Chapter 368: Dead or Alive (2)
It seems that someone has been watching the movement in Jinning Palace for a long time, and can accurately tell the story of Zhu'er's arrival in Xiaoqingyuan.In this way, Concubine Rong was involved.

When Youshi heard that his sister was suspected of being fucked, he was startled, and fell into a chair. After thinking about it again, he said, "Impossible."

Even if it is suspected that her sister poisoned Concubine Liu, why didn't she poison her sooner or later, but why she poisoned her to death at this time.The emperor would certainly not be so stupid as to suspect someone who didn't even have a motive for committing the crime.

"That's right, Concubine Rong has long been jealous of the Crown Princess." Nanny Fang said the news from the palace.

Concubine Rong and Princess Concubine did have a festive relationship.Yoshi knew this.That was when the princess concubine was pregnant with the grandson of the emperor, and she said that it is impossible for anyone to have a child in their stomachs.Concubine Shu was already ill at that time, half dead in Jingyang Palace.Concubine Rong is being favored, and no one knows that what the Crown Princess said is referring to Concubine Rong who was in the limelight at that time.

"Madman!" Youshi absolutely didn't believe it anyway, "The mad dog that bites people can only be educated by the crown princess. If the empress concubine Rong hated her, she would have done it long ago. It hurt."

Li Min didn't speak at the side.

Youshi suddenly turned around and asked about his daughter-in-law: "You think so too, don't you?"

"Until the truth of the matter is found out, Min'er will not draw any conclusions."

You Shi was enraged by her words, clapped the table down: "Are you from the Duke Protector's Mansion?!"

"Mother, Concubine Rong is the emperor's person first." Li Min sought truth from facts and helped Youshi clarify the relationship.

Of course, You Shi dared not say no to this.Concubine Rong married the emperor. If she is not the emperor's person, it means that the wife has betrayed her husband.

"She won't kill Concubine Liu." Youshi could only repeat these words.

If he hadn't met Concubine Liu and saw the panic on Concubine Liu's face, Li Min might have believed Youshi's words to some extent.But now she won't.Because even people like Liu Bin may be one of the perpetrators involved in her mother's murder.

Those people killed Concubine Liu just to prevent further incidents from happening. They were afraid that Concubine Liu would miss something to her, so they simply killed Concubine Liu to silence her.

Now, the only thing to do is to find out who killed Concubine Liu.

It seems that in the palace, there is no tendency to clear Concubine Rong's suspicion easily, Youshi is worried about this, but he can't say what to ask Zhu Zhun to ask the Queen Mother.Because Youshi himself did not dare to intercede for Concubine Rong, for fear that he would only add fuel to the flames of this matter.

"Go and get the young master back." In desperation, You Shi asked his son for help.

After receiving the order, the housekeeper went up to Youshi and replied: "The eldest young master said when he went out this morning that the place to go would be farther away. I'm afraid he won't be able to come back until tonight."

When Youshi heard this, he was a little dumbfounded.

Doesn't it mean that, without her son, she can only discuss with her daughter-in-law who is staying in the mansion now.

"Forget it." You Shi waved his hand, thinking of his own way.

Li Min stands up and leaves.

It is conceivable that, for the sake of her sister, Youshi dare not easily say that she is not allowed to let Zhu Zhun do things.

It seems that the negotiations between the emperor's grandson and the clan mansion are smooth.In the afternoon, a carriage drove to the back door of Duke Protector's Mansion as agreed.

When Li Min was about to meet the emperor's grandson, he suddenly saw someone behind him.

Fu Yan stared at this even more, not knowing when her master appeared.

Wearing a bamboo cloth Tsing Yi, with a jade belt around his waist, Xu Daxia, who has been romantic and unrestrained for a few times, took a white folding fan, shook it in his hand, walked up, and said: "Cao Min is just curious, follow the princess to see something fresh. "

I remember being amazed at the first sight at the pier. Li Min originally thought that this person was a fairy who seemed to be outside the world.

block?It is said that this person's martial arts are world-class, and he has a weird personality. She may not listen to what she says, and she has no intention of entangled with a master like a martial arts leader.Li Min said: "Xu Daxia can do whatever he wants."

It is a distinguished guest invited by her husband to live in the residence of Duke Huguo. Based on the principle of treating each other with courtesy, Li Min said this kind of politely.

Slightly squinting her eyes, she looked at the joy and ease with which she turned and left. She was obviously a lady of every family, a woman who lived in seclusion from a wealthy family, but she had the spirit of a heroine.The corners of Xu Feiyun's mouth curled into a hook, and snapped, he put away the folding fan he had opened with his fingers, and followed her lightly, as if silently, towards the back door.

Not because of taboo, but because of a kind of respect for the Duke's Palace, Zhu Zhun didn't dare to let people transport the corpse into the Palace of the Protector, and the carriage only stopped in front of the back door.There are guards at the front and rear to keep people from approaching.

Zhu Zhun came by himself in a sedan chair. When his small body walked out of the sedan chair curtain, a few crystal beads of sweat were stained on his forehead, he wiped his sleeves, and said to Li Min: "The corpse has arrived, please have Princess Li take a look at it."

Hearing this, people who were close to the carriage seemed to be able to smell a corpse-like smell, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Fu Yan, who was used to seeing death on the battlefield, couldn't help taking a small step back.It's not the same after all.From yesterday to today, almost a day has passed since the corpse, and I don't know how decomposed it is.

Li Min prepared a face scarf and asked Nian Xia to tie it on her face to cover her mouth and nose before jumping into the car.Without thinking, a jade hand suddenly stretched out beside her, helping her lift the curtain of the carriage.Turning around, I saw that it was the eccentric Xu Daxia.

The other people around have all backed away three feet.This hero Xu just covered his mouth and nose with a paper fan, as if he wanted to let her see what happened to satisfy his curiosity.

How gossip this person must be!

The people my husband knows are all wonderful things in the world.For example, that Gongsun Liangsheng, according to her cousin Xu Youzhen, was also a person who offended the emperor before.

Her husband takes all these weirdos.

Li Min collected his breath and calmed down.Withdrawing his eyes, he took another step in the carriage and saw the dead body wrapped in a straw mat.In order to slow down the decay of the corpse, these ancient people knew that using ice could solve this problem.However, there were no ice machines in ancient times.Except for winter, ice is a rare thing in the palace, so how can I be willing to use a lot of ice to keep the corpse.Therefore, not much ice was used, and after nearly a day, the degree of decay of the corpse could still be seen.

First, I saw the feet exposed from the straw mat, already swollen with blisters and light green corpse spots.This shows that the corpse decayed relatively quickly, and it was an acute accidental death.It may be death by suffocation, mechanical injury, or as described at the beginning of the case, death by jumping into a well and drowning.

In any case, with the existing medical methods and without instruments, it is basically impossible to determine the exact time of death of this corpse, if it is accurate to a few hours.Therefore, it was not easy, almost an impossible task, for Emperor Taisun Zhu Zhun to ask her to give evidence that Concubine Liu had died before the arrival of the Crown Princess.

(End of this chapter)

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