Chapter 581 Who Will Rescue (2)
The snow is raging all over the sky, and the howling north wind is rolling a large number of snow particles, which seems to be overwhelming, and the tendency to destroy the whole world. The smell of blood permeates in the wind and snow, so that all stationary objects can deeply feel the blood coming out of their bones. Come the chills.

As soon as Ma Wei opened his eyes, he saw two knives slashing at his head, so he hurriedly rolled a few times in the snow.At the same time, he saw the people surrounding his master who were also raising their knives and intending to kill Wushe.

"Third Master!" Ma Wei shouted anxiously.

With a jolt, Zhu Li woke up from the frozen snow, pushed away Li Ying who was hugging her, and jumped back at the same time.

"Are you crazy? The third master is the imperial envoy of the emperor!" Ma Wei shouted in disbelief as he flew in front of his master with his sword in hand.

What emperor's imperial envoy?They have only one master, the Lord Protector.Besides, the emperor's people have forced their master to this point, can their master continue to be a cow and a horse for the emperor with all his heart?
Zhu Li and Ma Wei took a breath together, seeing that the soldiers surrounding them didn't take them seriously at all.Li Ying hid directly behind Zhu Li, pulled Zhu Li's clothes with both hands, and whispered, "Third Master, let's go."

Walk?The situation is not good right now, so we should go.

However, once she leaves, she—

Zhu Li looked at the past with both eyes, and saw that the distance was covered with snow, and the wind and snow filled the air, and the man had long since disappeared.She went to Beiyan and was taken away by that man.Likely, never coming back.

"Third Master!" Li Ying bit her mouth tightly, and her hands were tangled together.

Hate, hate.

But it doesn't matter. Looking at Li Min's situation just now, I am afraid that he is almost at the end of his life.All over the world, the most powerful doctor himself has fallen, what should we do?Who can heal himself better than the most powerful doctor?Just thinking of this made Li Ying feel so happy that she would die.

What is this called?
He moved a rock and shot himself in the foot.

Her second sister, who claims to be as skilled in medicine as a god, must never have imagined that she would have this day.

This is called living a crime!What's the use of having such good medical skills?Don't you know that doctors can't treat themselves?Damn it.When Li Min dies by himself, it depends on how the group of people following Li Min get along, and there is no need to get along.

The corners of Li Ying's mouth curled slightly, she raised her face, and looked at the almost perfect jade face of the man in front of her, it was very cold, as cold as a jade stone, but it didn't matter.It is not impossible to break this jade stone.Her second sister, didn't she just staged a trick of how to catch a man in front of her?Although her mother Wang had told her about this method long ago, and her elder sister had also demonstrated it.

"Third Master." Li Ying said in a low voice, sticking behind Zhu Li, hesitating, "Minnv may have a child of Third Master."

"What?" Zhu Li frowned, gathering like a mountain.

It could be heard that he not only questioned her words, but also seemed unhappy.He had a completely different attitude from Master Wanli when he heard that her eldest sister was pregnant, and Duke Hu Guogong when he heard that her second sister was pregnant.

How can you not look happy?

Zhu Li's thought was simple, how could she have his child?Neither of them have a bridal chamber?

Li Ying sneered coldly in her heart, but she pretended to be extremely wronged and said: "Third Master, have you forgotten? Previously, Concubine Jing concubine concubine Jing was in charge of the third master's marriage and the future third master's wife and child. Regarding how to renovate the palace, I sent people to the Minister's Mansion to ask for advice. After receiving the kindness from Concubine Jing, the mother of the Minnv, Wang Shi, asked the Minnv to personally bring a letter back to Concubine Jing's words."

Zhu Li gradually remembered this incident. At that time, Concubine Jing advocated buying jade stones from merchants in the north for the jade she needed to build roads in her palace.

It just so happened that Mrs. Wang has this network, and she can get a cheaper price, and in order to please them, Mrs. Wang is willing to pay half of the price to add bricks and tiles to San Ye's mansion.In the face of interests, Concubine Jing has no reason not to accept it.The reason why Concubine Jing accepted Wang's at the beginning was that everyone knew that Wang was a careful planner who was good at amassing money. I heard that the money in his private treasury had already surpassed that of Li Datong himself and the Shangshufu.

At that time, he didn't want to accept Wang's kindness, but under Concubine Jing's lobbying, Ma Wei and others felt that he had no reason not to accept it.After all, when the time comes when Li Ying marries into his house, she will live in his house and spend his money. Now her natal family will provide some subsidies first, which is only right and proper.

In such a complicated situation, Ma Wei was sent out by him that day, and he didn't expect to be cheated. Could it be that Mrs. Wang could and dared to deceive him?So, after receiving the message sent by Wang's envoy, he went to the designated inn to sign the final agreement with the jade merchant.

When I went to the inn, I found that Mrs. Wang didn't come, only Li Ying came.Li Ying was his fiancée, and it wasn't that the two of them had the opportunity to meet alone before.He has no doubts.

When discussing business, it is inevitable to have a banquet, and have a few glasses of wine back and forth on the wine table.The businessman wanted to please him and tried to toast him.Finally, he slept in the inn.The main reason was that he was exhausted all day at the Ministry of Criminal Justice during the day, and if he drank some wine at night, he would easily get drunk.

When Ma Wei came to him after finishing his work, he was found at the inn. At that time, it was already midnight.

"It happened that night. That night, the third master's enthusiasm for the minnv made the minnv firm. In fact, the third master is still very good to the minnv." Li Ying said shyly as a daughter at this moment About this matter, "before, Minnv thought, anyway, Minnv will be married into the third master's mansion by the third master this month, so she thought, it's not too late to talk to the third master after she enters the third master's mansion .”

Ma Wei was stunned when he heard these words.He was so surprised, let alone his master?

In other words, his master had already been designed by this woman and her mother before he formally married this woman?
Don't blame the Wang family for planning this matter for the third daughter in advance. The main reason is that in those days, Li Hua could see that there seemed to be a difference in the relationship between his sister and Zhu Li.So Li Hua sent a reminder to Wang in private.If you are afraid that things will change, it is better to act first.Men are like this, and they can't pass the child.

As long as Li Ying had a man's child first, and then had another son, would Zhu Li be able to escape?If Zhu Li wanted to run away, he had to worry about the child first.

Zhu Li's jade face seemed to be covered by the wind and snow in an instant, and she couldn't see the expression clearly. In the end, she opened her icy lips and let out an unconscious chuckle: "Mother-in-law treats me so kindly. The king is flattered."

"Third Lord!" Li Ying was startled, and quickly argued, "This matter has nothing to do with Minnv's mother, and, that night, Third Master really drank too much. Minnv wanted to go back, but Third Master refused to let her go. .And Minnv thinks that she is the third master's person after all, and can relieve the third master's worries, and Minnv is willing to sacrifice her reputation."

(End of this chapter)

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