The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 344 Getting Closer to the Truth

Chapter 344 Getting closer to the truth (2)
Concubine Shu said: "The concubine's heart was ashamed that day. Before she died, I asked the imperial dining room to cook a more sumptuous farewell meal. The concubine wrote all the messages to the emperor. As a result, the imperial dining room forgot about the concubine. I don't eat meat, I made meat for Chen Qie, Chen Qie was also in a daze that day, all thoughts were lost, I didn't know it was meat, so I ate it, later, Chen Qie didn't die, but felt much better. So today, Chen Qie When preparing dishes for the Empress Dowager, thinking of my own luck that day, I prepared meat dishes for the Empress Dowager, but the concubines did not dare to make their own decisions, and waited until the Empress Dowager wanted to eat meat before they dared to put them in."

The Queen Mother listened to this story, although she felt that the story was not so credible, but she thought that if the story was true, then God would undoubtedly want her Queen Mother to live a long life, so let Concubine Shu come back to life first, and then bring her Come meat dishes.

Thinking about it this way, the queen mother couldn't help but feel a little ready to move. She picked up the pair of chopsticks, and when she was about to pinch the meat, she looked at Concubine Shu and then at Li Min.

"Does Princess Li think Aijia needs to eat meat?"

"If the Empress Dowager has concerns and tries a few slices of meat a day, the elderly should not eat more meat. However, the necessary nutrition needs to be kept up, and the diet must be balanced. After eating for a few days, how does the body feel? You can know how to eat meat. Is it okay?"

The queen mother nodded when she heard her words. She was fair and would not say that she was partial to anyone.

The emperor looked very happy when he saw the queen mother began to eat, and said, "It's not in vain that I and the queen have worked so hard to organize such a competition."

The queen quickly lowered her head to hide the almost revealing expression on her face.

The queen mother was surprised and asked, "What is the emperor talking about?"

"Before, I have always heard that the Queen Mother has not thought about food and drink recently, and I am very worried. I also know that the Queen Mother is careful and doesn't like to confess her illness in front of others. After discussing with the Queen, the Queen proposed to me. This kind of competition enlivens the atmosphere and stimulates the Queen Mother's appetite. It seems that the effect is quite fruitful, so we can congratulate you."

Listening to Master Wanli's words, the Empress Dowager didn't say anything, the empress' lowered face definitely showed a face of not knowing what to do.

Perhaps, Master Wanli had really mentioned this to her before, but the real purpose of her proposal for the competition was not like this.

"The matter of establishing a noble concubine—" Master Wanli mentioned it lightly.

The queen was silent.

The empress dowager obviously had an idea in her heart, and she rushed to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, the rules that should be established cannot be changed. Since you have let go of the rumors before, whoever made Aijia's favorite longevity dishes, who should do so?" Standing as a noble concubine. Since Concubine Shu's body is good enough to cook for Ai's family, it is God's will."

"Well, as the queen mother said, I will make a decree later to promote Concubine Shu to Concubine Shu."

As soon as Master Wanli said this, everyone in the room lowered their heads.Concubine Shu knocked her head on the ground, thanking the emperor for his kindness.

When the news got out of the house, those who watched the show and those who participated in the show all knew the result.

Some people are so stupefied that they can't speak.

Concubine Shu can come from behind and win the position of noble concubine by picking up mistakes like this. Before that, everyone who worked hard and prepared for a long time was nothing.

Even the tenth master is worthless for the eighth master.Ba Ye found this sea cucumber soup when he went to Prince Lu's mansion to please him.

However, this is just the beginning. In the Sixth Palace, a woman was established as a noble concubine. It was just a matter of adjusting the position of the eldest wife and the younger wife in the courtyard of the emperor's harem.What matters to the court is called a major event.

After kowtowing, Concubine Shu knelt without getting up, and said to the queen mother and the emperor: "The queen mother, your majesty, my concubine actually has something to report."

"Speak, Concubine Shu." Master Wanli promised.

"Actually, before the concubine seemed to be going to see King Yama last time, it was not only because of the resurrection of meat and vegetables, but also because of a news that made the concubine think that he had to be alive to see the emperor and queen mother, and reported this to the emperor. Empress Dowager and Emperor."

"What news?" Master Wanli narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The eldest prince has guarded the mausoleum of the deceased Empress Xiaode in Mount Tai for almost 13 years. There was news that the eldest prince was seriously ill. However, the news did not reach the palace, if it was not because of the concubine I have a relationship with Empress Xiaode on several occasions, and once, when the eldest prince went to guard the mausoleum, the emperor once ordered Zhu Gonggong to go and see the eldest prince on behalf of the emperor." Concubine Shu said intermittently.

The people next to her, as soon as they heard her mention the word "Elder Prince", their expressions changed drastically.

How did Empress Xiaode die?Later, Li Min found out after hearing what Gongsun Liangsheng said.It turned out that the reason why the eldest prince was deposed as the crown prince was all because his mother, Empress Xiaode, was caught and poisoned.Whether the poisoning of Empress Xiaode was true or not, let’s not talk about it. What is certain is that Empress Xiaode’s father at the time had grown richer in the court and formed a firm party.The emperor must have felt that the throne was threatened.So, no accident, the queen's natal family was confiscated, the position of the eldest prince was abolished, and then, she was sent to Jingtai Mountain to guard the mausoleum.

After a long period of 13 years, the boy's hair turned gray.The other younger brothers can marry wives and have children. For example, the current prince and second prince are the fathers of two sons.The eldest prince, alone, guarding the tomb, does not know which year or month will be the end.

The queen mother felt very sad just thinking about it.When it comes to the mistakes made back then, the First Prince was only a few years old back then, and the mistakes were also the fault of those adults, so it has nothing to do with the children.

The problem is, Concubine Shu has just been established as a noble concubine, and in front of Lord Wanli, she raised this thorn in Lord Wanli's heart.Could it be that Concubine Shu dislikes being a noble concubine?Aren't you afraid of being beheaded by Lord Wanli?

Li Min glanced over and saw that the emperor's face was quite calm, as if for a while, Lord Wanli didn't understand what Concubine Shu said.

"Concubine Shu is talking about the eldest prince?"


"Is the eldest prince not in the palace?"

Everyone is surprised!

Isn't the emperor confused?
"Strange." Master Wanli touched his stubble and asked Eunuch Zhang beside him, "I remember that when I sent the eldest prince away, I said that if the eldest prince feels lonely with his mother, he can return to the palace to see me at any time." .”

How could Eunuch Zhang remember what the emperor said 13 years ago, and he immediately lowered his head and replied, "Yes, I remembered what the emperor said at the time."

It explained that it was not Wanli Lord who wanted his eldest son not to return to the palace, it was the eldest son who had quarreled with his Wanli Lord and did not come back.

The queen mother followed up the emperor's words: "Since the eldest prince is not in good health now, Jingtai Mausoleum is freezing in winter. Your majesty, it is not easy to be a father, let the eldest prince go back to the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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