Chapter 616 Surrender (3)
"Where's our leader?" The man in the rustling black robe turned around like a hurricane, and pointed at them with two big eyes.

After receiving Wei Ziqing's nod of agreement, Wei Ziang clasped his hands to his mouth and let out a long whistle in the night.Soon, from the south side, dust rolled up.A group of cavalry came over with a real prison cart.

This time, the Donghu people saw with their own eyes that the hostage in the prison car was their leader, Hu Yandu.However, they did not dare to act rashly to rob the prisoner immediately this time.It's just because a knife was placed on Huyandu's neck, as long as the opponent's knife was touched on Huyandu's neck, Huyandu would die immediately.

"Boss!" The man jumped out of the prison car and came to a place a few feet away from the prison car, holding a half-person-high sword in his hand, staring at him.

Huyandu's mouth was sealed by a cloth strip, unable to speak, and could only move his face to show that he was indeed Huyandu.

"Man, you saw it. Hand over the antidote." Wei Ziqing said.

The man made a bang, as if he had plunged a big knife into the ground. Then, he took out the small porcelain bottle demonstrated just now from his arms, and threw it out without hesitation.

The moment Wei Ziang caught the porcelain vase, the Donghu man rushed towards the prison cart.

A melee immediately began.I saw that the soldier on Huyandu's neck was about to wipe off the tip of the knife on Huyandu's neck, when the poisonous arrow pulled out from the hand of the bearded man shot out in an instant, hitting the soldier's chest.

Wei Ziang, who got the antidote, and Wei Ziqing, who was on horseback, set off at the same time to participate in the deadly battle with the Donghu people.At this moment, a sudden scream was heard.

Wei Ziqing, who was fighting the opponent with a sword, turned his head, and suddenly saw his youngest child lying on the ground clutching his chest.

"Third!" Wei Ziqing quickly withdrew from the front.

Wei Ziang quickly took out the bottle of medicine from his hot chest.Seeing the medicinal liquid touch the skin of his hands, his skin immediately boiled.

Needless to say, the antidote was replaced by poison and given to them.

Wei Ziqing's eyes turned red instantly: "We can't let them escape—"

The Donghu people had cut off all the ropes on Huyandu's body at this time, and the prisoners who had taken them were about to run away.At this moment, suddenly, Huyandu covered the wound on his shoulder and knelt down on the ground.

It was the Donghu people's turn to turn pale with shock, and the bearded man cursed loudly: "Ming people, you cheat! What kind of poison did you put on our leader?!"

The brothers of the Wei family didn't know why, so what kind of poison could they put on Huyan Poison?

It can be seen that both parties have been poisoned.

But the Donghu people are well aware of the poison of the Wei family brothers, but they don't know what kind of poison is in the poison of their leader Huyan, and they are stunned.

Hu Yandu gritted his teeth, and said: "No, they don't know! The one who shot me with an arrow and hurt me was the younger brother of Duke Hu, the second young master of Duke Hu's mansion, Li Wang."

As soon as the words of his voice fell to the ground, over there, passing through the night wind, a white arrow shot silently, hitting the bearded man's left leg.I saw that the two leaders were suddenly poisoned by arrows, and the camp of the Donghu people was in chaos.A group of people gathered together and formed a circle, looking at the cavalry from far and near with horrified eyes.

The Wei family brothers were surprised, but suddenly felt ashamed and embarrassed.I saw that among the reinforcements arriving at this moment, not only Zhu Li who had just shot the key arrow, but also Gongsun Liangsheng who was riding an old horse.

The two brothers thought of another person together.Now that Gongsun Liangsheng is here, it's unlikely that Zhu Li didn't know about it.

A sudden panic in my heart passed over the hearts of the two brothers.

Wei Ziqing said to his younger brother: "At that time, if the lord gets weird, I will bear it alone. You don't make a sound."

"Big brother—" Wei Ziang gritted his teeth hard to endure the pain in his hand that was stained by the poison.

When he got to the front, after seeing clearly what happened, Gongsun Liangsheng raised his hand, and a man behind him got off the horse and ran to the Wei family brothers.

The Wei family brothers have never seen this person before, so they don't know who it is.

"The slave is called Xiao Lizi. I came here on the order of the princess. I'm afraid that the two generals will be fooled by the Donghu people." Xiao Lizi said, and immediately took out a porcelain bottle similar to a medicine bottle from his arms, and opened the wooden bottle. After stuffing it, he poured the liquid onto Wei Ziang's burning hand.

The pain on Wei Ziang's hand felt relieved instantly, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.It turned out that what Li Min said before was not a bluff to deceive them, Li Min really knew how to deal with the poison used by the Donghu people.

"You have to take off the clothes on your body, otherwise, if it gets on your skin, it will corrode your skin." When Xiao Lizi smelled the strong pungent smell from the clothes on Wei Ziang's body, according to what Li Min taught, one five one Ten said.

No wonder the chest was so hot just now, it turned out that the seepage leaked out just now and stained his clothes and then onto his skin.Wei Ziang hurriedly took off the contaminated clothes, and sure enough, he felt much better.

The Donghu people present were all shocked when they saw this scene, and their eyes almost popped out.

"Who is this? Who is the princess he said?" the bearded man asked.

Hu Yandu said with a sullen face, "It's just that our Second Khan fell short last time, and there was no Mrs. Protector and Princess Li who could not be captured by the Khan."

"Princess Li?" As if, this person didn't know the ins and outs of Mao Dun Shanyu's arrest of Li Min, so he asked in surprise, "Who is Princess Li? Can she cure the poison made by us Donghu sorcerers?" ?”

Now it looks like it can.

Not only did the pain on Wei Ziang's wound improve a lot, but at the same time, Xiao Lizi took out some medicine and smeared it on Wei Ziang's wound, obviously coming prepared, knowing what kind of poison the Donghu people made.

"Impossible!" To this end, the Donghu people had to strongly oppose it, otherwise, they would be poisoned and besieged by the Duke Protector's army. If they didn't understand the medicine as a bargaining chip, how could they escape.

Xiao Lizi healed Wei Ziang's wound, turned around, and said to those Donghu people: "You don't need to deceive everyone in the world anymore. Our concubine has already seen through your schemes. You so-called people in the world don't know what poison it is, It's just a liquid that flows out of the mountain pass, or a strong corrosive liquid that is taken out of a solution spit out by some kind of animal. It's called sulfuric acid. There is no so-called special antidote for sulfuric acid. You know The reason why sulfuric acid hurts people, as long as it is diluted with a large amount of water, it can dissolve your poison."

sulfuric acid?No one has ever heard of this stuff.Donghu people were even more suspicious after hearing this.

"Nonsense, we sorcerers have said that this is a rare fetish in the world that God helped our Khan to obtain."

(End of this chapter)

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