rune hunter

Chapter 373 The Bone Altar

Chapter 373 The Bone Altar
Joan used to be a carpenter, but he always considered himself a true fighter.

In the impression of southerners, a real warrior should be tall and mighty, drink too much, and dare to copy a knife to slash someone after drinking, which can be called a warrior.But he knew very well that it was pure nonsense, what kind of fighter could a rookie who only had the courage to kill after drinking beer be considered?Observing discipline and order and prohibition are the true standards of fighters.

Joan was enlisted in the army at the age of 15, followed his lord, Lord Romus, to fight in the north and south, and spent ten years accumulating military exploits to be promoted to a grassroots officer.When the Royal Guards were formed, he was named and selected by Lord Romus, who had become a prince, to become one of the commanders of the Iron Armored Shield Guards.

When the guards lined up in neat formation to accept the king's inspection on Wangdu Avenue, looking at the excited people and the beautiful and enthusiastic girls on both sides of the road, Joan once felt that "the peak of his life is nothing but this".Being able to serve as a commander in the most powerful army in this country and accept the support of all people is perhaps the highest honor for a soldier, right?
It's a pity that his fantasy was unceremoniously poured a basin of cold water.

"Do you think you have the capital to be proud of having participated in a few house-like battles between lords?" His superior officer, the general in charge of the armored shield guard, curled his lips and said disdainfully.

The general is the real veteran. It is said that he followed Lord Romus to the north and saw the northern lord's army.Usually, in the cognition of southerners, there is no difference between "going to the north" and "going to hell".

"In Earl Kemal's demon army, the officers who can lead the troops are at least the strong men of the bronze rank. At your level, it's no bullshit to others." The general sneered at Joan's pride.

"How can we be compared with Earl Kemal's fighters? He is a great lord in the north." Joan had also heard about the toughness of the northerners, so he didn't take the general as a metaphor.People who are not from the same world, can there be any comparison?

"So you are an idiot! Earl Kemal is a nobleman in our south!" The general shook his head angrily and said angrily, "When you have met the real northern lords, you will know that the so-called fighters we trained are It's just a joke."

Joan finally knew now that not only were they a joke, but Count Kemal was also a joke.He saw the true warriors of the North, and the enemy they fought for.

The great terror penetrated into his bone marrow, making his hands and feet cold, even if he was crowded with his comrades, he couldn't feel the slightest warmth.

The weeping sound of the bone flute sounded suddenly in the dark night where you couldn't see your fingers. Qiao An opened his eyes suddenly, feeling cold sweat soaking his back instantly.He got up quickly, grabbed the square shield and iron spear beside him, gritted his trembling teeth and looked out secretly.

Phosphorous fires of indeterminate light and shade burn in the distance, forming a continuous stream like a long river.

He suddenly missed the time when he was taken prisoner two days ago and was stripped to the bottom of his trousers. At least at that time, he only needed them to do hard work.But now that the weapons and equipment are returned to them, it means that they must join the battle.

Joan wasn't afraid of death, but he didn't know what the hell he was fighting. As long as he was human, he couldn't avoid the fear of death, especially when death stood opposite him.The solid square shield and the sharp spear in his hand did not bring him any confidence.

He looked around and found that other people's faces were similar.The Iron Armored Shield Guards of the Royal Guards of the dignified kingdom were all lying on the line of defense regardless of their appearance, and the suppressed panting revealed the panic of the soldiers.

Only those soldiers from Istaren in the north stood above the line of defense with their arms folded, staring blankly at the army of undead gathered in the distance.

"Boss... Boss Qiao An? What is that?" A subordinate next to him couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Shut up and look again." Joan patted the guy's helmet angrily. In fact, he didn't know what tricks those undead were playing.The fear of human beings often comes from the unknown, and the only ones who can support his courage are those northerners who don't seem to care.

The long and strange sound of the bone flute echoed in the night sky, and finally there were fluctuations in the dead army of undead.A bit of miserable green phosphorous fire rose slowly in the darkness, revealing a huge bone altar in the flames.

The believers in the robes of the Sect of the Damned retreated to the sides, bowing to the altar one after another.A lich holding a staff of bones stood on the altar, and the burning soul fire in his eye sockets exuded a chilling aura of fear.He looked up at the defense line established by humans in the distance, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Stupid mortals! I am a loyal servant of the Lord of Death, Archbishop Klein of the Cursed Sect! In the name of the Lord of Death, I order you to lay down your weapons and surrender to the Lord of Death! Don't be fooled by those senseless vanity and stubbornness , in the face of death, everything will be reduced to dust!"

