rune hunter

Chapter 388 Looters

Chapter 388 Looters

If the environment of the brown earth hills can be described as birds do not lay eggs, then the landform of the Camille Wasteland can be called ghosts crying and wolves howling, gloomy and gloomy.

It is said that when the Kingdom of Auckland did not exist 1000 years ago, this place was originally a mountain range within the territory of the Falcon Empire, stretching for hundreds of miles. Like the current Yunlu Mountain Range, it was almost covered by the undeveloped Black Forest.It wasn't until the family of the First Lord of Auckland was entrusted here that they opened up territory and established the first city here.

The original name of that city was Kun Guldin, translated into the current common language as Fort Thunder, which was later Thunder Fortress.

At that time, the ancestors of Auckland founded the country here, and fought against the Falcon Empire's crusade army here.The two sides each invested multiple gold-level combat forces, and the aftermath of the battle destroyed an entire mountain range into a wasteland.

The gray wasteland as far as the eye can see is like a piece of broken dry black bread. The ground is not covered with soil, but with large and small gravel, and on both sides of the road, various damaged megalithic pillars can be seen everywhere .The biting cold wind blew through the gaps in the stones, making a terrifying roar of howling ghosts and wolves.Except for the slightly solid and flat road under the feet, other places are almost impassable, like a dead and empty hell.

After the great war, the Kingdom of Auckland spent a lot of money to rebuild this road, from the Thunder Fortress all the way north to the southern plains, passing through the current capital and continuing north, crossing the Yunlu Mountains to the north.The part to the north is known as the "King's Road", and the part into Camille Moor is known as the "Heath Trail".

Fortunately, there are basically no bandits on this ancient road.Although the brown soil hills are barren, there are still a few human settlements after all. Here, except for the Thunder Fortress and its surrounding areas, the entire wasteland is a dead land without a blade of grass.

Occasionally in history, there will be a few self-righteous people who enter this wasteland with luck, but no one has ever survived.In addition to the harsh environment of Camille Wasteland itself, the bloody fangs of Thunder Fortress are also synonymous with horror.

That's what Dreyer said, and El also believed it at the beginning, until the second day after entering the Camille Wasteland.

The boulders caught in the valley blocked the road ahead, forcing the exile team to stop.It wouldn't be a problem if it was just a rock, but the problem is that there is a person sitting under that rock.

It was a fat man, a fat man with a height of 1.7 meters and 1.7 meters when viewed sideways.Unlike Viscount Chico's vain obesity, this fat man's body is more robust.From his fat body, the contours of muscles can be faintly seen.

A muscular fat man, this adjective sounds extremely inconsistent.

What's even more inconsistent is the clothes on his body. The fat man has a bald mushroom head like a missionary, and he is wearing a leather armor that is obviously fattened and oversized, and there is even a layer of nondescript noble clothing outside.It's a pity that the jacket was not a fattening model, and it was directly stretched into tattered cloth strips by him.In the end, he could only tie the two sleeves of the thing around his neck, which looked like a bib.

Fatty built a bonfire by himself, from which he somehow caught a monitor lizard over two meters long, skinned it, put it on a stick, and roasted it leisurely on the bonfire.The giant lizard seemed to weigh more than a hundred catties, but the fat man lifted it up with one hand, and turned it over while humming a little tune.

When El saw the fat man, he had already started to eat meat, and his mouth was full of oil, and the soldiers lying on the ground beside him were all the forward guards under Pallanti. There are even a few elite black knights armed with gemstones as captains.

But now these captains were lying on the ground like their soldiers, beaten like dead dogs and couldn't move.

"What's going on?" El glared at Pallanti, who was about to move behind him, and turned around to ask Tiana who had come here earlier.

"I'm not sure. This man moved a stone to block the road, saying that he was going to rob here. If he wants to pass here, everyone will be charged a toll of [-] gold coins."

Tiana's complexion was a little ugly, this fat man was blocking the road, and he knew that he was not a good person at a glance.The officers of the vanguard took the troops to negotiate with him, but they were punched one by one and lay on the ground.Seeing how powerful he is, ordinary civilians are even more afraid to move forward, and the team of thousands of people are all blocked here.

"Is this guy poor and crazy?" El asked suspiciously, not to mention other things, he is undoubtedly a strong man with his brute force, and he must be respected no matter where he goes, why should he be reduced to this point?

