rune hunter

Chapter 335 Pure Blood Human

Chapter 335 Pure Blood Human
Although I don't know what happened to the drama that Laurana was talking about, but looking at Cyprus' frantic look, I know that the story inside must be very exciting.If it was another time, El might be in the mood to pull out this seemingly tender-faced old ghost and have a good chat, but now he is in the mood to pay attention to other people's problems.

Laurana's expression was very subtle, and based on El's understanding of this eldest lady, when she showed such an expression, it meant that she was in trouble.And the problems that can trouble the eldest lady are basically unsolvable problems for me.El prayed secretly in his heart, it must not be something wrong with his body.

"How should I put it... Although I can't believe it, the test results are not deceiving. Maybe I should do a few more tests to confirm." Laurana put down the test tube, tilted her head and looked at El, showing a delicate expression .

"Perhaps you are really a prince?"

"Troll prince?" El was completely shocked.

"Bah, bah, that's just a joke." Laurana stuck out her tongue and said with a straight face, "Your blood is fine, but the biggest problem is that you have no problem—your blood is quite pure, definitely beyond surpassed the standard of a pure-blooded human!"

"Aren't you happy because I'm not a human?" Ersong took a breath, and then asked angrily.

"Even if you don't understand how important pure-blooded humans are, you should at least know that even a pure-blooded boar is worth more than ordinary pigs, right?" Laurana sighed and said, "After three races After the fusion, the current human beings and the human beings in the barbaric era can no longer be regarded as the same species. The true pure-blooded human beings have almost disappeared, and only certain royal families or particularly ancient families have this kind of blood inheritance."

"I thought that half-breed refers to those legendary half-elfs and half-orcs. Now you tell me that all human beings are half-breed?" Although I know that Laurana can't make such a joke, this fact still sounds too ridiculous No, it would be impossible for anyone to accept it intellectually.

"That depends on how you define the race of humans. If you understand that the difference between humans and other races is only in appearance, then there are at least a dozen races in this world that have no obvious difference in appearance from humans." Laurana Shaking the test tube in his hand, he said seriously: "Blood, the real way to distinguish racial differences is blood. The elves call it the root, and the landwalkers call it the gene. They are actually the same thing. In a strict sense, the human blood There has never been the purest saying, and the pure bloodline defined by later generations includes seven branches, all of which can be traced back to ancient times."

"Like the Aryans?" El subconsciously glanced at the magician girl lying in the carriage, and asked tentatively.He had heard about this legendary higher race, but he didn't know that there were so many other stories.

"Are you sure you know what Aryans are?" Laurana followed El's eyes and couldn't help laughing: "Many humans now discriminate against other races and take pride in the purity of their blood, regardless of their ancestors. What is the origin? As long as you grow blond hair, you dare to say that you are descended from the Aryans. This is actually a joke. The noble blood of the Aryans comes from the ancient Sindorian Empire, which is the predecessor of the Oakland Kingdom. "

"In its heyday, the Sindorian Empire once owned two-fifths of the territory of Kanilas. The royal family of the empire claimed to be Aryans of pure blood and advocated the theory of human supremacy. Although this theory has continued to this day, it has almost been adopted by modern people. It is regarded as common-sense knowledge, but it is actually completely nonsense. The tall, handsome, blond and blue-eyed imperial family of the empire was actually due to the fusion of the blood of the Kyle elves. The real Aryans originated in the Danshui Plain. Their hair is black like yours, and they're not massive."

"Eh? I thought... she was quite beautiful before she was disfigured." El stroked his hair, secretly pointed at Tiana and whispered to Laurana.

"Miss Tiana is very likely to be pure-blooded. Look at her special moon-white long hair, which is the symbol of the Angela people. Angela people were also called the descendants of the gods in ancient times. The status of human tribes is very special, and they are mainly responsible for the work similar to the nuns and priests in the current church. If the Aryans are the symbol of royal power, then the Angela people are the symbol of theocracy. God established the kingdom of God in the sky and showed miracles to mortals. After human beings chose to believe in the new god, the Angela people who originally had the status of sacrifice gradually disappeared in history."

