The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 579 The Prince Is Here

Chapter 579 The Prince Is Here (4)
Li Min could clearly hear the shortness of breath of all the people around him, and it was a burst of tightness.She is a doctor and knows what this means. The metabolism of these people is accelerating, and the hormones are increasing, because of fear, because they are about to face the most terrifying moment in their lives.

"My lord—" Lan Yan yelled out from the tight neck of the other party.

Piercing the air, the white plume arrow flew out like a flash of white light, surpassing time.Ah, a cry of pain was spat out from Huyandu's gaping mouth.

Everyone was startled, turned around, only to see that Huyandu had been hit by an arrow on his left shoulder.Huyandu was kneeling on the ground, his palms were covered with hot blood flowing from his shoulders.

When was the arrow shot?There was no sound, and they didn't even know it.

When the faces of Donghu people were full of panic, Lan Yan struggled to get up from the snow, gasped and pointed in a certain direction, and said, "Second young master——"

The one who shot such a divine arrow was of course the little master she had served for a long time.

To the east, riding on a white horse, a handsome, unrestrained and romantic young man who looks like a white fairy, is carrying a cowhide simple tube trimmed with precious jade on his back, and between his fingers as white as jade, he is leisurely and confidently holding a well-made jade bow. The Tao is like the willow eyebrows cut by a knife, without losing the heroic spirit and beauty, flying upwards, the pair of dark eyes under the wanton eyebrows, beautiful and indescribable, and the sharpness exposed at the same time, full of cruel blood.

When Li Min first saw his uncle, he felt that suddenly, his uncle seemed to have grown taller a lot.Of course, she knew that it was impossible for my uncle to suddenly increase his height in such a short period of time.It can only be said that my uncle seemed to have become more stable and mature from a young boy in an instant.

Hu Yandu pulled out the arrow stuck in his shoulder in one breath, and suddenly shot a pair of vicious eyes at Zhu Li: "Who is it?"

Zhu Li has been in the capital all year round, not in Beiyan, unlike his elder brother, at his age, he has already fought against Donghu people on the battlefield.

The Donghu people don't know the origin and identity of this handsome boy who is as beautiful as a crown of jade and a sharpshooter.

Wu Jie Shanyu's sharp blue eyes glanced at Lan Yan who had shouted just now, and answered his companion's voice coldly: "He is the younger brother of Duke Hu."

"Does the Protector have any brothers?" Hu Yandu staggered to his feet and said in surprise.

"Yes. Maybe in the past, they were all trapped in the capital as hostages by the emperor of Ming Dynasty." Wujie Shanyu said.

Li Min and Zhu Li's eyes suddenly flashed a sharp edge. Undoubtedly, this Donghu native knew the thoughts of Emperor Daming and the situation of the capital of the Ming Dynasty very well.

"The younger brother of the protector is here, where is the protector?" Hu Yandu, who was stimulated by an arrow, roared crazily.

On all sides, like black cavalry rushing towards the tide, like a cold iron wall on all sides, all the Donghu people in the circle were tightly trapped.

Li Min's neck suddenly felt tight, as if the people of Donghu were really scared at this moment.They are afraid that if Lord Protector really comes, they will be hard to fly.

"Second Khan. This concubine advises you to release this concubine before the lord shows up in person. This will not do you any good, and you know it very well. You Khan mean to take this concubine back, not to say that you will take this concubine back." Kill the concubine. You can't kill the concubine. Killing the concubine will not do any good to you Khan."

Wu Jie Shanyu lowered his head, looking down at her calm face, he couldn't help feeling a trace of panic and anger in his heart.Thinking of how she faced any crisis so far, even if she was in danger, she was fearless in the face of danger, as if she was wearing a mask that no one could break through.

Truly, a deeply frightening woman.

"Princess Li still doesn't seem to understand her own situation. I can take Princess Li with me. As long as I have Princess Li in my hands, your lords will be helpless, and you will never dare to act rashly."

Li Min suddenly let out a chuckle.

"Why are you laughing? Princess Li?" Wu Jie Shanyu said angrily.

"My concubine laughs, just like the third master. The third master just laughed at your short-sightedness and ignorance. You still don't know the third master's good intentions, do you?"

Hearing these words, Zhu Li was ridiculed.The jade-faced king's face suddenly became ugly.

Zila, it is the sound of drawing a bow.Zhu Li on the white horse pulled back the jade bow in his hand, narrowed his cold black eyes, and aimed precisely at the Donghu man who kidnapped his sister-in-law in the middle.

Wu Jiedanyu turned around vigilantly, and put the hostage in front of his body as a shield.

In an instant, the north wind roared past, rolling up the sky full of snow particles.At the same time, Elder Lan issued an urgent warning: "Second Khan!"

There is an arrow in front, and the murderous aura of the blade suddenly rushes from behind.When Wu Jiedanyu realized that the magic arrow of the beautiful boy in front was the bait, when he turned around quickly, it was already too late.

Li Min felt like a hurricane was blowing around him suddenly, his body was unstable and he fell forward.Lan Yan was the closest to her and flew up from the snow to catch her.Li Min just stabilized his body, took a breath, and turned around, only to see Wu Jie Shanyu and a figure entangled in an instant.

The blue robe that Wu Jiedanyu was wearing, and the black robe of unknown origin, kept rolling in the snow.

The Donghu people panicked.Huyandu applied a little to a certain acupuncture point on his bleeding shoulder, temporarily stopped the bleeding, raised the knife and wanted to fly away.Seeing this, Zhu Li was about to get off his horse.A blue shadow flew over from the forest, touched his shoulder, and Zhu Li didn't dare to move.

The man in Tsing Yi who passed through the snow wind like a breeze, holding the silver soft sword that was as flexible as a snake, landed in front of Huyandu.

"Master!" Lan Yan shouted.

"Look at the princess." Xu Feiyun said, his pupils were as expressionless as Xue's, scorning the Donghu people in front of him.

Elder Lan saw that the situation was not right, and the two generals on his side were trapped.Just as he was about to get out to save Wu Jie Shanyu, a cold voice from the other side said: "What, you want to go? This king can't bear you to go."

"Third Lord—" Seeing that his fingers were not only unable to let go of the sword edge, but were being pulled by the opponent's Qi condensed on the sword edge, Elder Lan took a sharp breath and said, "Third Lord, why not be with us at this moment?" Khan cooperates to capture Mrs. Protector, the third master, the emperor, and us Khan, all have the same interests—"

"Hmph." Zhu Li sneered coldly, "When did this king join you Donghu! Our emperor never said that he would sit on the same level as your Khan."

Seeing that a melee is about to start. "Young Mistress." Lan Yan supported Li Min.

Li Min could hardly stand still, with his palms on his lower abdomen, he adjusted his breathing with a sound.Beads of sweat flowed down from her forehead, soaking her bangs, making them all wet.

(End of this chapter)

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