The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 366 Trouble or no trouble, definitely not trouble

Chapter 366 No Trouble, No Trouble, Certainly No Trouble (5)
Fingers, pressing her open lips, his deep eyes, looking at her with an indisputable expression: "It's not your fault, don't blame yourself. You have to know, there is nothing wrong with blaming yourself." The benefit is just to give the other party a chance."

I have to admit that the men who survived the battlefield are different.Perhaps, he has experienced too much. On the battlefield, in the bloody storm, the companions around him may fall down a large area due to the rain of arrows in an instant.And all he can do is move forward.

Feeling more at ease, Li Min pondered: "Who could have done it?"

"Did you look for her yesterday because of your mother's cheat book?" Zhu Li asked.

"I just asked her if she knew about my mother's entry into the palace. Looking at her expression, I think she knew." Li Min recalled that scene. The fright that flashed past uncontrollably.

Why, when Concubine Liu heard her mother's name, she felt as terrible as seeing the end of the world.

At that time, Concubine Liu's parted lips trembled slightly, because she wanted to say something to her.

"It's so strange." Li Min shook his head in disbelief, "I entered the palace with great medical skills to find out the truth about my mother's death. If I don't ask about my mother, the people in the palace seem to be Forgot that I am Xu's daughter. Rather, they thought that I would never pursue this matter, why?"

Zhu Li was quiet, just listening to her.

"Besides, like Concubine Liu, how could she know about my mother? I thought that she might be living next to Concubine Jing's palace, and she might have heard some rumors, but she just knew that my mother had treated Concubine Jing. In the end, Is it more than that? So, she was murdered."

The death of Concubine Liu is more than enough to prove that Concubine Liu knows more than just the medical treatment that Concubine Xu gave to Concubine Jing and the third prince.

"So it's not your fault." Afraid that she would inadvertently get involved again, Zhu Li grabbed her uninjured left hand and squeezed it lightly, "Maybe she has something to say." The possibility of being involved in your mother's case."

Knowing that his words are not wrong, it is possible that Concubine Liu was one of the murderers who killed her mother.Even if it wasn't, Liu Bin knew who the murderer was and was guilty of covering up the criminal.Thinking about it this way, Concubine Liu's death is like atonement, but in fact, sin deserves death.

Li Min's eyes moved, and speaking from her heart, to be honest, she didn't have any special feelings for any of the people in the palace.The reason is simple, no one in the palace can be trusted.

How much can she trust the man beside her?

Leaning her head against the strong shoulder beside her, Li Min closed her eyes.

Zhu Li lowered his head and could see her plain face, so beautiful, so pitiful, and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"My lord."


"Are you really not a concubine?"

A chill flashed across Zhu Li's eyes: "Who is talking to you again?"

"I don't take concubines, but as a concubine, don't the empress and the emperor have a normal relationship?"

"The six palaces of the emperor are full of beauties, unlike this king, who only cares about one person wholeheartedly. With a simple mind, life will be easier."

Unexpectedly, he had such a high level of understanding.Li Min sat up from him, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "I have always been curious, why would the prince not want to take concubines? Don't men in every household like to take concubines?"

"Don't compare me with mediocre people!"

At that moment, Li Min was overwhelmed by his words, and when she fell into his arms, she could laugh until she was out of breath.I really didn't expect that if the ancients didn't take concubines, they could ascend to the extremely high level like a fairy.

Stretching out his arms to hug her, fearing that she would collapse from laughing, Zhu Li felt a little helpless: "Has the concubine laughed enough? Is this king so funny?"

Hearing her giggling and laughing non-stop, he seemed annoyed and hugged her with both hands.With a cry of surprise, she was carried by him to the couch behind the screen in the room.

On the second day, a horse-drawn carriage drove out of the Crown Prince's womb and went directly to the Duke Huguo's mansion.

In the morning, her husband told her to recuperate obediently in the prince's mansion and not to go out, otherwise if he found out, she would be severely punished.Li Min thought about when, the positions of the two of them were reversed. Usually, she, Dr. Li, taught him a lot like this.

Husband and uncle went out early in the morning. After mother-in-law learned that she was injured, she asked Magpie to come and say hello.The door said that there was a visitor.

Li Min originally wanted to refuse to see him, but when he heard that the child came to find him alone, he couldn't help feeling a little bit impatient.

The person who rushed to find her early in the morning was Zhu Zhun, the grandson of the emperor.

Why is the child coming alone?Because the prince closed the door and thought about his mistakes, he was not allowed to leave the palace.The prince's two side concubines are hiding in their own palace to save their lives.Moreover, the emperor's grandson came this time not for the prince, but for his own mother.

Only then did Li Min know.The crown princess was sent to the clan mansion for questioning.

The old mother made a confession at the clan mansion, saying that when Concubine Liu disappeared, she happened to be sprinkling water and sweeping the floor in front of the cold palace, and happened to meet the princess's sedan chair, maybe she accidentally spilled water on the princess's sedan chair, and the result , the Crown Princess was very angry, grabbed her and kowtowed to apologize, and said that she would take Liu Concubine out to be punished.

Soon after that incident, there was a crackling sound in the cold palace, and Liu Pin jumped into the well and died.

According to this confession, the Crown Princess is suspected of committing the crime of forcing Concubine Liu to death.

The prince can't protect himself, so how can he speak for the princess.In desperation, knowing that the two concubines of the prince would certainly not be able to lend a helping hand to help the princess at this time, Zhu Zhun could only do it himself.

this kid.

Li Min looked at the grandson of the emperor sitting in front of him, and felt that this child was as deep as a deep pool, which was very frightening.It is said that Lord Wanli admired and praised the emperor's grandson very much after meeting him last time.The grandson of the emperor is now able to enter Yuqing Palace to study with Lord Wanli.

What did Master Wanli see from this child?
Although Li Min couldn't guess what the emperor meant, but as long as the grandson of the emperor wanted to please Lord Wanli for a day, whether the position in the East Palace would really be unstable or not was discussed by some.

"I came to see Princess Li, I hope Princess Li will not blame Bengong for coming alone."

It seems that this child also knows that he is too young, and it is easy to be criticized for everything he does.

It is good to have this self-awareness.

"Is the emperor's grandson looking for this concubine because he thinks that this concubine can help the emperor's grandson?" Li Min said, "This concubine's hand has been injured, so I'm afraid I can't help you much."

(End of this chapter)

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