The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 553 Black Wind Valley

Chapter 553 Black Wind Valley (3)
Ma Weidao followed behind the two of them until he protected them and hid behind a relatively large rock wall.In front, the sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer, and I saw a carriage.

The carriage stopped immediately when it saw that they had lost their horses and were forced to be stuck on the road.

Immediately afterwards, Master Shi's voice came out: "Hey, isn't this third brother's carriage?"

The third master gave his carriage to the prisoner.

Ma Wei heard that he was one of his own, and immediately came out, shouting: "Master Shi, the servant was ordered to escort the prisoner. Now the car is trapped, please Master Shi let the prisoner get into the car."

When Master Shi heard this, there was no reason not to agree.The people under him rushed to meet him.

It can be said that it was too late, but when everyone's attention was busy picking Li Min into the carriage of the tenth master, suddenly there was another sound of shouting from the left side, and immediately, a row of dense arrows rained directly on him. In Master Ten's carriage.

The people in Shiye's carriage panicked and lost control, and all rolled off the carriage.Seeing that the arrow hit the leg of the horse pulling the cart on Shi Ye's carriage, the horse broke its leg on the spot.

A group of people got out of the carriage and ran desperately. Master Shi pressed the melon cap on his head and ran straight behind the rock wall where Li Min was hiding.Behind Shi Ye, Lu Liu supported Li Ying, running fast with her little feet.

This group of people ran panting and huddled together behind the rocks. At this juncture, it seemed that they couldn't care about the hostages and the like.

Master Shi took off his hat and scolded Ma Wei at the first sentence: "You know that there is a trick here, but you tell us to stop, do you want us to be arrested together with you?"

Ma Wei was so angry that he thought that Master Shi was extremely stupid. At this juncture, he didn't think about how to break the situation but only wanted to investigate the person responsible. : "Master Shi should have kept the carriage first and led everyone away together. Instead of abandoning the carriage and fleeing immediately when the enemy attacked. Now it is not the slaves who caused this predicament. Master Shi, don't forget, the mission we are here to carry out this time , is to bring back the person the emperor wants, in order to complete the emperor's errand, Shi Ye should be conscious."

consciousness?Asshole consciousness.His tenth master is here to earn some credit, and the work of leading the battle is not his strong point, and the right way is to sit back and enjoy the fisherman's profit.But that cunning third child, not to mention being caught in the enemy's trap, now threw all the deadliest criminals into his hands.How could his tenth master disregard his own life and only care about criminals?
When the men were arguing, Li Ying's eyes were fixed on Li Min's Lingbo Yanyun protruding from the sleeve of Li Min's left hand.

Lingbo Yanyun is a unparalleled treasure, as long as you take a look at it, you will know that it is different and cannot be faked.

Li Min's original Lingbo Yanyun had already been smashed to pieces in front of her, and it couldn't be faked.Now, the Lingbo Yanyun in front of her, needless to say, is the other one in the world, in the hands of the Empress Dowager.If it is not in the hands of the empress dowager, it can only be in the hands of the royal family.It is unlikely that the Empress Dowager gave it to the Huguogong, because the Huguogong himself already has emperor green.

Who got it from the Queen Mother and gave it to Li Min?

This question is actually not difficult to answer.Because, everyone knows that Lingbo Yanyun was originally a gift from the third master to his fiancée.Even if the Queen Mother wants to give another Lingbo Yanyun to someone else, she can only give it to the third master.

Li Ying's eyes formed a straight line. When she saw Li Min's slightly hooked mouth and the look on her face, it undoubtedly proved her guess was correct.

It was him who gave the gift of love that should have been given to her to another woman.

A thought frantically flashed in Li Ying's head, she wanted to take a knife and cut off Li Min's hand!
"Miss San--" Luliu saw Lingbo Yanyun on Li Min's wrist, and bit her lips tightly to signal to the master.

Now is the best time to do it.First of all, Li Min must be taken to a place where Ma Wei can't see.Otherwise, this lackey will definitely stop her.

A light flashed quickly in Li Ying's eyes, she approached Li Min, and said softly, "Second sister, sister, I really can't bear to watch my second sister return to the capital for fear that she will be tortured."

The corner of Li Min's mouth curled up: "Third sister, this is, you want to help me escape? Don't tell me that third sister is not afraid of being blamed by the emperor and the third master for this?"

"My sister's words are wrong. As long as my sister leaves this way, and I don't see my sister, how can it be regarded as helping my sister escape."

After all, Li Ying and Luliu used their bodies to block the sight of Master Shi and Ma Wei from seeing here. Taking advantage of Aunt Liao's attention was not here, Li Min aimed at the bag containing dry food and water brought by Aunt Liao. The burden, picked it up, and walked towards the snow.

The chaos continues.The rain of arrows rushed to the rock wall and attacked continuously.Ma Wei, Master Shi and the others couldn't take care of themselves at all, and Li Ying and Lv Liu blocked their sight.When Ma Wei turned around, he suddenly couldn't see Li Min, and yelled "No!" Then, he didn't even care about Master Shi, and hurriedly looked around for Li Min.

The snow fell heavily, and the traces of Li Min's walk were quickly covered by snow.If it wasn't for knowing where Li Min was fleeing, in this dark climate, it would be like a headless chicken with no way to find her.

Ma Wei flew out in an unknown direction, but it happened to be the opposite direction from Li Min's escape direction.Ma Wei thought that Li Min should run in the opposite direction from where they came from.Li Min didn't go back as he thought, and looked for an exit.

Seeing that Ma Wei was fleeing in the wrong direction, Li Ying and Lu Liu smiled knowingly, and then, when Lord Shi was not paying attention, they chased Li Min in the direction of escape and prepared to strike.

If you can't get rid of Li Min with your own hands, this thorn in your heart can't be removed for a lifetime.Li Ying thought fiercely in her heart, today is definitely the best time to get rid of Li Min.

The two masters and servants chased the direction where Li Min was running. After chasing for a while, they suddenly found that Li Min was standing there motionless, as if waiting for the two of them to come.

"Third Sister, just now, didn't Third Sister say she wanted to pretend not to see?" Li Min looked at the two of them, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Li Ying snorted coldly: "You are a prisoner of the imperial court. If I let you go, I will be sorry to my ancestors. The Li family is the emperor's loyal ministers, so how could they betray the imperial court. So, you Only by dying can you be worthy of the Li family and your father's loyalty to the emperor. You killed your father, if you really have any regrets, at this moment, you should kill yourself for your father."

"Yes! Second Miss, you have vicious thoughts, harming others and yourself. Third Miss is giving Second Miss a chance to preserve her reputation and reputation. I hope Second Miss will cherish it!" Lu Liu followed behind and said loudly.

"Hey——" Li Min sighed softly, "For whom is my father loyal, that's really hard to say. At least, that's not what my father said to Min'er at that time. My father said that Min'er should not care about her." How to go first, no matter what happens, my father alone will bear it. My father’s love for Min’er, Min’er will always remember it in my heart. At this moment, my third sister wants to be my older sister, against my father’s last wish, Go back and be loyal to the enemy who has the hatred of killing your father. I don’t know that the third sister is blinded by her interests, and she can’t tell right from wrong. I’m afraid I won’t be able to rest in peace.”

(End of this chapter)

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