The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 364 Trouble or no trouble, definitely not trouble

Chapter 364 No Trouble, No Trouble, Certainly No Trouble (3)
Lord Wanli looked at the crown prince's head, his dark eyes swiveled and turned, and he said slowly: "I thought the prince came in to beg for mercy—"

"Back to the emperor, my son is here to intercede for the third brother—"

"Is this what you call pleading?!"

Master Wanli was furious and furious.

Eunuch Zhang, who moved the chair halfway, was affected by the emperor's anger. He slipped his hand and the chair fell to the ground. He quickly knelt down to apologize.

Zhu Li knelt on one foot, waiting to be sent down by the emperor together with the crown prince.

Lord Wanli's gaze scanned the tops of the two of them, especially stopping for a while on the prince's trembling crown.The prince's face turned pale, as if he was about to faint, as if he didn't know what he did wrong.

"Who asked you to come?" Master Wanli asked.

Zhu Ming clenched his lips, shook his head, and insisted: "I heard that my third brother was summoned by the emperor, and my heart was burning with anxiety."

"You are worried about your younger brother. You have no objection to your younger brother who has had a close relationship with you since childhood. But, listen to what bastard words you say! Even if you hear what others say, is it true that even other people's gossip is true? Are you pretending that your head is confused and you can’t tell the difference? When you talk about it in front of me, do you want me to think that the crown prince is taking advantage of the fire and planning to frame his younger brother?”

"No, father, the relationship between the son and the third brother is definitely not something that can be framed by other people's nonsense—"

"Since you know this well, why don't you think about what you want to say before entering the room?!" Master Wanli said this, with his fingers on his chest.

Eunuch Zhang hurried forward to help the emperor comfort his back, and advised tremblingly: "Your Majesty, calm down, take care of the dragon body—"

Zhu Li opened her lips slightly, looked up at the pale hair on the temples of the emperor, her own father, wanted to speak, but held back.

The emperor pointed to the top of the prince's head, and it took a while before he could say: "You are my prince, and you are the one who will inherit the throne. How can you ignore what I have been teaching you Chunchun all the time? Anyone would like to hear it?" Yes, but you can't, don't you understand my painstaking efforts?"

Master Wanli's words seemed to pass through the window and reached the ears of the other princes standing outside the house.

Just now when they heard the sound of something falling into pieces in the house, Master Jiu and Master Shi were already trembling in the autumn wind.Master Jiu hugged his arm tremblingly, not sure if he had heard the wrong thing, and asked, "Has the father spared the third brother?"

Shi Ye shook his head, shivered with him in the cold wind, and asked, "Why don't you ask, is the father angry with the crown prince?"

If they were asked to say, originally, when the prince rushed into the house, they were really as hopeful as Lord Wanli.Soon, however, they realized that something was amiss.When the prince rushed in, the timing was too accurate.

Before, the two of them dragged Zhu Li all the way in order to stop Zhu Li, which wasted a lot of time.It is impossible for Donggong to know the news so slowly.

Now, they only feel that the prince seems a little stupid.

Master Jiu wiped his nostrils: "I don't know if Brother Eleven has found Myna?"

"Mynah won't come, mynah is not a prince. Think about it, mynah left first."

At that time, they also wondered if Zhu Ji and them suddenly separated, did they know where Zhu Li went to find Zhu Li, so they all wandered around the gate of Fulu Palace foolishly.How could he know that Zhu Ji might have sensed that things would probably turn out like this, so he went back to his palace to avoid disaster.If Zhu Ji didn't remind them, that's not true.

At that time, Zhu Ji thought that they had all returned home.

"Brother only missed a little bit, I didn't expect the third brother to be so cruel that he broke Princess Li's wrist." Master Jiu sniffled again and said.

Master Shi pouted: "This is not the first time that Brother San has done something of his own accord."

"Yes, since following the prince." Master Jiu said shaking his head.

Following the prince, working hard for the prince, until today, in front of Lord Wanli, even Lord Wanli scolded the prince for being ruthless to Zhu Li.

If it were someone else, they would have been disheartened towards the prince long ago, and even hatred could germinate.

Zhu Li just knelt down with the prince and didn't say a word.Just wait for Master Wanli's anger to subside slowly.

"Let's all step back." Master Wanli was tired and waved his hand.

The prince knelt and did not dare to move.

Master Wanli glared at the prince.Only then did Zhu Ming raise his sleeve to wipe away the tears on his face, then kowtowed and said, "I let my father down, it's all my fault, my son should repent—"

"If you can remember what I said today and keep it in your heart at all times, then I will be satisfied."

These were the last words that Master Wanli said.

When Zhu Li accompanied the prince out of Wanli Lord's house, he only looked at the yard, and both Jiuye and Shiye were gone.

After the prince came out of the emperor's house, his legs were like noodles, and he couldn't stand upright.The little eunuch next to the prince quickly ran up to help the prince.Zhu Li gave the prince the sedan chair that Ma Wei had prepared for him in front of the palace.The prince sat in front of the sedan chair, turned his head, and looked at him with a hesitant expression.

Zhu Li didn't say a word to him.

The prince sighed and lowered the car curtain.The sedan chair walked towards the womb of the crown prince.

"Third Master." Ma Wei led Zhu Li's horse over, and asked at the right time, his voice was full of worry.Although the master came out of the emperor's room safely, but who knows what the emperor said to Zhu Li, seeing the half-dead look of the prince can scare people to death.

From the corner of Zhu Li's eyes, he glanced sharply at the guards with swords guarding in front of the Emperor's Palace, let Ma Wei approach him, and asked softly: "When the prince entered Yuqing Palace, was there no one to stop him?"

Ma Wei was startled at first, but didn't understand the meaning of his words for a while, and thought about it carefully: "It seems to be—"

This is obviously unreasonable.Even if it is a prince, it is impossible to step into the emperor's palace at will. He must first be stopped by the guards at the palace gate, ask the reason for the visit, report the matter of petitioning the emperor, and then enter with the emperor's consent.In particular, the emperor is still working inside.

It is even more impossible for the crown prince to forcibly break into the emperor's palace.

"Could it be, the emperor—" After Ma Wei tried to understand the meaning of the master's words, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The emperor guessed that the prince would come, and deliberately let the prince fall into the trap.Doesn't this mean that the emperor deliberately separated the two brothers.I hope that his third child will not get too close to the prince.

It is said that as soon as the First Prince returns, something will happen to the East Palace.Unexpectedly, it was true that the emperor intended to shake the position of the East Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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