Evil fairy is rare

Chapter 75 Withdrawing from the Golden Summit

Chapter 75 Withdrawing from the Golden Summit
Xuantian Hall of Soul Devourer Mansion.

Mu Lingxi jumped up excitedly!In Zhaojiazhuang, he didn't get any cheap, but he didn't let Fu Jiushu take back the antidote, so it was a tie.But this news is extremely exciting!
He grabbed the short disciple beside him by the neck, "Have you seen with your own eyes that Fu Jiushu left the World Venerable Workshop?" His voice trembled.

"It's Mu." Before the disciple finished speaking, Mu Lingxi immediately interrupted, "It's my uncle Mu Yinghan!"

"Yes, it was she who played the eight parts of the piano to inform us to attack the mountain gate." The disciple replied.

"Hehe, it really is a good opportunity. Are Shi Tianya and Fu Jiuchen in the World Venerable Workshop?" Mu Lingxi stood up and looked at the disciple with his head tilted.

"I don't know about this." He lowered his head and replied.

"What's your name?"

"Lei Yan." The disciple replied.

Mu Lingxi was overjoyed, "Okay! You and Tianxing, from today on, promote the left and right Dharma protectors, gather disciples, and let's drive away to Shizunfang! It's time to take charge of the fairyland!"

Mu Lingxi's parents died when he was young, and he followed his master Shen Ningzhu. He has twisted the heads of many opponents along the way, and he has secured the position of head teacher. Now he hears that there is no one in Shizunfang, and this excellent opportunity is missed. There will be no second time!

In a mighty way, a group of demons will follow the head teacher Mu Lingxi, and with lightning speed, they will kill the World Venerable Square.

At this time, the World Venerable Workshop was already in disarray.

The disciples of the Soul Eater Mansion ambushing at the foot of the mountain broke through the mountain gate and killed everyone they encountered.Mu Yinghan walked out from the Danxia Hall of the inner hall, and saw the female disciples of Shi Tianya's sect rushing towards the mountain gate, the ghostly body swept away with electricity, and a pair of ghost claws killed more than a dozen female disciples in an instant.

She was high-spirited, walking down the porch of the apse, surrounded by the disciples of the World Honored One from time to time, but she went forward bravely, and her claws would hurt her.Hearing the chilling sound of the front hall, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the front hall, Zhang Zimo led a group of white-robed disciples, guarding the sword pool.

"Qin Yi, go to the back hall to find the head teacher and report, the Soul Devourer Mansion has come to kill you!" He shouted at the disciples beside him, losing his right arm, he was injected with the spiritual energy of the blood cave by Fu Jiuchen, and the sword in his left hand entered the mirror, Seeing the disciples beside him running towards the apse, he swung his left arm and instantly chopped off two soul-devouring disciples who were chasing him.

He saw more and more disciples from the Soul Devouring Mansion around him, and the Moon Eclipse Sword was gushing sword energy continuously.

Seeing his extraordinary bravery, the Soul Eater disciples kept fighting with their swords in the crowd, and they all ran away timidly.

Zhang Zimo stabbed fiercely at a demon who was about to escape, a purple shadow flashed beside him, a pale palm pinched Qingfeng in his hand, the other party screamed coquettishly, and the strong vigor shook along with the sword, He stuttered, and the long sword in his hand was pulled away by the opponent, and it was ruthlessly inserted into the tortoise stele beside him.

The man patted it down with his palm, Zhang Zimo did not hesitate, and tried his best to catch it.

With a sound of "Peng!", both of them took a few steps back.

"Mu Yinghan!" Zhang Zimo looked at the opponent in front of him and exclaimed.

"Young people are awesome, I never imagined that there are good hands in the World Honored One." Mu Yinghan withdrew her palms, smiling cutely, and there were a few puffs around her, the sound of weapons piercing her body, and pillars of blood splashed onto the ground in front of the two of them.

Seeing the two disciples fell to the ground dead, Zhang Zimo's heart trembled. Looking at the sword pond, there were more and more people in purple robes, and fewer and fewer fellow disciples. He frowned, "Everyone listen to me, we will live and die together with World Venerable Square !Even if I wait till the end of the battle, I will do it for righteousness!"

Chen Zhengzhi, the Tsing Yi disciple who beat Mu Lingxi together with him, blinked twice, drew out his long sword, approached Zhang Zimo, and said in a low voice: "Senior brother, the Soul Devourer Mansion is so powerful that Jinding can't hold it!" , Preserving strength is important!"

He then roared: "The disciples with low cultivation level go first!"

Many disciples jumped up and hurriedly retreated towards the wall of World Venerable Square, but most of them were torn off by the bone erosion whip in the hands of the purple-robed Soul Eater disciple, dragged to the ground and killed.

The huge sword pool was filled with screams.

Zhang Zimo roared angrily, raised his sword, and stabbed Mu Yinghan with the move "Sound of Sword Breaking through the Air", countless sword qi trembled, and the sword made a sound of dragon chant.

Mu Yinghan didn't dodge or dodge, and sneered, "You have to watch your back."

A ray of purple light hit his back like lightning, and the bone-piercing chill made his bones creak, all the meridians in his body were cut off, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground dead.

One person fell lightly, causing the skeleton to rattle by the neck.

Mu Lingxi is here!
"Uncle, how could you not know me about such a big event?"

"Mu Mu Lingxi." Chen Zhengzhi's trembling voice came from behind.

 As usual, the third update will be tomorrow, and the second update will be at 12:00 noon. Please click to support!

(End of this chapter)

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