The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 358 The Princess Is Injured

Chapter 358 The princess is injured (1)
If we use modern medicine, we do instrumental examinations, but there was no such thing in ancient times, not even blood tests.

After practicing medicine in ancient times for so long, Li Min felt a little tricky for the first time.Any disease is good, and the first thing a doctor wants to treat a person is to find out the cause.

There was another clap of thunder overhead.

Liu Yuyi had just left Fulu Palace, but later, people from Fulu Palace ran out to chase him, saying yes, the eldest prince is weak, he seems to be almost out of breath.

The little eunuch who came out to find someone in Fulu Palace raised his sleeve to wipe the sweat beads on his forehead, not because he was sweating because of the heat from running all the way, but because he was burning with anxiety.

It can be seen that the eldest prince's situation is really critical.Physician Liu's hands and feet were weak, thinking that if this time passed, and he was helpless again, he might lose his life at the end of the day.

"Have you notified Mr. Lu?" As a matter of urgency, Doctor Liu went to his superior.

Now I can only find the boss to solve this problem.When the emperor found the eldest prince, he didn't want the eldest prince to die as soon as he came back.The Tai Hospital, which worked for the emperor, understood this truth well.Treating people in the palace depends on the emperor's will, whether this life will be saved or not.

The little eunuch gasped for breath: "Called, divided into two groups, ran out of the palace all the way, looking for the imperial hospital. But, Doctor Liu is near you, you must first go to rescue the first prince."

When Yuyi Liu was mentioned this point, he seemed to be bound by a rope and couldn't escape, so he circled around in a circle like ants on a hot pot.The little eunuch was also anxious to death, knelt down and begged him: "I beg you, doctor Liu, please go quickly. If you don't go, not only the eldest prince's life, but us insignificant slaves—"

Can't find Doctor Liu to go back in time, this little slave who is less than [-] years old must also take responsibility.

Yu doctor Liu couldn't protect himself right now, so he couldn't care less about other people's lives. Seeing this, the little eunuch grabbed his trouser legs.The two immediately staged a very funny scene in the cold palace.

"Enough!" Zhu Li scolded coldly.

The little eunuch had tears in his eyes, as if he had just discovered Zhu Li's existence, he kowtowed at Zhu Li: "Third Lord, think of a way."

Seeing Yu doctor Liu's expression, everyone knew that Yu doctor Liu would only be helpless in front of the eldest prince, and it really proved that Master Shi said that Yu doctor Liu had no other skills, only good luck.

To be a doctor is to pay attention to luck. Doctor Liu is lucky, but she, Doctor Li, can only be so lucky. Every time she is caught as a fire brigade, she rushes to the forefront.

In the words of the third master today, it is: "Princess Li can do a lot of work. This king can only ask Princess Li to look at these poor innocent slaves and help them."

After speaking, Zhu Li ordered Ma Wei to go immediately to get a woman's clothes for Li Min to change into the men's clothes.

Zhu Lili realized what his elder brother had explained in the Huguo Gong's mansion before, so he was anxious, and Hu said in front of Li Min: "My sister-in-law is not here to treat people when she enters the palace today!"

"Prince Xiaoli. Even if you return to the Duke Huguo's mansion now, the Queen Mother will come down with a decree, and Princess Li will have to enter the palace to treat people. At that time, the eldest prince's condition will get worse because of the delay. Will Princess Li cause more trouble?" Ma Wei said to Zhu Li.

Li Min knew that what they said was correct, and that disaster could not be avoided, otherwise, she would not have ventured into the palace in disguise to find out what happened today.

Although the Eldest Prince's illness seems to have no clue from a distance, in Li Min's heart, it's not like Liu Yuyi is helpless about it.

The Eldest Prince lying on the couch, his complexion, the frequency and depth of his breathing, as well as the movement of his fingers pressing his chest, were all in her eyes.Doctor Liu said that his pulse was weak, probably not the sinking pulse, but the floating pulse.The sinking pulse is qi and blood stasis, and the floating pulse is divided into two types. One is superficial syndrome, and the eldest prince is weak, so it must be the second type. The floating pulse is weak, and the yang energy is out. Combined with the symptoms, it is a heart and lung disease.

