Chapter 519 Was Discovered (2)
"Is the eldest young mistress asleep?"

Hearing it was Meng Haoming's voice, Ziye pulled the latch behind the door.

With a babble, the door opened.Meng Haoming walked in.

Li Min looked up and saw that it was him, and said only one sentence: "Meng Banner, sit down."

Ziye listened to the order and moved a stool for Meng Haoming.Sitting in front of Li Min, Meng Haoming seemed more difficult to face. After all, Li Min had just said that to him before.

"Meng Banner went to see the wounded?" Li Min asked.

"Yes. I just visited the three wounded."

"What does Banner Master Meng think?"

"I think—" Meng Haoming shook his hand on his lap, "maybe discuss with the owner of the Thai Villa, and place one of the wounded in a safer place nearby, and then find someone familiar to take care of him." .”

Chunmei's injury needs to be taken care of.The weather is bad now, if Chunmei is forced to go on the road, it may cause the wounded's condition to deteriorate rapidly.The life that was finally saved may be lost again.

Li Min's eyes seemed to be looking at the corner of the room, but his voice was always in an orderly manner: "Meng Banner's suggestion is 100% sure that the place where the wounded are placed is [-]% safe. [-]% credible? Then, how long does Meng Banner plan to keep people here?"

A series of questions caught Meng Haoming by surprise.Meng Haoming frowned, and said, "Of course, when it comes to [-]%, under such circumstances, it can't be [-]%—"

"Then have you ever thought that if she goes with us, no matter what, we will never leave her alone. In terms of safety, it must be more safe to keep people here."

"But she's got a fever, she can't walk, she can't—"

"Because she is useless and useless for the time being, should she be discarded here? Master Meng Banner, I don't know how the lord taught you to lead troops to fight, but, after all the hardships you have taken the fallen cliff Everyone was rescued, which shows that you are not a cold-hearted officer who would put his own life or death at risk."

As for whether to discard wounded soldiers or not on the battlefield, each commander has his own considerations and choices.No officer is willing to abandon his own soldiers. However, if the wounded seriously drag down the brigade and cause the loss of overall interests, the officer has to be cold-hearted.

Li Min could clearly see his thoughts from his face. Regarding this, Li Min glanced at Zi Ye who was sitting in the corner of the room mending socks, and said, "I can't tell you what you think about your thoughts." It's wrong. Indeed, carrying her on her back like this, and carrying her on the road. She worked hard, and everyone worked hard. The most important thing is that she herself will suffer psychologically and physically. If she is well taken care of, her injury should be in a few days. You can turn the crisis into safety and continue on the road. It’s just that the weather is too bad. And the enemy has been chasing us. If you want to leave him to heal his wounds, I can agree with you. However, how to arrange the person to take care of him? Let Concubine Ben think again."

The news that the master might leave the injured person in Xiaocun and not take them away quickly spread to everyone in the team.Meng Haoming seemed indifferent to his own people.They are all well-trained elites. They have all encountered more cruel situations than this kind of individual combat, where the injured may be left to find their own way out.

However, the person who will be left behind in the end is a woman. To be precise, a woman whose age can only be a young girl.In any case, except for Aunt Shang and Nian Xia, the other wives brought out by Li Min felt that Li Min was a bit cold when discussing in private.

Not to mention this Chunmei, but Li Min personally brought her out from the Shangshu Mansion. It can be said that she is a maid entrusted by Li Min with a heavy responsibility, and she can be regarded as a confidant.Li Min dared to abandon such people, needless to say, they were not brought out by Li Min himself, if something happened to Chunmei, Li Min might throw them in the wilderness of the barren village and feed them to the dogs.

"If it wasn't for the lame leg and broken hand, why can't you take it with you?"

"If you don't take it away, a girl who is as beautiful as a flower is staying here alone. If she is not caught, she will be eaten by wolves."

"It doesn't matter what you say, but she jumped off the cliff for her master. You are so cruel that you dare to abandon her like this?"

"Our Lord Protector's Mansion has never had such a mistress. She even said she was a fairy, yes, her medical skills are good, but no matter how good her medical skills are, her kindness—"

When Nianxia went to the kitchen to boil water for Chunmei, she heard the two women gossiping in the corner behind their master's back, and she was very angry when she heard them speak ill of Li Min.But, on the other hand, thinking that if Li Min really left Chunmei alone, Chunmei would be in danger again after escaping.

The whole heart was pulled into a ball.

Returning to the room with hot water, seeing Chunmei asleep, she didn't seem to know what was being said outside, and sighed while tangled in her heart.

In the back, Aunt Shang, who was in better health and started to walk, came up behind her. She was here to visit Chunmei, but when she heard her sigh heavily, she asked, "What's going on?"

"I just wonder if sister Chunmei's injury can heal faster." Nian Xia said.

It would be better if Chunmei's injury could be cured immediately.Li Min doesn't need to keep Chunmei, those people have nothing to say to Li Min.

"It was such a serious injury that even the imperial physician might be helpless to deal with it. Such a life was saved only by the young lady." Aunt Shang said slowly.

Others say how bad Li Min is, but after all, if it wasn't for Li Min, would Chunmei survive?

I only heard that Aunt Shang's words were correct, but Nian Xia still had a lump in her heart.Everything happens for a reason, and a slave must be loyal to his master.However, if the master treats the slave poorly, it is inevitable that the slave will not be loyal, but there is nothing wrong with it.

If Li Min really abandoned Chunmei because of this, what would Chunmei think?
Since everyone else was busy, Aunt Shang had to reapply the medicine for several large scratches on her body.Seeing that Chunmei was asleep, Nianxia went out with Aunt Shang and helped Aunt Shang apply the medicine first.

As soon as the two of them's footsteps left the room, Chunmei, who was lying on the kang, opened her eyes wide and stared at the roof.

Although it was snowing, it didn't stop immediately.However, in order to make a living, the villagers couldn't stop working.I heard that in the nearby towns, a group of merchants were allowed to pass through the Yanmen Pass yesterday, and these merchants stayed in the town due to the heavy snow last night. They may have to wait until tomorrow to see if the weather improves. Walk.The villagers who heard the news assembled two carriages, loaded them with some goods produced in the village, and planned to transport them to the town to try their luck.

(End of this chapter)

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