.Because in the current team of exiles, there are still many people with similar status to them, such as General Hank who leads the night watchmen in the military, Leonard of the Locke family, and the merchant representative Jupiter and the old noble Ann. Delof, they all represent the standpoints of different groups, and it is impossible to give unconditional allegiance to Laurana and Ahmed.

"There shouldn't be any problems with General Hank. That guy is a reasonable person." Ahmed nodded, but didn't move away. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the crow in the air, and said with a calm face: " But these crows are really annoying, if they are cleaned up, will it have some deterrent effect?"

"Maybe there will be, but not now." Laurana looked at the crows thoughtfully, pondered for a moment, and said with some hesitation: "If those crows have problems, they shouldn't appear at this time, unless... …Mr. Ahmed, we must hurry up. Inform Pallanti and let her be in charge of the defense of the new refugees, and kill them on the spot if there is any change!"

"Uh... is this necessary?" Ahmed glanced at Laurana in surprise, and asked a little strangely.Everyone knew that Pallanti's girl was a mad dog who would never be taken back after being released. It would be difficult for her to be in charge of that kind of semi-comforting work.

"It's necessary." Laurana nodded affirmatively and said, "Although I don't know what the prophet is planning, if it was me, I should have ambushed a pawn here..."

More and more refugees gathered outside the camp, and many people were calling for friends through the outer wall of the camp. The outer wall of the temporary camp built by the Istaren people is actually their own carriage convoy. The cavalry caused some obstacles, but they were powerless against the surging crowd.If it weren't for the fighters from Estalon standing on the carriage in full armor, the refugees outside would probably have climbed up.However, this kind of deterrence can only have a temporary effect.When the refugees gather to a certain extent, the superiority in numbers will make them temporarily forget their fears, allowing them to act radically according to their inner impulses.

"That's my son! Let my son in!" An old man in the camp, perhaps out of agitation, overcame his fear of the soldiers and rushed to the gate, crying loudly to the guards: "Let my son in! It was your lady who promised to give our whole family shelter! Now my lost son is outside, please do me a favor and let him in!"

Of course, it was impossible for the soldiers who had not received the release order to move, so the old man became more and more angry. He yelled and rushed forward to snatch the soldiers' weapons.At the moment when it was about to lead to a catastrophe, a deafening roar suddenly erupted from the side, and both refugees and soldiers couldn't help hugging their heads.

"Everyone, calm down!" Pallanti walked out of the camp, clutching the hilt of his sword at his waist, and said coldly to the newly accepted refugees: "All those who made trouble just now, bring your family members to stand Come out, don't hide behind your back and chew your tongue."

Of course, no one is willing to admit that he is a troublemaker. It is human nature to call friends and friends. Who can say that they deliberately caused troubles?Only the old man who snatched the weapon tremblingly got up from the ground, waved to the crowd, and called out his wife and little daughter.

"My son is outside. We were separated before. I didn't expect him to survive. Kind lady, please show mercy and let our family reunite!" The old man knelt down on the ground with his wife and daughter , said to Pallanti with tears in her eyes.

"Which one is your son?" Pallanti asked, pointing to the refugees outside.

"Me! It's me!" A disheveled young man outside the camp suddenly jumped up and shouted, but before he could say a second sentence, he was pushed to the ground by the people around him, and the other one obviously looked older A lot of men patted their chests and shouted, "I am his son! Dad! Don't you recognize me?"

The old man stared dumbfounded at the chaos outside the camp, and was speechless for a while with his mouth open.

"See clearly which is your son, you must see clearly." Pallanti said in his mouth, and slowly pulled the foil sword out of the scabbard.

(End of this chapter)

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