The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 610 Each has its own abacus

Chapter 610 Everyone Has Their Own Abacus (1)
Li Min turned his head and narrowed his eyes at his congratulations.It should be said that soon, the old man in the capital will know the news.At that time, what will that old eight think?Really congratulate her?

When it was early in the morning, the brothers of the Wei family were already discussing nervously with their heads together.After getting no reply from Elder Wei for a long time, the eldest and third child of the Wei family went out.

In the Earl's Mansion, You Shi ate the dim sum scented tea in the Earl's Mansion, and felt the stuffiness in his heart finally relieved.

After all, plain porridge and pickled vegetables are not suitable for her.With such a distinguished status as her, how can she often eat porridge and pickles.For the sake of health, it doesn't work either.Her daughter-in-law obviously wanted to torture her in different ways and make her submit.

But it doesn't matter, now that she has returned to Yandu, she has her own property in Yandu, and she doesn't need her daughter-in-law and son to decide what to eat when she goes out, she can eat whatever she wants.

It should be her daughter-in-law who is in trouble now, and the public opinion is now one-sided.Her mother-in-law didn't even make a move, it was Li Min who fell first.

You Shi sipped the precious scented tea in the Earl's Mansion, and raised his eyebrows quietly with joy.

Others only knew that she seemed to be talking about Li Min in front of her, and as a mother-in-law, she didn't say anything, and she didn't help her daughter-in-law to speak for Li Min, but she didn't necessarily talk about her daughter-in-law with others.

Li Min was in the Prince's Mansion, and received news that her mother-in-law had gone to the Earl's Mansion for food.

"Yes, that's what they said." Aunt Shang told Li Min all the news she had inquired from outside, "Madam's carriage went straight to Uncle Feng's mansion."

Why is it the Earl's Mansion, not Ningyuan Hou's Mansion?Before, the two wives came to the prince's mansion to meet Youshi together.It seems that there is no obvious difference in the attitude of the two ladies.

Regarding this, Aunt Shang whispered the news she had inquired in the prince's mansion: "Young Mistress, it seems that Magpie has found out the news for Madam."

"What news?" Li Min asked calmly.

"Yes, Mrs. Uncle gave the red line to the fourth young master of Wei's mansion, and deliberately told her cousin and niece to the fourth young master of Wei's mansion."

What happened next, Li Min didn't need to think too much, she could guess what was going on.The marriage between the Wei family and the Lin family was arranged last year, and many people in the city know about it.Only those of them who have just returned to Yandu don't know about it, it's a normal thing.Therefore, the Zeng family of the Wei family went to the earl's mansion, he must have acted as a representative of the Wei family, and went to the Lin family to ask for a bride to celebrate the fourth child.

The problem is that not everyone is as open-minded as Li Min was at the beginning, and it doesn't matter if she marries a dead person.It should be said that the average girl's family must be more like her sister Li Ying, who has retreated at this juncture, and will never be willing to marry and become a widow.

It is human nature to understand the mood of the Lin family and the sisters of the Lin family.

Do the Lin family agree?Can the Lin family, backed by Feng Gongbo's mansion, reject the Wei family?If they can't refuse, wouldn't the Lin family hate Li Min to death?
No wonder her mother-in-law rushed to Uncle Feng's mansion early in the morning, because she was so angry after eating porridge and pickles, could it be okay if she didn't go to Uncle Feng's mansion to find someone with the same hatred?It is true that her mother-in-law is narrow-minded.For porridge and pickles, we need to find allies.

Li Min pondered for a moment, and said: "I will prepare the carriage later, and this concubine is going to the Wei manor to see patients. If the madam comes back, according to the previous arrangement of the concubine, let the kitchen deliver lunch to the madam on time, whether the madam will eat or not?" , that's Madam's business, what we have to do must be done well."

Aunt Shang understood what she meant and nodded, but she was afraid that it would be inappropriate for her to go to Wei's mansion to see patients at the moment, so she persuaded her, "Why don't you listen to the shopkeeper Xu when he comes back?"

Li Min raised his eyebrows, and his sharp eyes fell on Aunt Shang's face: "What others say is other people's business, can this concubine refuse to save the patient because of what others say?"

Aunt Shang shuddered and fell silent.

However, Li Min could see the grievance in her heart, and said with a soft tone: "I know that you care about and love my master, but don't forget what your master is doing, and being a doctor is inherently full of risks. You followed this concubine and did these things to save people, you feel wronged in your heart. This concubine condoles your grievances."

"Your maidservant is not wronged." Aunt Shang couldn't help feeling hot in her heart, she raised her head and said, "My maidservant is afraid that the young lady will be wronged. Not everyone can understand the sincere kindness of the young lady."

"You're right. Not everyone can understand it. But, you can't say that everyone doesn't understand it. Don't you understand my concubine very well?"

After Aunt Shang was stunned for a moment, she looked up and saw the leisurely smile on the corner of Li Min's mouth, and she couldn't help laughing along with her tears.The master is so open, but she looks like a little daughter-in-law who complains about herself. She really shouldn't, and will hold the master back.

"Let Xiao Lizi prepare the car. You don't have to follow, let Xiao Lizi drive this concubine to Wei Mansion." Li Min ordered.

After Xiao Lizi received the order, he immediately drove to Rome.

When Chunmei heard the news in the yard, she couldn't sit still, so she ran to Xiao Lizi and said, "I hid behind the car and went with the eldest young lady. .”

"The eldest young mistress asked you to cultivate yourself. If you run out, you are not afraid of being scolded to death by the eldest young mistress, but you have to worry about me, so that I will not be beaten to death by someone, right?" she says.

"Who can beat you to death?" Chunmei was stunned when she heard his words.

"Who else?" Xiao Lizi shook his head at her and sighed, "Isn't that the man Aunt Shang said, asking you when you'll be back in private over and over again."

When Chunmei heard the word man, she blushed immediately, her face suddenly turned red like a monkey's butt, she clenched her fists, and wanted to hit Xiao Lizi's face.

I'm afraid that now the joke between her and him is known to everyone in the prince's mansion.

"You just listen to people's nonsense about the matter of disappearing. Little Li, since when have you become so confused, I used to think you were smart." Chunmei said angrily and shyly.

Xiao Lizi suddenly hissed at her.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?" Chunmei stared blankly, her posture was like the kind of girl who is not afraid of you scaring her.

Xiao Lizi felt helpless to die, so she pointed behind her, and immediately said to the man behind her: "Meng Banner Master, this servant is going to take the eldest young lady out right now, if it's okay, this servant will drive away in a carriage."

"Well, you go." Meng Haoming, who was standing behind Chunmei, pondered.

Chunmei's whole body suddenly turned into a popsicle, and she stood there with her back straight, not daring to move.

(End of this chapter)

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