What exactly is heart disease or lung disease has to be carefully considered.

Immediately, he entered the house, changed into men's clothes, and sat on the sedan chair that was carried.Zhu Li followed her.Li Min opened the curtain with one hand and said to his uncle: "My uncle is waiting outside Fulu Palace. Don't go in. There are many people and things are complicated."

It means that Zhu Li is young and can't hold his breath. If he enters it and is provoked by someone, he will be in a mess, and if he says something wrong and someone catches him, it will be troublesome.

Zhu Li hit his thigh with that hand, and his young and handsome face showed some anger. Because he was too young to do big things, he had to bow his head and answer: "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I won't mess around. Wait for my sister-in-law in front of the gate of Lu Palace."

Seeing that his uncle agreed, Li Min felt relieved.

The sedan chair carried her, Liu Yuyi and Zhu Li, and rushed to Fulu Palace together.

The queen mother's palace is already in a mess.However, apart from informing Liu Yu and Tai Hospital, they dared not leak the news.Even the report to the Yuqing Palace was first put away by the Queen Mother in her sleeve.

The emperor put the man here to let her find ways to save his life, not to say that she couldn't do it.The queen mother didn't want to be underestimated by her son, bowing her head once was equal to bowing her head in everything.When she asked people to go to the imperial hospital and then invited the doctor over, the aunt beside her stepped forward and whispered in her ear: "Mrs. Empress Dowager, just in case, should I send people to the Duke Huguo's mansion first—— "

These words were exactly what the Queen Mother thought, and the Queen Mother nodded: "Take the order from Ai's family and invite Princess Li to enter the palace immediately."

Physician Liu said that the First Prince's condition was dangerous. Although he said that Physician Liu's medical skills were mediocre, he was quite satisfactory. He didn't say that he missed it. A serious illness is a serious illness.In the Imperial Hospital, there are only a few imperial physicians who are better than Imperial Physician Liu, and they may not be overpowered by Imperial Physician Liu, it is better to go directly to Li Min who is stronger than Imperial Physician Liu.

After calling someone to go to the Duke Huguo's mansion, the Empress Dowager's heart was half relieved, holding tea in her palm, she didn't know if she was talking to herself: "The Ai family may be old, and I always feel that only Princess Li is here. By my side, I can feel more at ease. But the emperor seems to not quite understand what Ai Jia means."

It is said that Lord Wanli deliberately wanted the protector to take a concubine, which was tantamount to forcing Li Min to leave.

Lord Wanli pointed out that Concubine Yirong and Concubine Jing joined forces to force Li Min to let the Duke Protector take a concubine, and the Queen Mother knew about it.

"But servant girl, the emperor didn't mean that all the time." Auntie boldly said.

Lord Wanli asked Li Min to allow Duke Hu to take a concubine, but he did not allow Li Min to be forced to leave.In other words, Concubine Rong did not do her job well and failed to achieve the happy ending that Lord Wanli wanted.

"This matter, the emperor has not grasped Princess Li's temper." When the queen mother said this, the corners of her mouth unavoidably raised, vaguely, half a smile, took a sip of tea from the teacup in her palm, and stopped talking.

Aunt retreated behind the queen mother.

The little eunuch who went to report to Imperial Physician Liu returned to Fulu Palace first, stepped over the threshold in a hurry, knelt down in front of the Queen Mother, and said, "I am incompetent. When I was looking for Imperial Physician Liu, I met the third master on the road I couldn't bear the third master's inquiry, so I recruited the third master. As soon as the third master heard about it, he immediately asked people to go to Huguogong's mansion to invite Princess Li to come over. Now, Liu Yuyi, the third master, and Princess Li are all coming to Fulu Palace door."

(End of this chapter)

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