Chapter 595
This antidote, of course, refers to the insidiousness of the Donghu people in General Xiao Wei before.

Wei Ziang's breathing tightened instantly, it was related to his brother's life.Of course, it depends on what your master thinks.Isn't it a good deal to exchange the life of my brother with Huyan poison?

"What does Gongsun think?" Zhu Li asked calmly.

Gongsun Liangsheng said: "According to my opinion, first of all, what kind of poison is the poison in General Xiaowei? Is it possible that the Donghu people have set up another antidote? Even if it is only for the life of General Xiaowei For the sake of thinking, you must think carefully. Presumably, based on this, Wei Junshi did not express any views in the letter, but sent an urgent letter to the prince."

"Well, Mr. Wei is always cautious." Zhu Li agreed with this.

"Why don't you ask the concubine—" Wei Ziang couldn't bear it anymore, and let out a cry.

The others looked at him, seeing his fists clenched.

Li Min received a messenger from her husband, saying that she had something to do and wanted her to express her opinion.Li Min doesn't need to think too much, he must be referring to the injury of General Wei that her husband mentioned earlier.It just so happened that she wanted to know the patient's condition in advance, so that when she arrived in Yandu, she could carry out the treatment smoothly.

Because she was pregnant and unable to walk in the snow, Zhu Li took the patient's family members to her tent to learn scriptures.

Li Min quietly listened to Yandu's report on the patient's condition, which included the fact that she had sent the team to Yandu in advance, and after arriving in Yandu, according to her order, the patient was given penicillin.It's just that the production of penicillin is low, and the penicillin that the team can bring over is only enough for patients to use for three days, and it is now being produced in a hurry.

Hearing that penicillin was used on the patient and the patient improved, Li Min's brows did not relax completely.There may be a bacterial infection in the wound.However, what kind of poison the Donghu people used for their patients still needs to be studied carefully.

After Gongsun Liangsheng finished his report, Li Min didn't want to rush to draw conclusions, but when he saw that General Wei brought by her husband, the so-called family members of the patient showed a very worried and anxious look, Li Min changed his mind and said: "My concubine understood what Mr. Gongsun said. My lord, the patient's injury is said to be a knife wound, but it is not an ordinary knife wound. You say it is poisoning, but from my own point of view, the poison may not be ours. The imaginary poison needs no antidote."

Poison that doesn't need an antidote?
Everyone was stunned.

Doctor Li can only explain in detail: "There are many factors that cause people to get sick and injured, and poison is one of them. However, in many cases, poison is not poison, but it is just mistaken for poison, because it is not poison that can cause people to get sick. Injury. Most importantly, the cause must be identified first.”

"But how does the princess know it's not poison?"

"The patient's wound, according to the information you sent to my concubine, said that the intestinal tract showed signs of erosion immediately after being injured by the knife. This concubine can regard it as corrosion."


"Yes, corrosion. Intense traumatic corrosion cannot be solved by taking antidote. It requires surgery. This is the same as what the concubine said to the prince before. The contaminated intestines must be removed to solve this problem." question."

Old Wei walked back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. He had no idea what decision the master would make after the letter was sent.The only thing that is certain is that his youngest son has been suffering for many days. As a father, how can he not be anxious.

When the people below handed him the reply letter sent immediately from afar, Elder Wei opened it up to take a look, but there was no sound for a long time.

On the day we arrived in Yandu, the weather was still not very good, and the snowflakes, like cotton wool, covered the roof of the car.

Such a cold weather, but still can not resist the enthusiasm of the people.

Before arriving at Yandu, passing through the towns of Yanjiao, the people standing along the way were full of people watching.Because as long as the common people look at the uniforms of the army, they all know that this is the army of the Lord Protector.Duke Huguo is the patron saint of Beiyan and the king of this land.How can the people not come to worship and worship.

If he had to use one sentence to describe the pilgrimage scene of these common people, Li Min could imagine such a scene as the grand occasion when the modern citizens saw their mayor, senior officials and even the president arrive to inspect the place.Therefore, these ordinary people are not saying that they are forced or something, but that they are purely out of curiosity and traditional Chinese thinking, and they want to be a little bit happy and luxurious.

In this way, she is really the princess?
At this moment, Li Min realized that he had the title of princess on his head.It's no different than Princess Lu and Princess Gong, who just wear the title of princess. In fact, they don't have any real power except for a little salary to run a shop and farmland.Who made her husband the protector of the country who even the emperor feared three points.Concubine Lu and other princesses' husbands definitely do not have such a vast fiefdom and a large number of subjects as her husband.

Thinking of this, Li Min had to admire Ma Shi, the third daughter-in-law of the Li family.Thinking back before she was going to get married, Mrs. Ma hurried over to her Li Min, saying that the mother and daughter of the Wang family were actually short-sighted. , it can be said that it was unique and unique in the capital at that time.You know, at that time, even the royal family looked down on her as a sick and consumptive ghost. How could she have thought that Li Min is now full of glory and wealth, and her aura is not inferior to that of the empress.

I don't know what happened to Ma Shi with her family now?
Li Min only knew that he sold a favor to Mrs. Li anyway, and told Mrs. Li in advance that there might be man-made disasters and natural disasters on top of the Li family.Specifically, it depends on how Mrs. Li arranges for her descendants.

However, speaking of it, with Mrs. Li's ability, she definitely has a plan in her heart, and she won't suffer the slightest loss.Just look at Aunt Shang who escaped with her all the way, and didn't mention anything that Mrs. Li needs to worry about.

Ginger is old and spicy.

Along the road, there were quite a few people watching and paying their respects, but the road was very quiet.It can be seen that the people under her husband are very well-behaved.There was no beating of gongs or drums, and scenes of magistrates flattering their superiors appeared.

Li Min could speculate in her heart that this must be all doomed because of her husband's style of work.In fact, as long as the Hu Guogong manages the Hu Guogong's mansion, he can know the Hu Guogong's temperament.

Her husband, who is used to leading troops to fight, is a bit rough, but he is not careless in his work. He prefers to formulate strict and selfless rules, and he doesn't like to pay attention to bribes and favors.Because of this, Lord Protector was not very happy in the officialdom in the capital where he was used to exchanging bribes in private.

(End of this chapter)

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