The gang of bandits in the Brown Earth Hills is not without reason. Bandit kings like Blackbeard and Roger are heroes of a generation, and they also have inheritance and beliefs, and they have long since left the low-level tastes.How could it be like this fat man, who actually mixed up to the extent of robbing and collecting tolls.

"Be careful, this fat man is not easy." Tiana whispered: "I don't see how strong he is."

"Of course this guy is not simple." Al squinted his eyes and sneered. With his eyesight, he scanned the fat man carefully from top to bottom as early as the first time he saw him.

"Look at his leather armor. Although it is damaged, it is well maintained. This shows that he is not a person who is short of money at all, and he has not come from afar. I'm afraid the shop can't do it either."

"Do you think he came from Thunder Fortress?" A look of surprise flashed in Tiana's eyes.El's powers of observation and judgment had always been reliable in such details.After listening to his description, the girl immediately understood what he didn't say.

"But this is also unlikely. We have already received a letter from Lord Churkin and obtained his consent. Even if we want to test our strength, there is no need to do anything extra." Tiana thought for a while, but shook her head.

"Don't forget that our enemies are not only the dead people from the Cursed Sect." El pouted, jumped off the horse and walked forward, whispering, "Don't go out yet, let me say hello to him."

Tiana nodded, took a few steps back without a trace, and whispered a few words to Anderov who was following behind. The refugees who were crowded on the road got the order and began to retreat slowly.

As the nominal supreme leader of this team, Tiana's most important task is to maintain order and stabilize people's hearts. In situations like this that may require the use of force, there is no need to come forward in person.

This is the reservedness of the status of a superior. Although it has no practical significance, it is something that must be maintained in order to maintain prestige.

El walked up to the fat man slowly, with an inexplicable smile on his face, kicked the officer of the hunting regiment lying on the ground with his feet, lowered his head and said angrily, "Is he dead? Stand up and roll if you're not dead!"

The officer lying on the ground struggled to open his eyes, struggled to wave his hands, and wanted to speak, but couldn't speak, and spurted out a mouthful of blood in desperation.

People are still alive, but they really can't stand up.The fat man hit hard. This officer whose strength had reached the Bronze rank and had been strengthened by two sacrificial sacrifices, was kicked to shatter four ribs, and he couldn't even get up.If it were an ordinary person, this injury would directly kill him.

A blue light flashed in El's eyes, and he saw the injuries in the officer's body.He frowned slightly, turned around and said to the fat man in a deep voice: "Without any grievances or enmities, you must have struck too hard."

The fat man raised his eyelids, chewed the piece of meat in his mouth and swallowed it twice, snorted and said, "The toll fee is one hundred gold coins, the soldier's one thousand, and the nobleman's ten thousand. In 10 minutes, this Double the price."

"Everyone is a person of status, can you stop wasting time and talk about some constructive topics?" El shook his hand, shaking a brown scorpion to the ground.His actions were not secretive, and he did not intend to hide them at all.The scorpion that Xiao Langa transformed into is no different from an ordinary scorpion except that it is a little bigger. The only difference is that her scorpion tail hook can also save people.

The fat man tilted his head, looked thoughtfully at the scorpion that was crawling towards the wounded, rubbed his nose and said to Al: "I beat them, so follow my rules. If you can beat me , that means you have the final say, isn't this a very simple truth?"

"Do you have to fight this? Is there any point?" El shrugged, pointed behind himself and said, "Brother, you have also seen that these are refugees who have left their homes, and our troops are also in disarray." The remnant soldiers and defeated generals. You blocked us here to collect tolls, wouldn’t it be honorable to say it? If you really have the ability, the army of undead will follow us, do you dare to collect tolls from those skeletons?”

"That's another matter." Fatty tore off a hind leg and said slowly: "As for now, if you can't beat me, then don't even think about going any further. I don't want to repeat the same thing, it's very tiring. "

"Okay, let me ask in advance, you won't be the kind of young master who ran home to find his parents after being beaten and cried, right?" El put away the smile on his face and asked seriously.

"Sorry, I'm that kind of person." The fat man blinked and replied with the same serious tone.

"That's great!"

When the last word was spoken, El, whose arms were glowing with rune totems, had already come in front of the fat man, and a dragon's roar hit his fat chin.

Fatty's head tilted back involuntarily, hitting the huge rock blocking the road behind him.Hearing a loud bang, the tens of meters long and wide granite boulder radiated countless cracks around the fat man's head.

(End of this chapter)

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