Chapter 15
The news spread rapidly, and the fact that Mrs. Zhangjiao had to venture into the blood hole in the fantasy world of the World Venerable Workshop in order to accept a beggar spread throughout the audience in an instant.

Yun Ya rushed into Dingxing Hall and reported the matter to Fu Jiuchen.He knew that he had had a bad relationship with You Zixin, and now that she is the head teacher's wife, he had to clear up the misunderstanding, otherwise he would feel like sitting on pins and needles every time he remembered that he had kicked her arm off.

Fu Jiuchen was drunk and had a headache. He didn't care about disheveled hair, and rushed into the Tuoyue Hall in his middle clothes.

"You all step down!" Seeing that his clothes were disheveled, Fu Jiushu shouted at the other disciples, and seeing all the disciples leaving, they all gave Fu Jiuchen worried looks, and became angry in his heart.He and Shi Tianya grew up with their master since they were young, but this Fu Jiuchen was a half-way monk, and coupled with the inner estrangement, he hated it even more.

"Who wants to enter the blood hole of the illusion?" Fu Jiuchen searched the palace with a pair of star eyes, and fixed on You Zixin.

You Zixin didn't look back.

"Zichen, look at your appearance, you are not afraid of being laughed at." Shi Tianya took a peek at Fu Jiushu, "Go back to the palace, this matter is under discussion."

Fu Jiuchen walked up to You Zixin as if he had never heard of it, and stared at her icy face, "Is that you?"

"Yes." You Zixin turned her head aside, her nose slightly sore.

"You asked her to go to the blood hole in the illusion, did you want her to die!" Fu Jiuchen stared at his senior brother with widened eyes.

"She chose it by herself, and she wants to change the rules of my World Venerable Workshop. Jiuchen, are you talking to me? It's too presumptuous!" Fu Jiushu was so angry that he beat the case!

Shi Tianya hurriedly walked up to Fu Jiuchen, blocked Fu Jiushu's sight, lowered her face, and pulled up his sleeves, "Jiuchen, you are still drunk, brother is magnanimous, since you are allowed to drink, I will not blame you , you haven't returned to the hall to freshen up, come to ask again."

"I'm not drunk!" Fu Jiuchen's eyes turned red, and he yelled at her, but pulled You Zixin's sleeve, "Tell me, are you going to enter the blood hole of the illusion?"

"It's none of your business for me to break into the blood hole! Let go!" You Zixin's tears kept sliding down, and she shook off his pull.

"Listen to me, the blood hole in the illusion is very important, you can't go in! A beggar is not worth your risk, just stay in the Tuoyue Hall obediently, and just hand over the beggar to me!" Fu Jiuchen shouted.

You Zixin's heart was beating violently, turbulent, and the depression in her heart couldn't be restrained, "In front of the Baihong Club, you hug me and hug me, and I've lost my mind since then, but what about you! When you came back to the World Venerable Square, you told me about the marriage contract, Want me to marry this despicable villain! You are so easy, you treat me like a stone, and you forget about it!"

Enduring to the end, he still expressed his resentment.

"Senior brother proposes marriage first, me." Fu Jiuchen frowned, and only You Zixin in wedding clothes could be seen in his eyes.

Fu Jiushu saw that the two of them were talking ambiguously and constantly tearing up, Jun's face flushed with anger.

"So you asked me to drink and be your lobbyist! Why do you torture me like this!" You Zixin yelled angrily, tears bursting like a bank.

"You Zixin, I was wrong. I shouldn't have treated you like this." Fu Jiuchen's face was full of apology. Seeing that the two of them were alone, Shi Tianya couldn't persuade him, so she had to stand in front of Fu Jiuchen, blocking his body, and turned to look at his face. Fu Jiushu was already turning purple with anger.

"I'll take you away!" Fu Jiuchen finally broke out!This sentence made Shi Tianya's face pale with shock.

As a result, the situation became more and more difficult to deal with.

"Senior brother!" Fu Jiuchen knelt down, "Jiuchen is ashamed, but please write a letter of divorce and allow Zixin and me. Since then, the two of us will go down the mountain and will never return to World Venerable Square!"

Fu Jiushu clenched his teeth, and his eyebrows and eyes twitched uncontrollably!

"It's late!" You Zixin replied coldly, "Where did you go last night!" She stared at Fu Jiushu, filled with grief and indignation.

Fu Jiushu was extremely angry, wishing to stab Fu Jiuchen to death with a sword, but when he saw her appearance, he inexplicably smiled in his heart, and the anger immediately subsided, his phoenix eyes slowly lowered, and he sat down again.