His creepy laughter echoed through the human defense line, but there was no echo for a long time.

There was neither impassioned rebuke nor begging surrender on the human defense line, only weird silence.The sight of the undead chattering and the humans not saying a word is extraordinarily absurd.

"Playing with mystery..." Klein didn't get the expected response, and his face darkened.He snorted coldly and waved his hand as a signal. Two Curse Cultists came out of the shadow behind him, carrying a heavily tied girl on their shoulders to the altar.

"Since you foolish mortals are obsessed with obsession, let me show you the true power of the Lord of Death!" Klein laughed strangely, took a bone dagger from his waist and held it in his hand, and grabbed it with the other hand. The girl's hair revealed her fair neck.


When the girl showed her face, Dreyer, who was lying on the defense line and pretended to be dead, suddenly jumped up, and shouted with red eyes: "Old dog! Let go of my sister!"

"Master Delaire, it turns out that you are still alive. This is really an unexpected surprise." Klein, who was about to cut the girl's throat, paused, and slowly turned his head, with a surprised smile on his face.He nodded and said: "The tenacious vitality of the devil's blood really lives up to its reputation. The Lord of Death appreciates your family's talent and courage very much. If you swear allegiance to the Lord of Death now, Miss Jessica will naturally not become a sacrifice."

"You think I'll believe your nonsense?" Dreyer said through gritted teeth.

"What qualifications do you have to be deceived by me now, Master Dreyer?" The Lich laughed.

"Old bitch!" Dreyer cursed secretly, then turned to El beside him and said, "Can you save my sister?"

"Sometimes, but what qualifications do you have right now?" El said in the tone of a lich.

"You're a bitch too." Delaire spat, gritted his teeth and said, "Rescue my sister, and I'll bring my men and horses to work for you! Other than that, I have nothing left! "

"Sign the devil's contract?" El asked tentatively.

"You really have a way?" Dreyer's eyes lit up. What he said to El just now was also angry, but he didn't expect this guy to look confident.

"Your sister also has demon blood? She should be able to withstand ordinary injuries, right?" El didn't answer his question, but continued to ask a seemingly irrelevant question.

"My sister's talent is stronger than mine, otherwise she wouldn't be able to be carried up as a sacrifice..." Dreyer carefully observed the girl who seemed to be in a coma opposite, and said with certainty: "She should have already After recovering, as long as she breaks the seal and restrains that Lich, she can escape by herself."

What Delaire said was very confident, because after he had eaten and drank enough, his injuries had fully recovered, and he was basically able to move normally.The tenacious vitality of the devil's bloodline is simply breathtaking. Since he dared to say that, he must be sure.

Thinking about it from another angle, it is impossible for the Cursed Sect to sacrifice a dead person to the Lord of Death...

"These dead people really chose to build the altar there. It's really unscrupulous to be so close." El looked at the bone altar in the distance, and smiled at Dreyer: "When you want to summon the demon power Isn't there such a rule - at least one magic node must be selected?"

"Isn't that natural? Without the magic power node, who can... how do you know this?" Dreyer suddenly closed his mouth halfway through his words, and his eyes staring at El became strange.

"I just want to sigh suddenly. There is really no innovation in this primitive ceremony since ancient times." El shook his head, and slowly pulled the dragon tooth bow, but did not put an arrow on the bowstring.

"When building the defense line, just in case, I did some tricks on the magic power node over there, but I didn't expect the dead people to use it without even looking at it. What should I say? Purity Naive?" El sighed with emotion, his fingers moved slightly, the dragon tooth bow let out a soft sound, and an invisible arrow shot out from his hand.

On the bone altar, the lich, who hadn't received a response for a long time, lost his patience. He patted the girl's face with her eyes closed tightly, and said with a sneer, "Miss Jessica, it seems that your brother is not what he said. If you love you that much, then use your blood in exchange for the gift of the Lord of Death!"

He flicked his fingers, and the miserable green phosphorous fire above the altar rose into the sky, and a huge white bone palm was transformed in midair, with five fingers bent as if trying to grab something.

Lich Klein laughed wildly, dragged the girl's hair to the altar, and wiped her throat with the dagger.

At this moment, the bone altar exploded!
(End of this chapter)

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