Chapter 583 Who Will Rescue (4)
It can be said that the invincibility of Duke Protector's army has something to do with the terrible temper of the master.

Zhu Li, who cared most about the people around him, like the news of his younger brother's injury, Zhu Li was very concerned.

The protector who values ​​human feelings is even more awe-inspiring.

However, once Zhu Li went crazy, no one in the world could resist it.The Donghu people who fought against Duke Huguo knew this matter best.It was because he was afraid that Duke Hu would lead troops to fight, but he was most afraid that Duke Hu would go crazy. Rumors like this had already spread among the Donghu people.

"Where's your lord?" Wei Ziang held back the horse, did not dismount, and met Xu Feiyun's eyes.

Xu Feiyun made a long story short: "I'm going to chase the prince. You came just in time, General Wei. Mr. Gongsun should have told General Wei. It would be better for General Wei to command here."

After hearing his words, Wei Ziang saw the chaos on the east and west sides, and said to the two guards beside him without saying a word: "Go to the east and stop them. If the third master wants to leave, let the third master go."

It is definitely useless to capture Zhu Li.It's useless, and it will cause trouble for yourself.

The most important thing is to catch Donghu people.

Wei Ziang drove the horse himself and headed straight to the chaos in the west.The sound of fighting in the west resounded all the way.

Xu Feiyun grabbed an unoccupied horse, jumped onto the saddle, and at the same time took out a jade bottle from his bosom, and threw it to the apprentice beside him: "Stay here, don't get angry. After seeing your senior brother , will let your senior brother come to you."

"Master." Lan Yan caught the medicine bottle thrown by him, and was about to speak again when Xu Feiyun shot her a sharp look, making her voice hoarse.

"Save your life so that you can be more loyal to and serve your master in the future. Eldest Mistress, I am absolutely in no hurry for your performance at this moment. Besides, Eldest Mistress is protected by the prince now." Xu Feiyun and his apprentice finished speaking with sincerity. , flicking the reins, and galloping the horse's hooves, he followed the eagle leading the way, chasing Zhu Li all the way.

Not long after Xu Feiyun left, a voice came from a distance: "Third Master!" "Third Brother!"

Guo Zida and Master Shi, after hearing the horns of Duke Huguo's regular army, did not dare to continue fighting in the Black Wind Valley, so they hurriedly took people to the back mountain to find Zhu Li and prepared to retreat.

Hearing the sound of responding, he just took advantage of the sudden relaxation of the enemy's offensive line.Ma Wei and Zhu Li jumped onto the horses beside them at the same time, took Li Ying with them, and went back to join Guo Zida's troops.

Lan Yan pricked up her ears, and could hear her own troops getting closer and closer. It should be attacking Black Wind Valley from the back mountain.Presumably this time, the remnants of this group of desperadoes will be wiped out in one fell swoop.

But what is the price to pay?
The bright red blood stains on the ground were soon covered by heavy snow.When night falls, everything in the world seems to have entered silence.

The north wind has been blowing for several days and nights, and it seems that tonight, some things have calmed down.

Someone once said that the wind in the north is closely related to the Lord Protector who protects the north.No one can be more sympathetic to Duke Hu Guo than Beifeng.Perhaps the rumors of the common people are a bit exaggerated, but if there is no basis, how can there be rumors?Therefore, in fact, there have been many glorious deeds in which Lord Protector used the weather to restrict the Donghu people's repeated victories.

Now the weather in the valley is getting better, just as the counselors around Duke Protector expected.

The army entered the valley to eradicate the remnants of bandits.Except for the first-line officers who led the attack, none of the command battalion of Duke Protector seemed to have entered the valley.

After Gongsun Liangsheng entered the Black Wind Valley with the frontline troops of the Warlord Army, he then returned to the territory of the Black Dart Banner behind the Black Wind Valley.Here is the territory of Duke Hu Guo.

After taking Black Wind Valley, there are many things that need to be done. However, according to the discussion of a group of counselors around Duke Hu Guogong, Black Wind Valley does not need to garrison troops.Because, only the group of desperadoes would take this place with extremely bad weather as a safe haven.The rest, such as Lord Wanli and Donghu people, actually have no nostalgia for this place.

The Lord Protector didn't mean to give up Black Wind Valley, as long as he set up a few key points in Black Wind Valley, he didn't need to garrison troops in the barren land of Black Wind Valley.

On the contrary, after taking down the Black Wind Valley, in the Black Wind Valley, the large sums of gold and silver wealth accumulated by Long Shengbao's people through decades of plundering can be used as military expenses for the Duke of the Protectorate.This is also one of the purposes of Duke Protector's attack on Black Wind Valley.

The ones who benefit the most are probably the people whose hometown is near the Black Wind Valley. They can finally return to their hometown and continue to settle down.This is the real purpose of Lord Protector's attack on Black Wind Valley, to win the hearts of the people.

I am afraid that the emperor who will only show off is cowardly, or the emperor has a vicious mind. Lord Wanli must not be happy to see this result.Perhaps, in less than two days, Lord Wanli will issue an imperial decree, saying that he will reward the Lord Protector for his actions to eliminate bandits.He continued to lie to the world by saying that Lord Huguo acted because of an order issued by his Lord Wanli, and that the people in the world should actually be grateful to him.

In the command tent in the Black Dart Banner garrison, the counselors and officers would feel really upset when they thought of this result.Everything was done by their masters, and in the end, all credits belonged to the emperor.

This kind of wedding dress for the emperor has been done for many years. The emperor knows how to be grateful. However, Lord Wanli regards their masters as a thorn in his side. Not only will he not thank their masters, but he will kill them all.The days of swallowing one's breath like this are really enough.They are not Zhu Li, and they are all worthless for Zhu Li.

When Gongsun Liangsheng opened the tent and walked into the command tent, a group of people stood up and shouted: "Mr. Gongsun!"

There is respect in his tone.

Gongsun Liangsheng glanced slowly at the group of people in the account, and said: "Thank you for your hard work. After the front army enters the Black Wind Valley, there will be a lot of work, and we still need to rely on you."

As soon as the words fell to the ground, when everyone looked serious, a voice suddenly came from the gate of the camp outside the tent: "The prince is back!"

A group of people rushed out of the tent to greet them.

Facing the gust of wind, the black sweat-blooded BMW rode over, exhaling white smoke-like gas, showing the speed of its galloping all the way.The moment the soldiers in front opened the gate of the camp, the sweaty black horse, like a lightning flash, passed through the gate and choked up the horse's hooves in the open space in the middle of the camp.

Everyone only listened to the panting of horses like cows.

It was only a few feet behind that Zhu Li's white horse caught up with him, not to mention that the other guards on horseback riding horses were not sweaty horses.

"My lord—" Gongsun Liangsheng stood in front of the crowd and just shouted.

The dust splashed by the horse's hoof landed on the ground, and the man in the golden black robe that looked like a unicorn about to jump out of the water looked down at the people below with a pair of black eyes that looked down on everything in the world.

When everyone received the man's gaze, they couldn't help but tremble: Master is in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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