rune hunter

Chapter 377 Trap

Chapter 377 Trap
Joan woke up from the nightmare, but desperately found that the real world was far more terrifying than the nightmare.

He doesn't quite remember how he survived, nor how many skulls he smashed.Although there is the divine protection of the temple priests, the number of those undead is enough to exhaust the physical strength of the defenders.More than once, he saw the comrades around him being overwhelmed by the undead due to exhaustion, and even once thought that he would get this kind of ending.

Fortunately, the armor on his body effectively protected his body.Although the personal combat effectiveness of the Royal Guards is not on the table, they are proud of their equipment.Iron Guard Prince Romus spent a lot of money to build the Iron Armored Shield Guard, which can definitely reach the domestic first-class level in terms of equipment configuration alone.

Joan saw that his body was covered with blood, but he didn't feel any pain. He realized that it should be the flesh and blood of his comrades-in-arms, but he also couldn't remember the name of that person.

Joan took off his helmet, rubbed his head, and took two breaths of fresh air to calm himself down.It's a pity that the air is filled with the rancid smell of the undead, and it's disgusting to pour into the throat.Now that the battle has been fought, he feels that he is worthy of the lord and the glory of the kingdom's guards.It's a pity that I feel sorry for the family members who have been looking forward to it.

From the moment he saw the true face of the undead army, he knew that there was no possibility of victory in this war.Many people tried to escape, but they were all killed by the Yankees.Those crazy Yankees are more terrifying than the undead, which may be the reason why they dare to fight the undead army head-on.

In the battle that just ended, those Yankees also suffered casualties, but each of them killed several times, or even ten times, as many skeleton soldiers as the soldiers of the Southern Army.Unknowingly, they have become the spiritual pillars of the soldiers of the Southern Army.

I used to despise these Yankees for being barbaric, vulgar, and uneducated, but now they are still resisting. If we escape, we will be ashamed... Most of the soldiers of the Southern Army had similar thoughts in their hearts, and they were surprised to find that they Surprisingly survived the battle miraculously.

But now, even the Yankees can't help it?

Looking at the wave of ghouls running in the distance, Joan smiled wryly and shook his head.He is already at the end of his battle, and the other soldiers who are still alive are in the same state.No matter how strong the will of the Yankees, they were mortal.How long can they last with their weak soldiers and defeated generals?
The ghoul had already jumped under the line of defense, and Joan felt the murderous aura in front of him.The bloody aura on his body is undoubtedly the best hunting target for these hungry ghouls.He felt the threat of death, but he still didn't move.

Joan's hands were trembling slightly. He really wanted to fight to the death like a real warrior, but he was already too tired, and his hands could no longer hold the shield and spear. Now he just stood up with one breath, Silently waiting for his own death to come.

Then he saw brilliant colored light suddenly bloom in front of his eyes.

The leading ghoul had already climbed onto the line of defense with its sharp claws, and jumped towards the silent Joan, but a mighty figure slanted over from the side and knocked him away with his shoulders. out.The gorgeous light flashed away, and the body of the ghoul split into two in mid-air.

Low-level undead spirits have no sense of fear. The ghoul crawled forward with its upper body supported after landing, but it was a pity that it was trampled into a pulp by the friendly soldiers behind it after only a few crawls.

A bright brilliance shone on the arm of the Istaren warrior standing in the darkness, and the sudden color made Joan lose his ability to think.

"What are you doing in a daze? Prepare to fight!" The Istaren soldier slapped the southern soldier on the head angrily. After waking him up, he turned around and rushed towards the collapsed defense line without saying a word.

Joan suddenly came back to his senses with a shudder, followed his back and turned his head, seeing colorful lights blooming from the distant defense line.For some reason, he suddenly felt a bit of strength regained in himself.

"It turns out that we still have to fight..." Qiao An put on his helmet, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and took the shield to put on his original defensive position.

The fighting power of the ghouls far surpassed that of the skeleton warriors, and the first attack of the Shadow Legion broke through the human defense line almost instantly.But at the same time, human beings have finally lifted the hole card that has been hidden until now.

Seeing the two black knights rushing to the line of defense being beheaded by colorful lightsabers, the corners of Stallon's eyes twitched violently.He could see that the strength of those elite human fighters was similar to that of his black knights, who were also of the Bronze rank, but the mysterious weapon used by the opponent produced an overwhelming advantage.

The human line of defense almost collapsed, but the Shadow Legion also suffered heavy losses. Within 5 minutes of the battle, seven black knights fell one after another, while others were also struggling to support.At this speed, before the human defenders are completely defeated, he will be reduced to a bare commander.

