Chapter 561 Where is the prince (1)
After receiving the order, Long Shengtian came back, glanced at the faces of the eldest lady and the sixth lady who were facing each other, then walked up to his cousin, and said, "If Princess Li is really sure that she can heal elder brother's leg, why don't you let the old lady cure her?" Princess Li, give it a try."

"You said let her try it, is she willing?" Long Sheng said in a gentle voice.

This question stunned all the people present.

Li Min is now a criminal in their hands. Logically speaking, if he is afraid of death, he should commit the crime immediately.

However, the miracle doctor Li that everyone has heard about is not a doctor who will give in.In fact, what is more rumored is that Dr. Li's temper cannot be underestimated.Dr. Li has the principle of three no cures.Facing the emperor and queen mother, they are not afraid.The emperor and empress dowager can say that there is nothing they can do about Dr. Li.

Whoever made his life was in Dr. Li's hands.

Thinking of it this way, sweat broke out on the foreheads of several people.

Mrs. Six first said with an ouch: Fortunately, they treated Li Min politely before, otherwise, Li Min would be angry because of this, and I don't know what to do.

The eldest lady heard that the sixth lady had robbed her of the credit first, coughed lightly and said: "Guzhu, in fact, if you want to give Princess Li a little bit of trouble—"

"Trouble? What trouble? She is pregnant, and the child is gone after suffering." Although Long Shengtian didn't think of his elder brother's injury at first, he remembered very clearly what Aunt Liao had said before. Yes, the value of this hostage must not be used to make it suffer a little bit so that the small loses the big.

After all, the eldest lady didn't turn her mind as fast as others, so she simply silenced her voice.

It’s not okay to use harsh ones, but it’s okay to use sweet ones?I'm afraid what Li Min wants is to return to the territory of Lord Protector of Beiyan, but for the people of Black Wind Valley like them, it is impossible to hand Li Min back to Lord Protector.In fact, Long Shengtian and Long Shengbao didn't intend to do business with Duke Hu Guo.It should be said that it wasn't that they were unwilling, but that Duke Protector would never be willing to do such a business with them.

The sixth lady didn't know the details, so she hurriedly asked: "Master Gu, why don't the envoys sent by the Duke Hu Guo ask for a lower price? Princess Li sent it back to Duke Protector."

The eldest lady snorted.

Long Shengbao's and Long Shengtian's faces were both ugly.

The Lord Protector did not send anyone to discuss with Black Wind Valley how to use money to redeem his kidnapped wife.

Of course, Duke Protector was not so stingy that he couldn't even pay the ransom.It's just that Zhu Li, the protector of the country, is said to be a stranger than his father, Zhu Huaisheng.

For example, last time in the Black Wind Valley, several brothers were accidentally captured by the Black Dart Banner.They Black Wind Valley offered to exchange money for criminals.But without hesitation, Zhu Li's subordinates chopped off all the prisoners' heads with one knife.What kind of ransom, to the people of the Duke Protector, they don't even look down on them.

If you want to say that the people in the Black Wind Valley are in this no-things zone, who they are most afraid of is undoubtedly the Duke Protector.However, Zhu Li has always been silent on them. They have reasons to believe that their own geographical advantages, and that once Zhu Li attacks the Black Wind Valley, they will inevitably lose their trust in the world, and the emperor and the world will mistakenly believe that the Duke Protector is about to rebel.

The sixth lady knew that she had said something wrong, and planned to win the game, so she said again: "Master Gu, otherwise, we invite Princess Li to come and have a seat. From the perspective of concubine, Princess Li is not an ordinary woman. During the conversation, we can find an answer that both of us can compromise on."

To Mrs. Six's words, Long Shengtian unexpectedly agreed, because he remembered Li Min's conversation with Aunt Liao in the cave.Li Min looks like a person who plays cards irrationally, maybe he can give them a chance.

Long Shengbao nodded in agreement when he heard what one or two of them said.

Then two people came to Li Min's room, saying they were taking her to see the owner of the valley.Knowing this earlier, Li Min sat in the room without moving her body, and said: "This concubine is not in good health, and it is difficult for her to walk. If the owner of the valley has anything to say, why don't you come here and talk to this concubine."

It's not that Dr. Li is pretending to be coquettish, but that she is really unwell, and seeing a doctor is a forced act.Besides, the patient was not too ill to come to see a doctor.Besides, it is necessary to give these people a blow.The subject and the guest should be distinguished.Maybe she is a hostage in their hands now, but when it comes to treating illnesses, her doctor must take the lead. If other people casually instruct her not to take her words seriously, then there is no need to treat her at all.

When the rest of the people only heard her words, a look of surprise crossed Qiqi's face.

Dr. Li's rumored temper, once he opened his mouth, shocked those present who had nothing to say.

Has she forgotten that she is a criminal?I don't know who is muttering such words in a low voice.

Han's and Jiang's brought people to replace Long Shengbao to let Li Min go, but they were also turned away.It's not enough to lose your temper on the spot.I'm afraid that if Li Min is annoyed, the plan they have painstakingly planned this time will all fail.

In desperation, he had no choice but to go back to persuade Long Shengbao.Needless to say, when the two returned to Long Shengbao and said Li Min's request, Long Shengbao slammed the table violently.

Immediately, Mrs. Jiang glared at Mrs. Han angrily: If it wasn't for your crazy idea, would the owner of the valley be so ashamed?
At that moment, Han's whole body was trembling with anger: It's none of my business.Besides, if Gu Zhu's leg can really be cured, it's just the difference between inviting a doctor or going to a doctor.

Long Sheng kept his breath back, but he also thought that if he went to the doctor to see a doctor by himself, he would not be ashamed to go there in a sedan chair.It's just that Dr. Li in this rumor is indeed very tempered, but it's just a little bit of sweetness, and he immediately takes an inch.

In this regard, he beckoned to Long Shengtian.

Long Shengtian walked over and heard Long Shengbao say: "You should watch here. If there is anything wrong with me, you can decide the affairs in the hall."

It can be seen that Long Shengbao has no confidence in whether his leg injury can be cured, and what prescription Li Min will come up with to treat his leg.

Long Shengtian assured in a strong voice: "Brother, don't worry, my younger brother will watch over everything in the valley. What's more important now is that if my brother's leg injury can be cured, it will surely shock the world."

Long Shengbao nodded slowly. These two pillar-like legs not only made it difficult to move, but what was worse, made him lose his face in the world.

Sometimes patients hate the disease not only because of the pain caused by the disease, but sometimes because of the unsightly body caused by the disease, which makes the patient's mind suffer even more.

Li Min was sitting in the flower hall outside the screen, just warming his hands with the heater.On the other side, Long Shengbao came over in a sedan chair.

(End of this chapter)

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