Laurana blinked, turned around and said to El in a low voice: "However, according to the literature records, there are indeed a few families with particularly ancient histories that have passed on the pure blood of the Angela people until now. The so-called Ransta The identity of the Te family is nothing more than a cover-up, not to mention the Timberwolves, the entire Oakland kingdom going back thousands of years may not have a single Angela blood."

When Laurana said this, she suddenly stopped and stared into El's eyes, and said with a half-smile: "Thinking about it now, your identity is also very suspicious. If I hadn't heard what my father said, it was true that you were in the mountains. You have dealt with me a few times, and the person I doubt the most now is you, the country boy who ran out of the ravine, actually possesses the legendary talent of a rune teacher, it is really hard to judge by appearance."

"If you can find any clues, please tell me." El nodded.On the issue of Tiana's identity, he did hide something from Laurana.Tiana once told him that she was a magician from Sky City, but she never admitted her identity in front of outsiders.Thinking back now, maybe the girl at that time had already embraced the will to die, so she didn't deliberately conceal it.

Now that Tiana wants to face the world as Miss Ranstadt, he will naturally not publicize this matter, and keep it as a little secret between the two of them in his heart.However, with Laurana's erudition, she must have guessed in this regard. Even if he didn't say anything, he might have already seen through Tiana's identity.Out of respect for the girl, El didn't intend to ask further questions.

Although there were no clues, he now preferred Laurana to figure out his parentage.

"It's hard to say. A pure blood who has reached this level should show physical characteristics like Miss Tiana, but your current appearance... has no characteristics at all." Laurana looked at El's body , with a helpless look on his face: "It can't be Aryan, and it doesn't fit the description of other ancient races. No matter how you look at it, it's just a very ordinary mixed race. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, your true blood has not yet awakened." .Anyway, you are definitely pure-blooded human and have nothing to do with trolls."

"Then how do I explain the abilities I've awakened?" El found that the problem had returned to the original point, and it still hadn't been resolved.

"I'm not really an encyclopedia, how can I know everything!" Laurana slapped the table, pursing her lips and shouted unhappily.

"Hey, hey, don't get excited, Tiana is still resting!" El hurriedly grabbed Laurana's hand and said in a low voice.

"It's okay... I'm already awake." The girl lying in the carriage said suddenly.

El and Laurana shivered at the same time, and then laughed guiltily.He was talking behind his back just now, but the person involved heard it clearly, and it would be embarrassing for anyone.

"Yo, when did you wake up, do you feel okay?" El turned his head stiffly, and greeted hypocritically.

"Thank you for thinking about it, it's okay now." Tiana stroked the wound on her body, nodded and said.Such a purely physical injury is the easiest job for a priest. The divine power obtained through prayer can directly stimulate the body's recovery function, and then just let it heal on its own.Relatively speaking, infectious diseases and magic damage are more troublesome. If the priest himself does not know a certain amount of medical knowledge, he will not know how to treat them even if he has divine power.

"I didn't expect you to even know about the physical characteristics of Angela people. It seems that I should continue to keep a low profile." Tiana stretched out her hand to comb her hair, her moon-white long hair The hair immediately turned back to its dry and pale appearance, and it looked extremely permeable in the dark.

"Although it's rude to say this, can you please keep this a secret?" Tiana said seriously after finishing her hair, looking at Laurana.

"It's too outlandish for you to say that, Miss Ranstadt." Laurana narrowed her eyes and tilted her head with a smile: "I guess you would never say such things to General El, really. An enviable sense of trust."

"Sorry, that's not what I meant." Tiana subconsciously glanced at El, who was keeping a low profile by the side, with a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

Although he didn't know what happened, but intuitively felt a subtle sour smell in the air, El swallowed, and wisely turned his face aside, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

"Okay, I'm just joking." Laurana clapped her hands and said with a smile: "This is very uncommon knowledge, and I only consulted related books for some reasons. If the royal family knows that a pure-blood The beautiful girl Angela who appeared in the country, I am afraid they will snatch you into the palace at all costs. It is a pity that even the puppeteer did not recognize your origin. I guess no one will be able to discover this secret. "

"I'm sorry, I have my reasons, and there are some things I can't tell you." Tiana put on her clothes, sighed and said, "But if El is indeed pure blood, I know another explanation."

(End of this chapter)

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