Chapter 534
The people who chased them into Wolf Mountain were the father and son of the Ma family. This point was confirmed when Meng Haoming took people to investigate in person.

The father and son of the Ma family will avenge their kindness, and they deserve this fate.

When Li Min opened his eyes, he could see Bai Hao lazily sticking out his tongue at her among the wolves waiting some distance from the entrance of the cave to lick the wolf's mouth.

For this wolf and its wolf army, setting such a trap is a breeze, and more importantly, it needs to lock the target.

Eliminating the chasing soldiers can only solve the immediate urgent need. What really needs to be solved thoroughly is to find out how the whereabouts of the team were leaked.

The Ma family father and son were not brought back for interrogation because there was no need for this.

Dashan and the owner of Taizhuang stood at the entrance of the cave, watching Meng Haoming patting the snow on his body when he came back.

Meng Haoming nodded to the two of them.

"Really?" Master Tai couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

Unexpectedly, a spy has been hiding in their team for so long, and no one has discovered it.If it wasn't for Li Min's cautiousness, really, everyone would be killed right now.

Dashan's brows frowned into two mountains.

Meng Haoming walked into the cave with solid evidence, knelt down in front of Li Min, took out something from his cuff, looked carefully, it turned out to be a small piece of bark peeled off from the trunk, and said: "Because we They often marched at night, and when it was dark, they neglected the management of their own team. Someone left such a mark on the bark. It should have been left shortly after leaving the customs and setting off from Orion Village."

"I didn't leave a mark from the Duke Protector's Mansion, but I left a mark on the third day after I left Orion Village. Specifically, this person is a traitor, not a spy," Li Min said. After saying this, he raised a pair of delicate willow eyebrows, and the eyes under the eyebrows were cold and pure, just like the snow scene outside, clean and clear, the coldness that made people have nowhere to escape.

Coldly, he looked at the few people in front of him who were pushed to the ground by the soldiers.

"Young Mistress, the servants are wronged! Absolutely wronged!" Li Nanny was the first one, and when she fell to the ground, she burst into tears and cried out her grievances.

Zhang Nanny's hair was disheveled, her face was full of tears, and her face was full of grievances.

Relatively speaking, Aunt Shang and Ziye were much better. After being quietly knelt down on the ground by the soldiers, they didn't say a word, but that look didn't seem like they were voluntarily pleading guilty.

"Isn't it the mark left by one of you?" Li Min threw the piece of bark with the mark in front of them.

Nanny Li and Nanny Zhang shook their heads like rattles: "No! The slaves are illiterate, how can they leave a mark?"

Zhang Momo then took a deep breath and said, "Eldest young mistress, why do you suspect the old slave but not the rest of the team? There are so many people in the team, anyone could be a traitor, isn't it?"

"You're right." Li Min said, "However, if Nian Xia and shopkeeper Xu want to betray this concubine, they could have killed this concubine many years ago. Why wait until now? Master Meng Qi and Meng Qi The master's people, who have not lived in the capital for a long time, how can they collude with the people in the capital to become others' lackeys? The master of Taizhuang and Dashan are both businessmen, and they took risks for my concubine. Wait until now?"

"What the young mistress said is reasonable. But the maidservant still can't figure it out, how can the young mistress think that the maidservant will definitely betray the young mistress?" Zhang Nanny asked.

"Yes. Therefore, my concubine hopes that you will take the initiative to confess your guilt. If you don't want to, then you can provide evidence to prove your innocence. This concubine will never hurt the innocent."

Nanny Zhang and Nanny Li, you look at me, and I look at you.Immediately afterwards, Nanny Li said: "Back to the young mistress, there is really no reason for the servant to frame the young mistress. The slave is a domestic slave of the Duke Huguo's mansion, and has signed a life and death contract with the Duke Huguo's mansion. If the slave and maid do something I'm sorry about the matter of the master, the master can send the slaves to the officials, but according to the family rules of the Duke Protector's Mansion, the slaves' family members cannot escape the relevant punishment."

After Li Momo finished speaking, Zhang Momo continued: "Slaves, like Li Momo, signed a life-and-death deed from the Huguogong Mansion. The same is true for Ziye. Of course, Aunt Shang was brought by the young mistress. If you have signed a life-and-death contract with the young mistress, the servants will not know."

"So, Aunt Shang is the most suspected?"

Just as Li Min uttered these words, Nanny Li and Nanny Zhang answered yes repeatedly.

Aunt Shang knelt there neatly, not saying a word, neither intending to defend her innocence, nor seemed to be willing to bow her head to admit her guilt.

At this time, Nanny Li said another thing: "Before, didn't the young mistress ask the servant to help Aunt Shang carry the burden? Aunt Shang said that she put 30 taels of silver in the burden of the young mistress, but how did the maid check it later?" , only 20 taels of silver were left. For this reason, the servant girl wanted to go to the monk's aunt to argue, but later thought that maybe the silver was stolen because of her poor guarding. So, I have been looking for the person who stole the silver. Maybe this person, He is the traitor that the eldest young mistress is looking for."

"Who do you think might have stolen the money?" Li Min asked.

Nanny Li said: "The servants know that this is the valuables of the young lady, and they always carry it with them, but occasionally they are forced to, such as when going to the toilet, and they are entrusted to Madam Zhang for safekeeping."

Hearing what she said, Zhang Momo immediately jumped in to intervene: "The servant occasionally helps Li Momo to guard the baggage, but how could it be possible to do such an obvious stupid thing of stealing money, which would make people suspect that the slave did it? "

Li Min seemed to agree with Zhang Nanny's words, and nodded.

Nanny Li quickly changed her words: "Your maidservant, this is not to say that Nanny Zhang stole the money. The servant girl and Nanny Zhang have always had a very good relationship, and knowing that Nanny Zhang is a human being, she will give the burden to Nanny Zhang for safekeeping. However, whether it is The servant girl is still Zhang Nai, and when she sleeps at night, she sleeps with Ziye."

The signs of suspicion immediately shifted to Ziye's head.

Like Aunt Ziye and Monk, no one said a word, and no one knew whether the little girl was guilty and guilty, so she didn't speak, or the little girl was too scared by the sudden situation to speak.

At this moment, Grandma Zhang added another sentence: "Perhaps, when Aunt Shang handed it over to Nanny Li, there was no 30 taels of silver in the package. I wonder if Madam Li had checked with Aunt Shang face to face?"

Nanny Li quickly said: "At that time, the servant and Aunt Shang counted the money face to face."

According to the meaning of these two women, the one who stole the money was either Aunt Shang or Ziye.Anyway, one of these two people might be either a thief or a traitor.If Nanny Li stole it herself, it must be impossible.Nanny Li swallowed it privately, so why bother to say it at a crucial point.

(End of this chapter)

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