Chapter 521 Was Discovered (4)
"Madam may not know. The Black Wind Valley is one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the national highway."

Li Min had studied the map drawn by Gongsun Liangsheng, and knew that although what Dashan said was exaggerated, it was not completely wrong.

Black Wind Valley is very far from the longitudinal line that the emperor set up from the capital to the important town of Beiyan, one east and one west.The emperor's line, in the east.Black Wind Valley, in the west.Moreover, the Black Wind Valley is actually close to the tribe of the Donghu people.Here, it can be said to be a special geographical location, the territory of Duke Huguo of Beiyan, the territory of Donghu people, the territory of the emperor, and the junction of the three territories.People in the three places have to take care of it, but once they take care of it, there will be conflicts with the other two parties, so they all stare at it but dare not actually do it.

In this way, it has become an unmanaged Black Wind Valley, and its own terrain is very special, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.The outlaws who fled there in the early days built military facilities in Black Wind Valley, making Black Wind Valley the notorious first cottage.

Generally nothing happened, and the emperor's army certainly wouldn't think of messing with those desperadoes in Black Wind Valley, because the gains outweigh the losses.

Now, let’s not talk about Black Wind Valley.How to get to Black Wind Valley is quite a big problem.If the emperor's pursuers knew that they were fleeing for their lives in the Black Wind Valley, they must have set up checkpoints and eyeliners on the way to the Black Wind Valley.

In this regard, Li Min's worries, in the eyes of Dashan, an old hunter who has even been to the Black Wind Valley, seem to be nothing worth worrying about.

Da Shan directly took a twig, and drew a map for Li Min on the table with water: "The emperor's army, the soldiers, are all on this line. Anyway, I grew up so big. I heard from those old people that the emperor seems to be I have never been afraid that people from Black Wind Valley will enter the Central Plains. Moreover, with Black Wind Valley here, Donghu people dare not come from here."

Judging from this meaning, it seems that there is still some collusion between the emperor's army and Black Wind Valley.

Li Min's heart trembled, and he remembered that his medicine team, which had set off early, was heading towards the Black Wind Valley.Her questioning eyes turned to Meng Haoming.

Meng Haoming stood by and listened to Dashan's demonstration, with no expression on his face.

"Is there no other way for us to go except to go to the Black Wind Valley?" The owner of the Thai villa asked anxiously after hearing this, because he seemed to hear something wrong just like Li Min.

"No." Meng Haoming said firmly.

Anyway, Dashan came here because he heard that they were going to avoid the imperial army, so he said truthfully: "The line to the east is full of officers and soldiers from the imperial court. There is no way to go. The line to the west, where do you go? The land is good, and you must pass through the Black Wind Valley in the end."

That said, both routes are dead ends and there is no alternative.

An order was issued to everyone in the team to get up early tomorrow and set off before dawn.At this time, Li Min found Xiao Lizi and said, "You stay here and take care of Chunmei. When Chunmei recovers, you can bring her to chase us. Be sure to bring her safely to Beiyan."

When Xiao Lizi first heard her words, he was completely stunned for a while.Thinking of the way she said these words and the decision she made, they were all so forthright, as if letting him stay was a result without even thinking about it.

He was not feeling well.

Li Min suddenly looked at his face, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a smile flew out: "Look, this concubine knows what this concubine said, you must be thinking wrong. Lizi, you are also the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Smart people, can you not understand why this concubine made this arrangement?"

Xiao Lizi looked up: "I understand, I understand that if the concubine hadn't trusted me, I wouldn't have entrusted such an important person as Chunmei to my care."

"You are capable, this concubine knows. It is even better that you can understand the trust that this concubine has in you. This concubine will wait for you to come back."

On the other side, Granny Wang knew that her son was back, so she scooped up a bowl of hot soup in the kitchen and sent it to her son's room.

When Dashan saw his mother enter the house, he immediately stood up and walked to the door to help the old mother.

"Come on, finish it." Granny Wang said.

Dashan saw the thing on his mother's nose, and knew that it was the glasses that Master Tai said could cure his mother's eye diseases, so he asked carefully, "Does mother feel uncomfortable?"

"Why is it uncomfortable? I can see clearly. I can clearly see the mole on your face now." Granny Wang's finger pointed to the mole on Da Shan's chin accurately.

In the past, not to mention moles, even Granny Wang couldn't see clearly her son's eyes and eyebrows.

Dashan helped his mother to sit down and held her hand.

"You are going to take your benefactor on the road tomorrow. You have to treat your benefactor well, you know?" Granny Wang told her son carefully, "Doctor Lin is the biggest benefactor in our family. Without her, I would never be able to see clearly what you look like in my life like."

"Mother—" Dashan called out in a low voice, "Don't worry, your son is a person who knows how to repay you."

Granny Wang patted her son's hand. The skin on his son's hand was as tough as armor. She was proud of it, but at the same time, she was naturally a little worried.

"All the way, you have to be careful. Mother will make you a big pancake tonight, and you will take it with you when you go on the road tomorrow morning."

"Mother, have I ever made my mother worry?"

"That's not true. Since you were young, you grew up with me, and your father was not around. At home, you did all the work that the man should do." Granny Wang said, reaching out her hand as if in her son's hair After finding out a strand of white hair, he was stunned and said, "When you come back, mother will find you a wife. You are already so old. If you don't find a wife, start a family and start a business, your father will definitely blame me if he comes back and sees it." of."

"Didn't my father already—" Da Shan lowered his head, as if he didn't want to bring up this topic at all.

Grandma Wang sighed: "Don't blame your father. Your father ran away to escape the emperor's conscription. Now if he really came back and was discovered by the emperor's people, if he escaped military service and was caught, he would be beheaded. "

Dashan didn't say a word.

"Okay, you rest, you have to get up early tomorrow morning."

In other words, the two trucks in the village, under the leadership of Uncle Chen and Dazhang Chen, left the mountain pass and settled down in the nearest town.In the inn where they stayed, Uncle Chen and Dazhang Chen inquired about the business from the waiter in the inn.

The little errand pointed to the crowded scene in the lobby downstairs, and said, "Look. They all passed the customs yesterday. These people want to leave tomorrow, and if the weather is bad tomorrow, they will leave too. You have to ask about business." Yes, tonight, hurry up and find a few people you like, and ask. If the heavy snow continues and Yanmen is closed, don’t even think about anyone coming here to do business.”

"Is it because you are afraid of losing money?" Uncle Chen asked.

If the road conditions are not good, or there is a problem with the carriage, it is not the same goods that will suffer losses.Wouldn't it be better to wait a few days and see what the weather is like before hitting the road.Something must have happened.

(End of this chapter)

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