Chapter 381 People Are Here (5)
"Chasing!" Lan Yan shouted.

Several guards in the yard climbed onto the roof one after another.However, the two escaping flying shadows had already escaped dozens of feet before they reached the roof.

"Stop chasing." Li Min said lightly, preventing the people below from continuing to do such useless work.

The masters all fled, and the guards of the eighth master's mansion, after bowing to Li Min, left Xu's medicine hall with a knife.Li Min didn't let anyone stop them anymore.Because there is no need.

When Xiao Lizi showed his hand, it seemed that the answer had already been revealed.

After escaping for a certain distance, seeing that there were no pursuers approaching, Zhu Ji slowly stopped. His pair of jade eyes, which were as gentle as a piece of jade that could not see clearly, looked at the house where Li Min was, and the eyes swirled faintly. It seemed that there was a tinge of perplexity, and it seemed that the thought of being forced to flee by her was funny and exasperating even thinking about it, and there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Lizi knelt down beside him, and took the initiative to plead guilty: "It's all slaves who are ineffective in their work. Not to mention their identities are easily identified, and they are also used by others. Please forgive me, master!"

The remorse in that voice was clearly unprecedented.

This was the first time he was found out so quickly as to whose spy it was, and what's more, his master fell into the trap with him.

In the sound of the wind, it seemed to be mixed with her crisp, distant and meaningful voice: Ba Ye, I can do it for myself.

Zhu Ji's eyebrows had to be drawn into a mountain because of her words, and when he turned around, he let out a sigh.It can be seen that Xiao Lizilu's strange medicine mist has confirmed the possibility that Su Gu has something to do with him.Because that drug can not only cover people's vision, but also can cause people to have slight hallucinations.These all coincide with the disguise of the heroine with a thousand faces.

How much did she know?

Zhu Ji found that he was also unpredictable.Every time I feel that I have set a trap and successfully deceived people, the result is often a big fall on her instead.

A terrifying woman, at the same time, a person who is both loved and hated, exactly the same as the Duke Protector.

With a cold snort in his nose, Zhu Ji turned around and said, "Go back."

"Master—" Xiao Lizi didn't dare to get up.

"This king won't blame you. Don't you know what this king is like today?" Zhu Ji's voice, like that spring breeze, is always so peaceful, gentle, and gentle.

Little Lizi's eyes felt hot, and he said, "Yes."

What a good man the master is.However, Li Min couldn't say bad things either.Anyway, when working in Xu's Pharmacy, I can feel that although Li Min is strict, he is a kind-hearted boss.On weekdays, when any buddy's family member is sick, Li Min will specifically ask shopkeeper Xu to greet him again and again.

It would be great if Li Min was not a member of Lord Protector, but a member of Eighth Master.Xiao Lizi found that he couldn't help but think wrongly. This might be his first time as the eighth master, but he felt deeply in a dilemma.

At the east pier of the capital, a fishing boat was just about to leave for the journey, taking advantage of the thick fog that hadn't been cleared in the early morning.

Two women stood facing each other on the pier.They were all wearing bamboo hats and veils, and no one around them could see their pretty faces clearly.

I just heard that the commoner woman who was about to board the boat said: "Please accept my sister's worship." After speaking, her knee fell to the ground, and she was about to kneel down.

The green-clothed woman on the opposite side hurriedly supported her hands, not allowing her to kneel, and said, "Sister, why bother! We are all people who share the same illness, and no one owes anyone else."

"Sister." The commoner woman could barely stand upright and said, "My sister survived today because of my sister's help. How can I not be called a great kindness?"

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore." The woman in blue said, "If you really trust me, Lord Nineteen will help my sister send out of Beijing when I find a suitable time."

"Master Nineteen should treat my sister as his own mother now." The commoner woman said with lowered eyebrows.

"However, after all, my mother is you, not me. The nineteenth master always misses you."

Hearing this, the commoner woman's trembling lips seemed to hesitate to speak.

The fog on the pier seemed to be slowly dissipating due to a gust of wind.Seeing this, the woman in the green shirt urged her to get on the boat, and then carefully told the boatman to walk carefully on the water.Turning around, he said to the commoner woman, "Sister, be careful all the way."

"Understood, sister. Let's go first, sister." The commoner woman replied.

"No, I'll watch my sister go first."

At the insistence of the other party, the commoner woman had no choice but to carry her burden and board the fishing boat.The boatman supported the pole to let the fishing boat leave the dock.Before the clouds cleared, the figures of the fishing boat and the woman gradually disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds on the river.

The woman in the green shirt turned around and boarded the carriage that accompanied her.The carriage then left the pier.Just less than ten feet away, I heard a splash behind me, the sound of something breaking through the water.


The carriage stopped abruptly, and the woman in green shirt anxiously lifted the curtain on the carriage to reveal her head, looking at the water, she saw several skilled sailors on the fishing boat jumping into the water to save people.

Not long after, Zhu Ji, who had just returned to the prince's mansion from the medicine hall, was taken aback when he heard the news, and almost fell back into his chair in a daze.

It was at this moment that he seemed to understand the meaning of the words Li Min gave him.

Good for it.

Ba Ye, do you think you really saved someone?

After Xiao Lizi had the same astonishment on his face, he said, "Baye, why don't you go to the Puji Bureau to find a doctor—"

"It's useless." Zhu Ji recovered and said in a low voice.

Yes, it doesn't work.If it was useful, Concubine Liu would not take the initiative to jump into the river.

Xiao Lizi thought, didn't everyone escape from the palace?They almost escaped from the capital.Why did Concubine Liu desperately want to jump into the river?No, Concubine Liu is not such a person, she would not even think of jumping into the river for the sake of her son Nineteenth Lord.

"Forget it." Zhu Ji said, "This king will go to the Duke Protector's Mansion in person."

Hearing this, Xiao Lizi knelt down in front of him, stopped him and said, "Let the slave take the place of the master. Although the slave is the one who is ordered by the master to do things, but after deceiving Princess Li for so long, the slave owes the slave The princess has an explanation."

Zhu Ji hesitated slightly.

Xiao Lizi said: "If Concubine Li wants to vent her anger on Ba Ye, Ba Ye is very popular, and it is not easy for Princess Li to vent her anger. It is better for a slave to let Princess Li vent her anger. Anyway, slave is Ba Ye's person."

The last sentence really put Zhu Ji at ease.

"Okay, you go."

When Li Min returned to the Duke Huguo's mansion, it was not until noon. According to the news from the palace, it seemed that when her husband went to court this morning, it was just in time. Many people in the court wanted to abolish the prince. There was a lot of quarrel.

(End of this chapter)

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