Chapter 354
Master Wanli was happy after hearing this, and said: "Concubine Shu's illness has recovered, and she has obviously changed. I think Concubine Shu has become more beautiful and moving. What do you think?"

None of the people below dared to say yes, and they all remembered what Master Wanli said many years ago about cutting off people's eyes.

Master Wanli seemed to be talking casually by himself, and he didn't care if anyone answered. Originally, any man would not like a beautiful woman in a golden house, so he must hide it by himself.The emperor's mood changed, and he turned to another thought. Looking at the maple leaves flying in the sky outside the window, he hissed: "If you want to say, this Princess Li is really capable."

At this moment, Bob's cabinet ministers all stepped down.Just wait until Eunuch Zhang runs out of snacks to serve the emperor.

Eunuch Zhang bent down and personally placed snacks for the emperor on the table. Hearing the emperor's words, he responded: "That's right. The servant only knows that Concubine Shu has been ill for many years. Too many hospitals are helpless."

Lord Wanli's fingers lightly slid across the edge of the table, looked at the dim sum on the table, seemed to think for a while, and said: "Help me send some to Lord Nineteen. This child can't see his mother. Concubine Chang took care of me, and when she saw me, she always looked miserable."

Eunuch Zhang knew what Master Wanli meant, so he quickly withdrew some dim sum plates and put them back in the box.

That hiss and sigh that floated like a cloud of smoke overflowed from Master Wanli's lips.Eunuch Zhang leaned very close, as if he could hear clearly what the emperor said: When will these people let go and not use my children as pawns?
Li Min only knew that in this palace, there was no one who didn't use the people around him as pawns.Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling sad.Because of her status, the man she married was also a man not to be underestimated.The Duke Protector's Mansion is now sparsely populated, so the relationship is not that complicated.If one day it becomes like the palace, Li Min will not think about it anymore.

She believed that neither he nor she should want to do this.

After visiting the eldest prince, the whole group should have gone back.The younger ones were naturally sent away by the older ones first.

When the eighth prince Zhu Ji walked to Fulu Palace, he said to the ninth master, tenth master, and eleventh master who were by his side: "Either, let's wait a little longer and ask Doctor Liu when we see him." Come visit the First Prince again."

The prince disappeared without a trace, leaving a group of them behind.

Zhu Qi muttered something about this, meaning that everyone knew that the prince had always been such an incompetent and irresponsible person.

In fact, the prince himself is in a state of desperation, because he can't take care of the eldest prince.

"Third brother—" Jiuye reminded Baye softly.

Do you want to say hello to the third master first?It can be seen that the relationship between the third master and the prince is not always as close as the legend says.For example, this time the emperor sent people to Jianghuai to arrest people, and it was related to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs under the jurisdiction of San Ye.The third master must not dare to give the prince any favor at this juncture.It just so happened that it was time to divorce this relationship.

"Third brother's words—" Zhu Ji glanced at his own person standing beside him.

The person who acted as his eyeliner shook his head, saying that the third master didn't come out with them, so he didn't know where he went.

When Zhu Li asked Li Min if he wanted to go back home, Li Min pondered for a while and said that he wanted to have a few words with Liu Yuyi.

Doctor Liu is now in the Empress Dowager's Palace. After talking with the Empress Dowager, he must go back to the Empress Dowager's Hospital to report.At that time, that old fox will definitely instruct Liu Yuyi who needs to be vigilant and what not to say, so it must be too late to ask Liu Yuyi at that time.

After Zhu Li understood what she meant, he touched his chest with his fingers and assured him: Look at me.

Then, Zhu Li walked into the queen mother's yard alone, ready to arrest Liu Yuyi.

Li Min glanced into the door, and could see the open space where Concubine Liu was punished by the Queen Mother to kneel until her knees were bleeding.Now, Concubine Liu is living in that cold palace that is said to be haunted, and she doesn't know how she is doing.

"Lan Yan."

"Young maidservant is here, young mistress. Please order, young mistress." Lan Yan said as she leaned gently behind her.

"You tell the second young master later to bring Yuyi Liu to this place."

After finishing speaking, Li Min took advantage of being a servant and it was easier to move, so she left the Fulu Palace by herself, and followed the route map drawn by Aunt Shang to find the Lenggong where she was kidnapped last time.

That place must be different now that Concubine Liu has lived in it. It is no longer a path that people can walk through at will, and it is not overgrown with weeds and only haunted cries all day long.

If you kidnap someone again, you won't choose that place to do it again.

According to Aunt Shang's description, that Lenggong actually has a nice name called Xiaoqingyuan, because the lady who used to live in that palace was surnamed Xiao.When Concubine Xiao died, she was only eighteen years old.Young and beautiful, in the eyes of the emperor at that time, she was the same as the current Concubine Shu, the beauty that the emperor loved most.

People often die in the palace, and there are various causes of death, such as stepping on the wrong foot and falling into the well, but everyone knows that it's okay, which empress can really step on the wrong foot and jump in from the mouth of the well that is so high above the ground.

Concubine Xiao fell into a well, there are all kinds of theories, murder, misstep, but there is a possibility that no one dares to mention, yes, it is the kind of death that actually dies the most in the palace, being forced to death—— —

Since it is the emperor's favorite, it is generally impossible to be forced to death by the emperor.

From the small road, when I was about to reach Xiaoqingyuan, I saw a palace lady carrying a basket.Taking a closer look, this person is recognized as Miss Zhu'er from Concubine Rong's Palace.

Concubine Rong had been active for a while before preparing for the Empress Dowager's Longevity Vegetables, but now, as always, she disappeared.Some people said that Concubine Rong's loss seemed to have lost her old bottom.After all, before Concubine Rong entered the palace, before Concubine Rong was favored, it seemed that when Concubine Shu was favored, no one in the six palaces could rival Concubine Shu, including Concubine Rong.

Zhu'er didn't notice her, she just walked to the door of the cold palace, grabbed the metal handle above the door, and knocked on the door.

After two beeps, an older lady in the palace opened the door. She looked out from the crack of the door with her eyes, and saw Pearl, her lips curled up, and she said: "The master said, there is nothing missing here now. The concubine empress's great kindness and great virtue are remembered by the master, but there is really no need to send any more things."

"It's getting cold, my lady is afraid it's cold here, so I'll ask Zhu'er to bring some charcoal, nothing else." Saying that, Zhu'er lifted the cloth covering the bamboo basket, revealing the charcoal inside.

This made the old maid almost cry, as if the charcoal was like gold.

As long as people who have been devastated by the severe cold can know this kind of pain, the pain of burning charcoal for warmth cannot be exchanged for gold.Li Min has experienced it before, and the residual memory of this body is accusing her of this inhuman torture method.

(End of this chapter)

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