Chapter 378 People Are Here (2)
It seems that no one has ever seen such a comfortable smile on the shopkeeper's face.

"The slave found a Ganoderma lucidum for the master, and it will be delivered to the prince's mansion tomorrow, or the master wants the slave to be sent directly to the Changchun Palace." Xiao Lizi said, his tone seemed to please the master in front of him, but he finally talked about it. It's more a kind of respect from the bottom of my heart for the man in front of me.

The tea lid in the man's hand clicked onto the mouth of the cup, and he said, "I seem to have said it last time. The purpose of letting you here is to try my best to do things for the people here, so you don't have to worry about me. I will come to you for medicinal materials and so on. The same goes for Puji Bureau.”

"Yes, the servant knows that the master's network extends in all directions, and Yongzhitang of the Puji Bureau has people he knows, and he can get what he wants. However, after the servant came to Xu's medicine hall, he found that the medicine is carefully selected. Choose, know which origin of medicinal materials is the best for medicine, there is really no one in the capital that can compare with this place. It’s not that the slave has changed his mind after coming here, but he is following the master’s order and patiently learning art here.”

The man seemed to listen to Xiao Lizi's words attentively and patiently, and when Xiao Lizi took a breath, he pondered for a while: "This kind of credit is all due to Shopkeeper Xu, or Princess Li—"

"Of course it's Princess Li. My master. However, shopkeeper Xu should not be underestimated. According to the slave's observation, although shopkeeper Xu has no connection with the medicine gang in the capital, it seems that he has many contacts outside the capital. Therefore, Shopkeeper Xu’s way of getting medicine is also different from other medicine halls.”

"Are you sure it's shopkeeper Xu's connections?"

Hearing the man's questioning tone, Xiao Lizi was stunned for a moment, then became more cautious, and replied: "The master is wise, and the servant did everything possible to observe, before he came to the conclusion that the Xu family has contact with shopkeeper Xu."

The Xu family, the Xu family, the natal family of Mrs. Xu.Many people said that the lady of the Xu family possessed secret books and had special medical skills handed down from her family. That's why she was able to open two pharmacies in a place with the most fierce competition like the capital, creating an extraordinary legend.However, such a powerful woman, just like the legend, quickly disappeared in the capital—it was said to be dead.

How did he die?A female doctor who was so powerful, who could see and cure diseases, and could make medicine herself, suddenly died.No matter who it is, there will be doubts.What's more, her relatives who know her very well.

The Xu family, I'm afraid they have been asking this question for a long time.The origin of the Xu family has always been confusing and mysterious.For example, a shrewd and capable person like shopkeeper Xu has been loyal to Miss Xu for so many years after her death.If it is said that shopkeeper Xu is so loyal only because he concluded a contract with Ms. Xu, it is unreasonable. After all, Ms. Xu is dead, and the contract has already expired naturally.Shopkeeper Xu shouldn't be bound by this.

"Do you know where Xu's family is now?" the man thought for a moment and asked.

Xiao Lizi answered carefully: "Because the slave was sent to the new store here, he has been estranged from the main store since then, and he didn't dare to recruit soldiers and horses for himself without the master's consent, for fear of being noticed by the shopkeeper. So , relying on slaves alone, it is difficult to follow the shopkeeper Xu all the time to observe the movement. Before, when I was in the main store, the slaves could still know some of the shopkeeper's movements. My hometown is here, but I have no way of knowing exactly where they are going. Shopkeeper Xu is a very cautious person, and he never brings other people with him when he goes out, and he always goes out alone."

The man raised his eyebrows, and tried to think about what he said, and said, "Do you think they sent you here because they valued you?"

"Yes. The servant is too capable, and in the end, he was appreciated by the shopkeeper and the princess. Does the master have any doubts about this?" Little Lizi's eyes flashed with confusion.

The man suddenly fell silent for his confidence.Xiao Lizi was originally a domestic slave of his family. Because of his clever mind and strong imitation ability, he often entrusted him with important tasks, disguised as various identities, and went to the opponent's territory to inquire about the enemy's situation.That is to say, Xiao Lizi's real identity is a spy, and, because of his rich experience, he can be called a super spy because of his rich experience and whatever he looks like.

It can be said that none of the things that Xiao Lizi has been ordered to do so far has disappointed him.However, this time, it seems to be different.

The man suddenly felt dryness and tightness in his throat. When he wanted to drink, he picked up the teacup and poured it to his mouth. Only then did he realize that there was no water in the teacup and he had finished drinking it.

Seeing this, Xiao Lizi hurriedly picked up the teapot in the room and poured water into his teacup.

The man said: "I see you, these days, don't do anything, just stay quiet for a while."

"Master?" A look of hesitation flashed across Xiao Lizi's face.

What is the master suspecting?
"It's my fault. I was a little too hasty and made you insist on moving the store to the south."

In fact, Xiao Lizi himself didn't quite understand why the master asked him to try to move the new store of Xu's Medicine Hall to the south gate, because the master's prince's mansion is not in the south either.

Master and servant, one is pouring tea, the other is holding a teacup, like a still picture.A magpie suddenly flew over from the eaves outside the house, and the tiny sound it made when it landed on the blue tiles was enough to scare the souls of the two people in the house away.

Suddenly, the man put the teacup on the table, stopped drinking the water, and said, "I'm going first. If there's anything else, I'll send someone over to meet you on the street. Like this, the number of times you and I meet, can Reduce it a bit. The situation in the palace is not stable right now, I am staying in the prince's mansion and will not go out for the time being."

"The servant understands. Master, go slowly. If there is anything wrong, I can send a message to the prince's house. It's not difficult."

"You'd better move less—"

Before the man finished speaking, he heard a sudden gust of wind blowing in the yard.

The guard of the man who was in charge of guarding the courtyard still looked like he was caught off guard by the sudden intrusion.

The heavy cotton curtain was suddenly swept up by the sudden wind outside the house, and the flying cotton cloth seemed to lose its weight, fluttering like a veil, making the woman who came in through the cotton curtain suddenly reveal the mystery The veiled fairy instantly shot a beam of light into the room.The brilliance emitted at that moment was so dazzling that the two men in the room suddenly felt dazzling and closed their eyelids heavily.

When he opened his eyes again, Xiao Lizi knelt down involuntarily on both knees, plopped down on the cold ground, and said to the woman who walked in, "Eldest young mistress, you, why are you here?"

He seemed a little out of breath when he spoke, and had to take a breath, showing a bit of incoherence in embarrassment.

Li Min stood at the door, with his injured left hand hanging around his neck, and a green shawl was draped over his shoulders, with hot gold on the side, embroidered with the pattern of a first-class wife, and Yunmo's bun was still a plain Hairpin, a pair of potted shoes on the feet, also plain and gold.

(End of this chapter)

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