The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 590 Poison Without Antidote

Chapter 590 The Poison Without Antidote (1)
"What about the other thing Ba Ye said?" Old Man Zheng asked.

Zhu Ji said: "Many people are guessing why the emperor is looking for Princess Li, but this king wants to hear the opinion of the leader."

Old man Zheng stroked his beard and laughed cheerfully: "Ba Ye didn't go to the Tai Hospital, but came to the old man. I think the old man won't worry about other things, right?"

"The boss can think so."

"The old man admits that he has never met Princess Li, but just listening to other people's description of Princess Li, the old man must admit that all medical affairs in the world, as long as they involve medical secrets, can never be hidden from Princess Li's eyes. The old man guessed, This is the real reason why the emperor is looking for Princess Li. I don't know, does it coincide with Ba Ye's thoughts?"

After Zhu Ji heard his words, there was no expression on his face.

Old man Zheng sighed admiringly: "Eighth Master is not sure."

Zhu Ji seemed to deliberately refute his words, saying: "In two or three days, this king will entrust a special envoy to meet Princess Li. I want to send something to Princess Li, maybe Princess Li needs it. It's just this Things, I don’t quite understand, I’m afraid I need some guidance from the lord.”

"Something? What item?" Old man Zheng asked out of curiosity.

Zhu Ji pulled out a book from his cuff, and said, "This is one of those items, Gang Leader Zheng, take a look."

Just a book.

Old man Zheng reached out to hold it and took it. Looking at the plain gray cover, he couldn't see anything, but after turning over one of the pages, his expression immediately changed: "This——"

Completely incomprehensible text.

"Baye, where did you get this thing, a Persian merchant?"

"No, they can't understand what kind of text this is."

Old man Zheng couldn't understand this, since he was not a translator, since the text was incomprehensible to anyone, how could he explain it to Zhu Ji.

Zhu Ji pointed directly at the back of the book.

Old man Zheng turned the pages to the back, and suddenly saw a diagram of a human body, so he suddenly realized that this was a medical book.

"Ba Ye pointed out that this medical book that is difficult for everyone in the world to understand, I am afraid that only Princess Li can understand it?"

"Boss Zheng thinks so." Ba Ye said as he picked up the tea.

Old man Zheng's eyes flashed, he returned the medical book with his hands in his hands, and said: "Ba Ye, if you want to do something that needs my help, I will definitely work for Ba Ye."

"Why did Chief Zheng say such a thing?"

"Because, like the eighth master, this old man believes that Princess Li is definitely not an ordinary person. Whether Princess Li is a fairy or not, I can't say, but Princess Li must be, and she will bring something to this world."

The north wind howled, passing over the northern barracks.

When the weather turned fine, some of the troops who took the opportunity to rest were about to head north.

Gongsun Liangsheng stood in the military tent, and said to the officer leading the team who was about to set off: "After you go back, arrange someone to clean the prince's mansion in Beiyan."

When Wei Ziang and others came in from behind and heard this sentence, they couldn't help but feel happy: So, Li Min's condition has improved.

The patient, up to now, has not woken up for three days and three nights.

Aunt Shang and others who rushed to the camp later met shopkeeper Xu and learned about the situation.Nanny Li and Ziye suddenly became bewildered.Aunt Shang rolled up her sleeves, without saying a word: "The servants are here to serve the master."

Shopkeeper Xu sighed.After entering the tent, Aunt Shang knew that because there were no women in the barracks, it was Zhu Li who took care of the patients herself these few days.

The dignified protector of the country, with such a distinguished status, is willing to be so wronged that he wipes the patient's body and feeds medicine to do such a thing.

Aunt Shang was speechless.

There was only a layer of green stubble on the chin of Duke Hu. After three days, the patient's face became thinner, and his face became even thinner.

"My lord, if you don't rest and fall ill, who will take care of the princess?" Gongsun Liangsheng persuaded the master when he brought Aunt Shang and others into the tent.

Only then did Zhu Li move out of his position, and with sharp eyes, he swept across the faces of Aunt Shang, Nanny Li and others, frowned slightly and said, "The two girls, haven't you found them yet?"

It is about Nian Xia and Chun Mei who Li Min has always cared about.

Gongsun Liangsheng said: "Nian Xia Fuyan is looking for it personally. If Chunmei is going to pick it up, it will take about two or three days."

While they were talking, Aunt Shang twisted the face towel in the copper basin and was about to wipe the patient's face. When she walked to the bed, she suddenly saw the patient's fingers move.

"Young Mistress?" Aunt Shang hurried to the patient and asked.

The rest of the people gathered around when they heard the voice.

Zhu Li gently supported her half body.After Li Min's eyelashes moved, he opened his eye slits, looked at the people in front of him, and parted his lips.

Putting his ear to her mouth, after hearing what she said, Zhu Li put his ear next to her: "The child is here."

The weather continued to get colder, and it seemed that the weather had been warmer for a few days, and it didn't take long before we continued to head towards the midwinter.Pregnancy in this season is a very hard work for pregnant women whose physique belongs to yang deficiency.

Aunt Shang fetched a bucket of hot water, and brought Ziye into the tent together.The barracks is definitely no better than a big house, and many things are not readily available.Before coming, I heard that the prince planned to take the princess back to Beiyan's palace in two days.

Now the problem is not with other people, but, everyone knows that Li Min's condition has just improved, and no one can guarantee whether he can withstand the long journey ahead, let alone, Li Min is pregnant with a child now.

After entering the tent, Aunt Shang asked Ziye to pour hot water into a copper basin, and went to ask the master what he would like to eat for lunch.The ingredients available in the barracks are limited, and Li Min's appetite is not good, so Aunt Shang's face is quite sad whenever she thinks of this.Perhaps it was only now that everyone realized that Aunt Shang's loyalty to Li Min was not questionable at all compared to the two little girls like Nian Xia Chunmei.

"Young Mistress, this servant is thinking about it for you, how about eating lean meat and scrambled eggs at noon? Let's cook some old hot soup."

Hearing this sound, Li Min didn't sleep on the couch, but just leaned on the pillow and closed his eyes to rest. Li Min opened his eyes and said, "We are in the army camp, don't do anything different. Your lord They eat the same meals and dishes as the officers and soldiers."

"Eldest mistress, but if you can't eat, you have to think about having a baby. Otherwise, the prince must be worried. Eldest mistress didn't eat well all the way, so she fainted. Isn't it right to make up for it now?" Shang My aunt persuaded me anxiously.

Of course Li Min could hear what she said, and knew that she had good intentions, and even more so, the raging mood of her husband since seeing her pass out.However, things are far from as simple as they thought.

(End of this chapter)

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