The idea of ​​the human commander seems to be quite similar to that of the Lich Klein. They sacrificed the entire line of defense and the lives of ordinary soldiers in exchange for beheading the black knight.If these black knights are lost, the ghouls led by them will definitely not be able to continue their attack. Of course, more importantly - everyone is dead. Stallon, the black knight lord, is still playing?
Stallon turned his head and took a deep look at the lich hiding in the shadows in the distance. At this time, he also knew that he must not place his hope on that guy, and he could only rely on himself at critical moments.

It's just... Can I deal with that silver-ranked powerhouse who dares to snatch people under the lich's nose?Stallon still has no idea, so he can only bite the bullet and give it a try.

Stallon tightly held the epee in his hand, and patted the head of the mount under him. The skeleton warhorse hissed and jumped up from the surrounding ghouls.

The skeletal horse with long horns on its head did not move fast, but where its four hooves passed, it left a path formed by condensed frost.When the black knight lord came before the human front, a huge frosty step had already been propped up under its feet, crashing into the human defense line like an iceberg in the sea.

Stallon reined in the horse, and the skeleton warhorse raised its front hooves and gave a heavy blow to the ground. A ring of ice from a frost nova spread under its feet, covering all the enemies and us fighting desperately on the surrounding defense lines. layer of ice.

This kind of ice is nothing to a fast-moving ghoul, and it only takes a few struggles to get rid of its restraints.But for fully armed human soldiers, it is tantamount to disaster.The cold air penetrated into the gaps in their armor, freezing them into an ice lump from the inside out, and was smashed to pieces by the pounced ghouls.

The appearance of the black knight lord immediately opened a nearly 20-meter-long gap in the human defense line, and the ghoul troops following behind him swarmed in without hesitation.However, Stallon did not continue to expand the results of the battle, but stood cautiously on the spot, waiting for the arrival of the silver-ranked powerhouse from the human side.

He didn't wait for too long, a huge lightning suddenly fell from the sky, illuminating the entire battlefield in an instant.Dozens of ghouls that poured in from the gap bore the brunt and were instantly reduced to charcoal.Under the flames, a knight surrounded by lightning appeared in front of Stallon.

General Hank is also tall, and the weapon in his hand is also similar to that of Stallon. When the two meet, they can understand each other's meaning without any more words-there is only one battle at this time!
"Who the hell is this?" A look of anxiety flashed in Stallon's eyes. He didn't expect that even when the human defenders were at the end of the road, there was still a silver-ranked strong man in good condition. This was completely beyond his expectation. outside.But at this time, he couldn't allow him to think too much, the heavy swords of the two had already collided.

The power of lightning and ice collided loudly, neither side held back at all, and the temporary defense line under the feet of the two exploded.Amid the deafening bangs, two men with faces as heavy as water collided with each other wielding equally heavy swords.Two bloody arrows shot out from General Hank's shoulder, and the skeletal horse under Stallon's crotch suddenly fell to the ground, with two front hoof bones shattered.

"Come again!" General Hank shouted, swinging the epee in a 360-degree arc, accumulating double the strength and pressing down on Stalon.

"Your uncle!" Stallon wanted to cry, but he didn't have the strength to deal with it, but at this moment, the two sharp murderous auras on the left and right had already locked him in. Based on his experience, he knew that it was at least two silver-ranked men. sharpshooter.Under such circumstances, who would dare to concentrate on fighting?
But the hunk in front of him who is somewhat similar to himself is also not a vegetarian, if he doesn't try his best to deal with it, he is also dead...

The black knight lord suddenly moved, but instead of advancing, he retreated.General Hank slashed at the skeletal warhorse with a sword, tearing the ephemeral mount into two halves.And Stallon lay down on the ground regardless of his image, stretched out his hand and squeezed it hard, and the corpse of the skeleton warhorse burst out a huge amount of cold air with a bang, covering General Hank's figure in it.

A delicate crossbow suddenly appeared on Stalon's shoulder, only a few minutes away from hitting his neck.The crossbow arrows penetrated the black armor on his shoulder without a trace, and burrowed into his flesh like a poisonous snake.

As a high-level undead, the Black Knight Lord could not have noticed such an insignificant injury, but Stallon's face suddenly turned pale.The crossbow bolt used was actually a silver arrowhead soaked in holy water, which was no different from deadly poison to the undead.

A crack in space opened silently in the void behind him, and El jumped out of the gap holding the wind mark instead, piercing into the back of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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