Looking at the remnant tea on the table, he raised his glass and took a sip, "The devil is provocative. At such a time of employing people, is it for this reason that the two of you put the world at risk? You Shimei has not avenged her revenge, and I am also retreating to grind Practicing Tian Xingjing, there are many disciples in the World Venerable Workshop, and the younger brother needs to take care of it. As for the marriage, I not only ask you if you have the intention of accepting a female family member, but also propose marriage to Junior Sister You. Now that the marriage contract is concluded, everyone in the world will come. Ridiculous? Jiuchen, you want to trap me?"

Seeing him put on airs, Shi Tianya was full of benevolence and righteousness, she lowered her head with her mouth shut, and walked to the side.

Fu Jiushu's belly was full of bad water, and his wife who had just entered the house could bear hugging with others. If he insisted on watching the mandarin ducks separate, the fight would definitely be impossible.

"Brother, I implore you." Fu Jiuchen lowered his body even more.

"Jiu Chen." Shi Tianya couldn't help calling in a low voice, he was obsessed, and he was afraid that Jiu Shu's heart would be aroused again.

"You don't need to ask him! I'm the head teacher's wife now! Between you and me, it's better not to communicate with each other!" You Zixin had a decisive attitude and wiped away her tears.

Fu Jiushu raised his brows upwards, with a faint smile on his face, looking at Fu Jiuchen who was kneeling on the ground, "Junior brother, don't blame the past for what happened in the past, let's treat what you say today as a drunken talk."

"Since that's the case, I would like to take that beggar as an apprentice, but I beg my brother to take back my life, and don't let Mrs. Zi break into that blood hole alone." Fu Jiuchen felt a pain in his heart. Hearing You Zixin's determination, he had no choice but to hope for her well-being .

Shi Tianya stepped forward to help Fu Jiuchen up, and gave him a wink, "Brother Master, the beggar will come under my sect. Madam is the senior sister of Guanyinzhai, and she has a great hatred to revive Guanyinzhai. Don’t mention the matter of the blood hole in the illusion. Jiuchen, I told you to drink less, but you ignored my words and punished you to guard the mountain gate for a whole month!”

Fu Jiuchen glanced at You Zixin from the corner of his eye, but said nothing.

Shi Tianya turned her head, "Senior brother, I'll watch him and be punished." After finishing speaking, he ignored Fu Jiushu and pulled him out of the hall.

Fu Jiushu rolled his eyes.

In the entire Tuoyue Hall, only he and You Zixin were left.

You Zixin took a few steps forward, "I want to change the rules of World Venerable Square!"

Fu Jiushu breathed out, "Madam, if you insist on doing this, I have nothing to say. Here are the instructions from Master, you can do it yourself!"

He turned his eyes, looked at her wedding dress, and slowly approached, "If you break into that blood hole, I won't stop you, but this wedding dress, let's change it with Shi Shimei. You and Jiuchen hug each other, It cannot be passed on.”

"I even kissed him!" You Zixin raised her chin, her eyebrows and eyes were extremely sharp.

Fu Jiushu's eyes lit up, and he moved his face close to her ear, only an inch away from her ear, "I'm not bad, you are dirty."

"Fu Jiushu, I want your life!" She touched the Bilin sword at her waist, pulled it out halfway, and was pushed back by Fu Jiuchen's palm.

You Zixin was held down by him, and she said viciously: "Don't be complacent, I just want to get involved with Jiu Chen, I'm a good man, let's see what face you, the head teacher, have!"

"That's very good. I'll stab him to death. When the time comes, you two men and women will be criticized by thousands of people. What do you have to do with me?"

"Fu Jiushu, what on earth are you trying to do!" You Zixin lost all cruelty, and only felt that she regretted marrying such a despicable person.

"He relied on himself to have been in the rivers and lakes for a few years, so he didn't pay attention to me as the head teacher. Looking at his appearance just now, if Tian Ya didn't stop him, he would poke a few holes in my body! How can this thief stay? he!"

"He is a hundred times stronger than you! A thousand times! Ten thousand times! Just a kiss is enough to make me fall in love. On the contrary, a villain like you is not worthy of shining my shoes!" You Zixin scolded.

Fu Jiushu's complexion darkened, he tilted his head, put his handsome face on You Zixin's side, clasped her hand, picked her up by the waist, and walked towards the wedding room in the back hall, "Wait for me to kiss you all over, look Are you worthy or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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