Chapter 597
Zhu Li didn't think much about it, and said, "OK."

According to the rules of big families, each master has his own private space, that is, each lives in a yard.This is almost the same as the structure in the palace.Li Min almost forgot about it.It was because when she married into Duke Huguo's mansion, her husband was mistakenly thought to be dead.As a result, after she entered the wedding room arranged for her by Duke Protector's Mansion, and later, when Zhu Li came back, she directly lived in her wedding room and never moved out again.

After returning home, rearrangement should be done. After all, the house here is so big that there is no need to worry about having no place to live. I am afraid that the empty space will be haunted.

Li Min followed Nanny Fang, preparing to enter the new house.

Nanny Fang was worried that she would not be able to walk well, and wanted to prepare a sedan chair for her because of Zhu Li's instructions.In this regard, Li Min wanted to say no, but it was only a few steps away.

But Nanny Fang said: "Young Mistress, from the gate here to the Green Bamboo Garden, whether it is long or not, it is not short. This road is different from that in the capital."

In fact, as long as Li Min stood at the gate, he could feel a complete difference.The house here has five doors in a row.In addition to the main entrance, there are four corner gates on both sides.At the door, there are eight stone lions in total, all of them are mighty and fierce, with hideous faces.

Like her, it was the first time for Mrs. Protector to come home, so the front door must be opened.Li Min suddenly had a second thought, this house is so big, could it be that she is really the only one living with her husband, mother-in-law, and uncle.

Nanny Fang is a smart old man, she quickly realized what she was asking, and said to her, "Ning Yuanhou and Feng Gongbo both live opposite."

Hearing this, Li Min turned around and saw a very vast open space, as if there was a large open space in front of the Forbidden City.This is the mansion of Duke Hu, who is the master of this land. Although the mansion cannot be as prosperous and rich as the palace in the capital, it is necessary to keep a safe distance around the mansion.

Then, the two big families mentioned by Nanny Fang are about a hundred feet away. On the east and west sides, there is a luxury mansion that does not seem to be small in size.

"The Marquis of Ningyuan is on the east side, and the Earl's Mansion is on the west side." Nanny Fang said.

"Who is Ning Yuanhou?"

"The Marquis of Ningyuan is the descendant of Zhu Qinggong's brother, and Feng Gongbo is the brother of Zhu Qinggong's brother."

Li Min had to admit that his brain wasn't enough, and he was a little dizzy by Nanny Fang's words.However, she could understand that these were relatives of Duke Protector.

The protectors are basically in the same line, like Zhu Li's father Zhu Huaisheng, who is a typical only son.Of course, there are exceptions, such as You Shi gave birth to two sons.If my uncle wants to stand on his own at that time, he can't inherit the title of Duke of the Protectorate, so he can only be the second best and be named Marquis.According to this logic, this Ningyuan Hou's mansion and Fenggong uncle's mansion are probably offshoots left by some ancestor of my husband's grandparents.

What was strange to Li Min was that when she was in the capital, not only did she never hear Youshi mention it, even her husband or uncle never heard of her husband's family having such two distant relatives.

Maybe it's because her husband didn't recognize these two relatives because of the distance, so he didn't mention it to her at all?If this is the case, she, Li Min, must be careful in this regard.

"If the young lady wants to see them, it's not difficult." Seeing that Li Min was interested in listening, Mother Fang continued, "I don't know if Mother Li pointed it out to the young lady before, but in fact, Ningyuanhou and Fenggong Uncle and the others, both families stood at the gate of the city to welcome Duke Hu and his wife."

Hearing this, Nanny Li blushed first, and said: "I haven't returned to Beiyan for a long time, so I don't remember the faces of the Marquis and the Earl very clearly."

Li Min listened to what the two of them said, thoughtful.It seems that there is a certain distance between these two relatives and Duke Protector's Mansion.Look, I dare not even stand at the door of my relatives' house to meet their couple. I can only be reduced to standing at the gate of the city with ordinary people.

In this regard, Mother Fang gave Li Min another word: "Mrs. Ningyuan Hou and Mrs. Feng Gongbo are definitely going to visit the young lady at the prince's mansion."

Li Min just wanted to take a breath first, and said: "If they come, you take them to see Madam first, and write to them after I feel better and want to see them."

"This old slave already knows." Nanny Fang said knowingly.

Then, hurriedly joined Ziye and helped her into the sedan chair.

As Nanny Fang said, it took a stick of incense to get on the sedan chair before arriving at the Green Bamboo Garden.It can be seen that the mansion is so big that it is difficult for her, a pregnant woman, to move an inch.

The Green Bamboo Garden is said to be next door to her husband's yard, so there is a corner door that connects the two yards.The maid drew up the curtain of the sedan chair, and Nanny Fang helped her out of the sedan chair.Li Min went up the steps, and outside the door, there was a row of five or six maids and wives, the number of them was considerable.

Nanny Fang reassured her: "These are all carefully selected by the old slave according to the prince's order. Everyone's family background has been carefully investigated."

Needless to say, the previous spy incident sounded the alarm for the servants in the house.

Really tired, after Li Min entered the room, he took off his shoes, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep.

Seeing that she was asleep, Mother Fang called Ziye and Mother Li to go outside, biting the words clearly in a low voice: "I heard about Mother Liu. Ziye didn't say anything. She was young and not too old. I understand. But, Nanny Li, you are not too young, so you can fall into the trap of others."

Immediately, a trace of paleness flashed across Li Nanny's face, and she said guiltily: "Fang Nanny, please forgive me. This old slave has never lost the master's money. I panicked and ended up—"

"You have to be lucky, the eldest young mistress is a master who can distinguish right from wrong. If she is a wife, she must have ripped off your skin."

Nanny Li didn't even dare to vent her anger.In that matter, she was able to escape unscathed, thanks to Li Min being a good master, otherwise, needless to say, she would have been thrown to the wolves just like Mother Liu, needless to say.

Ziye's small eyeballs looked at the two elders with bones.

There were footsteps at the door.

The three of them looked up and saw that it was Aunt Shang, and immediately silenced their voices.

Aunt Shang was also taken aback when she saw the three of them standing together.

Before thinking about it, even though she was guarded by Nian Xia, at least Nian Xia Chunmei, like her, was brought by Li Min from her mother's house. When facing other people, they could form a camp.Fortunately, she is the only one left to fight alone.She was actually more anxious about the whereabouts of the two little girls than Li Min.

Li Min has no private bank, she just went to shopkeeper Xu to find a solution.

Shopkeeper Xu glared at her when he heard this, and asked why she didn't say such a big thing until now.Shopkeeper Xu, like her, knows the power of silver.

(End of this chapter)

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