The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 559 The Value of Doctor Li

Chapter 559 The Value of Dr. Li (4)
"A few ladies want to ask Princess Li to treat Master Gu?"

"It seems so."

Hearing this, the old man with closed eyes, Lan Shi, said, "This matter can be big or small. If Princess Li cures Gu Master's illness, I'm afraid our purpose of this trip will be hindered."

"Elder, do you know what's wrong with the owner of the valley?" Since they hadn't had much contact with Black Wind Valley before, they knew very little about the situation, so Wujie Danyu and Huyandu were waiting for Lan's answer.

Elder Lan nodded: "As far as I know, the owner of the valley, Long Shengbao, suffered serious injuries when he fled to the Black Wind Valley. He was injured by the Ming army. Therefore, it is possible that this injury was left behind in the Heifeng Valley. It has not been cured today. Now I heard that a miracle doctor has come, and those ladies in Yazhai tried their best to win over Princess Li in order to please the owner of the valley."

If you want to say, this valley owner has too many wives, so it's hard not to have something happen.

"It seems that this valley owner's injury cannot be cured—" Hu Yandu thought, since no doctor can cure it for so many years, it is afraid that the gods really descended to earth, and it would be difficult to resolve this problem.

Elder Lan looked at Ujie Shanyu.In terms of dealing with Li Min, only Wujie Shanyu had this experience.

Wujie Shanyu's blue eyes flickered faintly, and he was not in a hurry to draw any conclusions.

This time they obeyed the Khan's order and must get Li Min back.However, what is the purpose of Khan's arrest of Li Min? In fact, they really don't know very well.Their khan is a generation of heroes, a generation of wise kings who can be as famous as Wanli Lord, it is difficult to figure out their khan's true intentions and thoughts.

"Go and inquire first—" Wu Jiedanyu seemed to have thought it through, and instructed Hu Yandu, "Be sure to inquire clearly, what kind of difficult disease Long Shengbao suffers from."

As a doctor, no matter where you go, you will inevitably encounter patients seeking medical treatment.This is probably the life of a doctor.

Maybe it was because of being too tired, Li Min couldn't wake up from a sleepless night, and finally, he was woken up by the voices of the little maids in the room.

These little maids, because they were sent by the Jiang family and the Han family respectively, had a few disagreements, and immediately started arguing in her room.Li Min kept quiet and listened to what they had to say.

"The eldest madam thinks for some reason. It's okay for the sixth madam to do this kind of servant work. Don't you feel ashamed to rush to do it?" This sentence must have been said by someone from the Han family.

Not to be outdone, the Da Furen's people were aggressive: "Who said that the work of serving the Duke Hu Guo is a servant's job? If it is really a servant's job, the Sixth Madam can rush to do it? Who doesn't know that the Sixth Madam is the most capable person?" Those who enjoy the blessings have the most maidservants, and they always feel that there is not enough, so they ask the owner of the valley for money."

"That's right, the sixth lady thinks that she doesn't have enough people, but it's not for the sixth lady, but for the owner of the valley. Don't you all know? The owner of the valley hasn't been in the lady's room for a year. The Sixth Madam is resting here. The Sixth Madam is wrong to have a few more maidservants for the main sake of Gu?"

It seems that the fight between Mrs. Yazhai is no less than that of the big families in the capital.

Although Li Min had expected it, he couldn't help but be amazed.It may be because this is the territory of the bully, and the men are bandits, so there are no rules like the elegant people in the capital.Begging for a concubine, pampering a concubine, is even more presumptuous to the extreme, there is no need to worry about appearance.

Are you saying that you are sorry for the original wife?Not necessarily so pitiful.If the eldest lady really didn't have any authority in her hands, she would have been kicked out of the valley by the concubine long ago, how can she get along by this time?
The main thing is to see what Li Min wants to do with these wives competing for her.

"I think it's quite mysterious." These words were said by a maid sent from an unknown wife's room, saying, "If the legendary doctor can't cure Gu Zhu—— "

Needless to say, the first person who bears the brunt of this suggestion must be punished.Who is the person who made this suggestion?
"The sixth lady has made a vow, of course she will not disappoint the owner of the valley." The maid in the big room intends to lead the army first.

The one in Mrs. Liu's room was not to be outdone: "Madame Liu mentioned it, but the lady did it. If the genius doctor really can't cure Guzhu's leg, it must be the lady who didn't do well enough to provoke the doctor. Not happy."

After a few words, the maids in the big room and the people in the sixth lady's room began to pull their clothes.

"You little slut, following that big slut to wag your tail at the owner of the valley, you don't know Taishan, you don't know good or bad, don't you know who the mistress in this cottage is?"

"If Da Furen is really the mistress of this cottage, why does Gu Master favor our sixth madam every night?"

Seeing that the blocking screen was about to be pushed down by the two pulling maids.Li Min suddenly sank his face and coughed.

The sound was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted outside.

The maids were all stunned for a moment.

Li Minsu said in a majestic voice: "Who is making noise outside?"

Those maidservants one by one, the eldest one hurriedly knelt down outside the screen and said, "Is Princess Li awake? It's because the wind is getting louder outside. This servant girl is going to close the noisy window for Princess Li."

Sixth Madam's little maid kept her mouth shut.

Li Min pointed to the girl in the big room and said, "Come in and help my concubine get up." Then, he pointed to the other two girls: "Since the wind is loud, close the windows tightly. What did your master tell you? work?"

The girl from the big room came in to help Li Min get dressed, and she couldn't help showing a look of joy on her face.The little maid in the sixth room who was scapegoated for no reason was so upset that she wanted to strangle the person in the big room, but she had to get up and help Li Min fetch hot water.

When the other maids were out of the room to do things, Li Min looked at the big girl who stayed in the room and said, "Your wife asked you to serve this concubine, do you have anything else to say?"

The eldest girl knelt down cleverly, and said: "To be honest, Princess Li, the lady hopes that the princess can help Master Gu to heal his leg. Our Master Gu's leg has been injured for 20 years, and it has been unsightly. The doctor said it might be Poisoning, but there is no way to cure it.”

A leg injury that could not be healed for 20 years is quite curious.But Li Min knows that there are many diseases in the world, and there are many people who don't know what diseases they have all their lives.

Dr. Li, who didn't think it was particularly unusual, hummed flatly.

The eldest girl looked up at her plain expression, she was extremely surprised.

"Tell me, how is your Valley Master's leg now? Is it swollen?"

"Swollen!" The big girl who answered looked at Li Min like a fairy, thinking how Li Min could know that the valley owner's leg was swollen as soon as she opened her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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