The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 600 A Different Patient

Chapter 600 A Different Patient (1)
"No, no." Zhao and Lin quickly shook their heads.

How dare you say yes, Youshi said it so clearly.Originally, they were just like pugs to curry favor with their new masters.

"Since the two aunts sincerely want to see my concubine's daughter-in-law—" You Shi beckoned to Magpie, "You send someone to the eldest young lady's room to pass a message that the two aunts of the prince are here."

"Hey." The magpie responded, and immediately turned around and left the pavilion.

Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Lin held up the teacups, with a hint of joy in their expressions.I didn't expect that things would go so smoothly after coming here today.This Youshi is completely different from before, and he followed their wishes.That's right, at the beginning, when Youshi just became the mistress of the palace, of course she was arrogant, and there was no mother-in-law to suppress her.

When thinking like this, after a while, the magpie, who was going to pass the message, came back from the outside in a hurry, and said to them: "Go back to Madam, the eldest and youngest mistress has gone out."

what? !

The teacups in Zhao's and Lin's hands almost fell to the ground.

Youshi looked like he didn't see them eating shit, and asked, "When did the eldest young mistress go out?"

"Just now, not long after I left. The servant asked me carefully." After saying this, the magpie stepped aside.

In this way, Li Min knew that they were coming to visit, and deliberately put them aside and ignored them.

Seeing no one, they sat awkwardly with You Shi for a while longer, seeing You Shi didn't say anything, Zhao Shi and Lin Shi got up and said goodbye.The two walked back to the door together, before each of them got into the carriage, they finally couldn't help but started to complain.

"To be honest, Princess Jing is much easier to get along with than before, and she has a good temper, not arrogant." Lin said, but she didn't dare to say anything wrong about Li Min immediately.

Mrs. Zhao nodded: "The daughter-in-law didn't report, she left her mother-in-law in the mansion and went out by herself, Princess Jing was not angry at all."

In their opinion, Youshi was not kind to Li Min, his daughter-in-law.It's great.Which mother-in-law can have such a heart and generosity as You Shi.

Mrs. Lin snorted, and finally talked about the previous rumors: "Princess Jing, needless to say, before Huai Shenggong passed away, she already owned a shop and land in Yandu. But this new Princess Li, it is said that she doesn't even have any money on her body. No."

They wanted to get Li Min's relationship with those rich people after hearing the news, but they didn't know that Li Min was so shameless.

Magpie hid in the door. After listening to the conversation between Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Zhao, she went back and explained it carefully to Mrs. You. After speaking, she couldn't help but feel a little joy on her face, and said: "Everything is as Madam expected."

The carriage arrived at the Wei family's mansion.

When Li Min got out of the car, he frowned involuntarily when he saw Mr. Wei greeted him at the door.

When Old Wei saw her, he didn't dare to say anything, he just said softly: "My concubine has worked hard." I don't know where to start the rest of the words.

It should be said that the ancient customs are doomed, pregnant women should not be bloody, let alone see patients in person.Of course, Li Min is a modern person who talks about science. As a doctor, he doesn't believe in this kind of feudal superstition at all. When she was pregnant before, she had already treated countless patients.

"Where is the patient?" Dr. Li asked without any hesitation.

Elder Wei raised his head, looked at her, and said, "Please go this way, Princess Wang." Then he took her into the mansion himself.

Li Min's gaze swept over Wei Lao's back with a little thought, and with Ziye's support, he walked all the way forward.

The Wei family is the loyal ministers of the Duke Huguo, and the plaque of loyalty and virtue bestowed by the Duke Huguo to the Wei family has always been hung on the gate.The Wei family's house covers a large area, and the whole family, men, women and children, live in this place.Mrs. Wei's wife, Mrs. Wei, has passed away, leaving him five children, four boys and one girl. The youngest is actually a daughter, and the fourth-to-last son, General Wei, is the only one in the Wei family who is not yet married. The male is now seriously injured and has been unable to move, and his life and death are unknown.

The whole family, men, women and children, went on for almost a month because of Xiao Wei's worried eyebrows.Speaking of Wei Ziang that Li Min met before, he was actually Wei Lao's third son, named Wei Lao San.Elder Wei not only has his own sons, but also his brother's sons and nephews, who also serve in the army with Elder Wei's sons.Old Wei's eldest grandson is now 15 years old, and he will be able to join the army in one year and next year to serve the Lord Protector.

In this way, after Li Min walked into Wei's mansion, she walked through the Chaoshou corridor, lobby, and yard all the way, and could see the rows of people waiting for her, except for the maids, women, and servants in Wei's house, it seemed that more of them were Wei family.

With such a huge family system and members of the Wei family, Li Min was slightly shocked when he saw it.To be honest, perhaps when seeing this scene, Li Min suddenly agreed with his mother-in-law's point of view.A large family and a large population do have some advantages. For example, standing with such a large number of talents and arranging the momentum can directly scare the master.

Li Min walked all the way, and could see the Wei family who bowed their heads respectfully to her. Their lowered faces, unconcealable surprised colors, and questioning eyes seemed to be revealing some information vaguely.

Arriving in a small courtyard with no one else around, Li Min asked Ziye behind him in a low voice: "Do you know what they are talking about?"

Although the girl Ziye was timid, she was quick-witted, so she responded immediately and said: "Before the young lady went out, the servant girl asked the young lady if she wanted to change the silver hairpin."

Li Min did not pay attention to this detail. Hearing that the patient's condition was getting worse, she was anxious as a doctor. Banquets must follow certain ancient rules.It seems that she forgot to pay attention before. In fact, the Wei family, apart from being the retainers of Duke Hu, is also one of the prominent families in Beiyan.

The so-called noble families, like those princes and nobles in Beijing, cannot avoid the pursuit of extravagance, because it symbolizes their status in this society.Perhaps, Duke Protector himself likes to be diligent and thrifty, but he can't set a dead rule so that everyone in the city who has money to spend will not spend it.Consumption is one of the main driving forces driving the social economy forward.As long as it is money from a legitimate source, Duke Protector has no reason to control it, even if it is his own retainer.

Looking at Dr. Li's attire now, it seems that she has returned to the attire she used to treat patients for the first time in the capital, plain clothes, plain hairpins, plain shoes, all plain.This physique is definitely the most appropriate for the status of a doctor.However, for her other noble status, that of Concubine Li, it is unavoidable that she cannot be equated.

(End of this chapter)

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