Chapter 631 Governor's Mansion (3)
Mother Jiang snorted coldly, stood up, straightened her clothes, then straightened her expression, turned her cold face into a look of surprise, and ran straight into the lobby, shouting, "Master, master, no! All right!"

"What's the matter?" The people in the lobby saw Mammy Jiang barging in unexpectedly, Wei Ziqing quickly stepped forward and stood in front of Nanny Jiang.

Mother Jiang rushed to Wei Ziqing and knelt down on her knees: "Master, the bride is gone."

When a group of people suddenly heard Jiang Nanny's words, they couldn't grasp it for a while.

"Speak slowly." