Chapter 527 There Are Spies (1)
Don't say that the people in Black Wind Valley are greedy, in fact, there is nothing more important than life.

Dashan seems to be familiar with every road and every stone here.Take them for a walk at night, effortlessly.As if outsiders had assigned the title of a wild wolf to this man, Dashan looked like a wolf, and his eyes were particularly bright at night.

One night, they failed to find a cave where they could rest, but they found an abandoned dilapidated house.Women live in houses.The men built fires around the house.

When Li Momo and Zhang Momo heard the howling of the wolf coming from outside the house, they hugged tightly.


Beasts haunt the mountains, which is also the most dangerous thing in their night march.So, that day, they temporarily changed to marching during the day and looking for a place to rest at night.Precisely because the mountain is said to have the most wolves, it is called Wolf Mountain.In winter, there is no food in the fields, no flowers and fruits in the mountains, and many animals go to hibernate.The hungry wolves do not have the habit of hibernating, so they can only aim at the passing targets.

"They are veterans of crime." The owner of the Thai villa threw a piece of wood into the fire that had just risen in the house, and said to Li Min and others, "These wolves, like the Donghu people, have their own tribe. The wolves here The leader of the wolf tribe is called Baihao. It has a tuft of white hair on its forehead. It may be only three years old, but its brains are far more intelligent than the leaders of previous generations. They will make travelers feel dangerous and nervous , and then choose the most suitable time to strike."

"Is it the time when people are most likely to get tired in the early morning?" Li Min guessed based on what he heard from some old hunters in Northeast China.

"Yes." Master Tai was extremely curious about her knowledge, "Eldest young mistress stayed in Beiyan before?"

"No." Li Min denied, "I've only read the book. Many things said in the book seem to be true."

When Meng Haoming, who had set up a sentry outside, opened the door, a gust of cold wind came and said, "It's getting cold again."

In the past few days, they have been extremely careful when walking.It turns out that it is cold at night and warmer during the day.As they had previously thought, there was a high chance of an avalanche occurring during the day.In this way, if they set off tomorrow morning, it will undoubtedly increase the danger.However, there is no other way.

In the air, there seemed to be a crying sound, listen carefully, it was like the cry of a child.

Some of the women in the room listened with surprise on their faces.

Mother Li couldn't bear it, and said, "Who is it, who left the child in the barren mountains?"

"Should I ask someone to go over and have a look?" Madam Zhang asked.

Master Tai shook his head: "Don't. Maybe it's Bai Hao's scheme to lure our people to take the initiative to go there, and then step into the trap designed by it. All the wolves immediately besieged our people."

Even so, if there were wolves that were really smart enough to snatch away a villager's child without killing him, and let the child cry into bait to lure people into the trap, they couldn't completely ignore the child's life or death.

Li Min suddenly thought of the child's parents, and then thought of the child who was about to be born in his womb.

"Meng Banner Master."

Perhaps he had already guessed that she would make a noise, and Meng Haoming was already on standby. As soon as he heard her speak, he immediately said, "I'll let two people go over and have a look, and proceed carefully. Don't act in a hurry, and we'll talk after we find out the situation."

The owner of the Thai villa still didn't agree with this, but Meng Haoming turned around and left.Li Min changed his mind, and ordered Shopkeeper Xu to take something to chase after Meng Haoming.

Soon, Meng Haoming's people should have set off.

The people in the house were all quiet, listening to the sounds outside the house and even in the distant forest.Not long after, there seemed to be the sound of firewood burning like firecrackers, and the howling of wolves ran wild for a while.The crying of the child seemed to be covered by these movements and disappeared.

Li Min immediately gave Nian Xia a wink, Nian Xia went to the window, looked outside, then came back and said to Li Min: "There is a fire outside."

No one in the house knew what had happened.Nanny Li and Nanny Zhang hugged each other again, trembling with fear.

At this time, the two soldiers sent out to investigate the movement returned.When people saw it, the person who came back was not holding a child, but a wolf cub.

"We went there and found no children," said the scout.

There is no child, so how did the cry of the child appear?
When doubts flashed in everyone's minds, Li Min's eyes fell on the wolf cub, and he saw a pinch of white hairs on the wolf's forehead that was most obvious.

The whole body of the young wolf seems to be the same as that of ordinary wolves, it is all gray, with only a pinch of white hair on its forehead, which looks different.He was placed on the ground with a soldier's rope tied around his neck.The wolf cub didn't seem to be afraid of being caught at all, and looked at all the humans around him, and he didn't show any fear.

It lay lazily on all fours on the ground, its half-closed mysterious green pupils looked like the most beautiful pair of emeralds in the world.

"Is it Baihao's son?" Meng Haoming asked the owner of the Thai villa.

The owner of the Thai villa was not sure, and said: "Maybe, maybe not. I don't know if the three-year-old wolf has a wife and children."

Li Min felt that when the wolf cub heard the word Baihao, there was a trace of disdain on the wolf's face, so he couldn't help ticking the corner of his mouth gently and slowly: "It's Baihao."


The young wolf raised its head all at once, and those eyes passed through everyone and landed on Li Min's face, narrowing into two crescent-like arcs.

What a clever wolf.Li Min said: "There are no children. The crying of the child may be made by it. Also, it was caught on purpose. It is because of things on our body that attract it."


Everyone was wondering what could attract wolves on people, when the soldier who was sent to scout out the wolves before remembered, he took out the glass bottle that Li Min asked Shopkeeper Xu to give them.

"what is this?"

Under the light of the fire, everyone saw that the glass bottle was filled with clear liquid, and there was not much left. When the lid was opened, they could smell a pungent smell.

"Methanol, commonly known as alcohol." Li Min said, next, as in the past, there is no need for her to explain the purpose of this thing in depth to the ancients casually.When she was in the pharmaceutical factory, she asked someone to purify this thing from the wine in order to prepare a disinfectant for wounds.Ancient medicine is a precedent for disinfection with wine, but after all, wine is not pure enough, and it is inevitable that the impurities contained in it will have unnecessary effects on the wound.

Before, she asked shopkeeper Xu to give this thing to the soldiers to deal with the wolves. The picture was that the purified alcohol was far more irritating than the alcohol.

(End of this chapter)

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