Chapter 13
Seeing this middle-aged man's calmness and honesty, Li Min's hanging heart seemed to be more at ease when he first arrived.

"Miss." Shopkeeper Xu saluted her respectfully.

"Let's go in and talk." Li Min saw the Yongzhi Hall diagonally opposite, as if someone was looking at it, and immediately stepped into Xu's Medicine Hall before talking.

Shopkeeper Xu led the way, and Nian Xia followed behind her. The group walked through the store and came to the small courtyard behind the medicine hall.

Entering the small courtyard, it is another world.Although the yard is small, the walls and eaves are neatly repaired. Li Min deduced that the house must be of a certain age.

Shopkeeper Xu nodded and said, "This is the house Xu's ancestor bought when he first arrived in Beijing, and it has been preserved to this day, with a history of hundreds of years."

In this way, this Xu's medicine hall is a century-old shop, but how did it get into the situation where there are few people today.

Shopkeeper Xu raised the curtain to keep out the wind and let Li Min into the house.The ancestral house is generally located in a carefully selected location, and the house is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Sitting on a chair covered with bamboo mats, Li Min felt that the east and west were ventilated and the cool breeze was blowing, much more comfortable than in a modern air-conditioned room.

The little boy in the store brought tea.Li Min lifted the lid and saw that there were a few grains of Ophiopogon japonicus soaked in it.

Ophiopogon japonicus is a tonic for nourishing yin and nourishing the lungs, and it is the most suitable medicine for autumn dryness.Shopkeeper Xu must be thinking that autumn is approaching, and Li Min has always been weak, so eating some heat-clearing chrysanthemums would make her weak and inappropriate, so it would be beneficial to get some tonics to replenish her body early.This move can be regarded as flattering her master.

Li Min just smiled, accepted the flattery from shopkeeper Xu, took a sip of Ophiopogon japonicus tea, put down the teacup on the coffee table beside him, and said, "Sit down, shopkeeper."

Shopkeeper Xu sat down in the chair next to her.The room sat silent for a moment.

Li Min could feel that when the other party was sitting, in fact, from the first time he saw her, he had been looking at her face all the time.In this regard, shopkeeper Xu, like everyone else, tried his best to suppress his surprise.

Due to being under Wang's surveillance, he couldn't go to the Minister's Mansion to see Li Min all day long, but throughout the year, as Xu's retainer, he had to visit Li Min at least once during the Chinese New Year.I remember that Li Min he met in Shangshu Mansion before this year, his face was as thin as bean sprouts, which made him afraid whether Li Min could survive this year.

Some time ago, when Nian Xia came to him to ask for life-saving medicine, his heart was cold.If Li Min, the last heir of the Xu family, falls, what will happen to the Xu family medicine hall in the future? Could it be that Yongzhi hall will swallow it up in one gulp.For this reason, he has made up his mind in private. If Li Min and Xu's medicine hall collapse, he can only take his wife and children back to his hometown to farm.

Because it is impossible for him to submit to other medicine halls, he is Xu's retainer.I made a poisonous oath, if it wasn't for Xu's Medicine Hall, I would never step into the medicine industry again for the rest of my life.

The life-and-death contract signed between the shopkeeper of the pharmacy and the owner of the pharmacy is like a modern competition agreement in the same industry.Li Min once asked Nian Xia about shopkeeper Xu, so he had a general understanding of the contract.Therefore, before coming here, Li Min knew that shopkeeper Xu could say that the person who took the same boat as her would not be able to harm her.

"Miss is recovering, I'm so happy." Shopkeeper Xu wiped the corners of his eyes, weeping with joy.

They both know how important each other is to them.The subsequent conversation between Li Min and Shopkeeper Xu was like family members, meeting each other with sincerity.

Li Min asked about the operating conditions of the pharmacy.Shopkeeper Xu couldn't explain it in a word.

Speaking of Xu's medicine hall, although it has a history of a hundred years, it's just that the Xu family has a weird temper and doesn't like to make great achievements, but only likes to be patient and do their own small business.Therefore, the business of Xu's Pharmacy has always been very small, taking the small business route of keeping one's own.

There are currently two pharmacies under Xu's name, except for this one, and the other one is located in a relatively remote place in the capital.Originally, the geographical location was at a disadvantage, and the history of opening the store was not like this old store handed down from the ancestors. It was opened many years later, and it was expanded when Li Min's mother, Mrs. Xu, was alive.Therefore, after the death of Li Min's mother, that family lost the support behind the Shangshu Mansion, and the business situation plummeted.

"I am really ashamed of my Madam." Shopkeeper Xu said guiltily, "I told Nianxia and the others last month that if Miss wants to visit the pharmacy, she must not take it to the one on the east side. There, Since last month, it has been forced to suspend business. Originally, I planned to wait for Miss's health to recover before going to the house to report this matter to Miss. I didn't expect Miss's health to recover so quickly. If I can hold on for a while and wait for Miss come over--"

Since it is insolvent, it is better to go bankrupt and reorganize.Li Min understands some principles of economics.Therefore, instead of blaming shopkeeper Xu, what is more important is to ask why the pharmacy's operating conditions are not good.Is there no source of customers?Or are there other reasons?

Shopkeeper Xu came to Li Min one by one for this reason: "In the past, there was a madam who was famous outside, and many doctors came here admiringly. The madam was thirsty for talents, and she treated the doctors who came to Xu's Medicine Hall kindly, so many famous doctors also came to us. Xu's Medicine Hall sits in the clinic for consultations. As soon as Madam went, those doctors felt that Xu's Medicine Hall had no successors, so they went their separate ways. What's worse, other medicine halls saw this and treated our Xu's Medicine Hall Not only was there no help, but it was worse. It was all due to someone taking control of the local medicine gang."

In most pharmacies, there is a god of medicine enshrined. This god of medicine is usually a famous pharmacist in the previous dynasty, known as the king of medicine.After offering the statue of the King of Medicine, the pharmaceutical industry in various places will form local medicine gangs in order to maximize their own local interests and avoid foreign aggression.

Like Kyoto, there is a Kyoto medicine gang.The main job of this Kyoto Medicine Gang is to coordinate and deal with disputes and affairs among various pharmacies opened in Kyoto.Belongs to civil organizations.It is equivalent to the modern medical association.

As the leader of Yaobang, he should treat everyone in the industry fairly.However, there is no such simple thing, usually it is the words of the rich and powerful.A person with ability, strength, and influence must have occupied a leading position in the medicine gang.All decisions are made by these people.

In this way, it is normal for Xu's Medicine Hall, who has lost the supporters behind him, to lose the weight of speaking in the medicine gang, and to be despised or even squeezed out.Those who are in the same industry, who would not want to eat Xu's medicine hall that seems to have no power to fight back, which is declining day by day.

There is another reason why Xu's Medicine Hall is stared at by everyone.This Xu family has experienced so many years of pharmacy management, and has made friends with many famous doctors, and their own clan members also have some special medical skills.

Eating Xu's medicine hall is equivalent to eating Xu's unique secret book!
(End of this chapter)

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