The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 592 Poison Without Antidote

Chapter 592 The Poison Without Antidote (3)
Gongsun Liangsheng's complexion had already faded from hearing her more and more detailed words.Maybe the doctors in ancient times didn't understand the professional terms used by modern doctors, but after all, they did understand some medical principles. As long as Li Min explained it in easy-to-understand language, Gongsun Liangsheng couldn't understand the truth.

"Princess, how can I treat this disease?"

Li Min raised his eyebrows, seeing the expectant face of the other party, for a moment, he could only smile wryly.These ancients really regarded her as an omnipotent fairy.

That's right, her disease can be cured in modern times, with surgery.However, in ancient times, heart surgery?No, impossible.This kind of operation is completely different from the spleen repair operation she performed on Chunmei last time.Last time, Chunmei's spleen was only slightly ruptured, so she dared to open Chunmei's abdomen and repair the slightly ruptured spleen.For heart surgery, if you want to stop the heart, you need to establish an extracorporeal circulation system.In ancient times, such equipment could not be made at all.At the same time, the anesthesiology, ventilator, and drugs required for surgery are all big problems.

"For the time being, there is no cure." Li Min could only say this.

Gongsun Liangsheng couldn't say a word, but judging by her expression, there was obviously a cure answer, otherwise, he wouldn't be so eager to ask her.

This is the ancient times, after all, it is the ancient times where everything is backward. She has knowledge and medical skills, but the same is useless.Therefore, those things in the time-traveling novels where the heroine is invincible in ancient times are really just fantasies.Some things really cannot be solved by a time-traveling master once time-traveling.

If this is a test given to her by God, Li Min has to admit that God really does not favor anyone at all.She was given a second life, but not easily.All crossings, the cycle of life, have traces to follow, not just what you want to wear.

The greatest meaning of life lies in this, that is, the more adversity you encounter, the more you must create miracles.

"I once visited an old man and asked him about the problems of life. The old man told me that if you can't solve the problem, just look at the grass."

Gongsun Liangsheng's already disheartened face, when he heard her words, he couldn't help showing a knowing smile: "The princess has not lost confidence, and Gongsun feels ashamed than the princess."

"So, this concubine does not want Mr. Gongsun to tell the prince these words. Mr. Gongsun knows that this concubine may be at such a risk. If there is a countermeasure, this concubine will think about it." Li Min said clearly, word by word, In fact, the main reason why she asked her husband's counselor was, "I heard that the prince has delayed military affairs in order to take care of this concubine these two days?"

Gongsun Liangsheng said: "All actions in the military camp are carried out in accordance with the previous articles approved by the prince. The prince has no such thing as delaying military affairs."

When Li Min heard this, it can be said that he was a little relieved.She didn't believe that her husband would lose the morale of the army because of her alone, but she had to figure out what some people in the barracks were saying.

Outside the tent, Ziye was pouring food into the rice bowl for the golden retriever who was guarding outside the tent.Footsteps came from behind, and Aunt Shang called out "My Lord" in a low voice. When Ziye quickly turned around, the man's sharp eyes on her head made her shut her mouth and dare not make a sound.

Zhu Li just stood outside the tent, listening for a while, his expression seemed a bit solemn, and then, silently, Zhu Li turned and left.

Wei Ziang and Meng Haoming, who were following Zhu Li, had to look at each other.

"Didn't master go in to visit the princess?" Wei Ziang asked puzzled.

As for the past, Meng Haoming definitely couldn't figure it out, but because he had been in contact with Li Min for a long time before, after getting to know Li Min better, he seemed to be able to understand a little bit.

Li Min is not the kind of woman who clings to others and cannot live without her husband immediately.However, Li Min is not the kind of woman who shares different dreams with her husband.To be precise, Li Min is more like a woman who can urge men to move forward.

This is indeed the case, Li Minke never thought of planning to drag her husband back, if she had such a tendency, she would despise herself first without hesitation.It certainly doesn't mean that it's because of loving him, becoming mindless, giving everything stupidly.It's just that he has an obligation to protect the family he and she formed, and she also has an obligation to protect it. Both husband and wife have this responsibility. How can she keep herself out of it.

The plan to return to Beiyan was already on the agenda.

Since Li Min himself insisted that he could leave, the rest of them had no worries and were ready to go.It is conceivable that everyone trusts Dr. Li's medical skills more.

Speaking of Beiyan, the destination they are going to leave now, it is well known in the world that it belongs to Duke Huguo, but Duke Huguo is a subject of Ming Dynasty after all, and Beiyan belongs to the land of Ming Dynasty in name.

According to the relevant laws and regulations of the Ming Dynasty, it is a normal process for the imperial court to set up the Dudu Mansion in Beiyan.Of course, everyone knew that Duke Protector's army basically had nothing to do with the Dudu's Mansion.The Dudu Mansion can't intervene in Duke Hu's army at all, and can't control Duke Hu's people.The Governor's Mansion, which can't manage the Duke Protector's army, is equivalent to zero in terms of function. It can be said that the Northern Yan's Governor's Mansion is basically a decoration in Beiyan, and it is useless. This is something that the court and Beiyan are well aware of.

To change to the period before Zhu Huaisheng and Zhu Huaisheng, that is, the period when Zhu Li's father was in office and before that, the Chief of the Northern Yan Dudu Mansion has always been the Duke Protector.It can be seen that at that time, perhaps the emperors before Wanli Lord trusted the Duke Huguo, and perhaps Wanli Lord did not have any doubts about Zhu Huaisheng.However, all these changes happened after Zhu Huaisheng died.

After Zhu Huaisheng died, Lord Wanli issued an edict, thinking that Zhu Li was too young to lead the people and army of Beiyan. He said that because of his sympathy for Zhu Li, he deprived the post of the Chief of the Governor's Mansion from the Protector's Mansion. After coming out, the imperial court directly appointed an officer to serve in Beiyan Dudufu.

From then on, Lord Wanli took control of Beiyan Dudufu in his own hands.In just a few years, even if Zhu Li grows up, he can completely control the situation of his fiefdom, but Lord Wanli will not hand over the power he has acquired. All the appointed people were replaced by people sent by the imperial court.

This situation has not changed until today.

I still remember before, when Zhu Li returned to Beijing, he told Lord Wanli that the Donghu people might have set up spies in Beiyan, which meant they would set up spies in Beiyan's governor's mansion.Lord Wanli seemed furious, of course he wanted to express something.As a result, the chief of the Dudu Mansion immediately changed a group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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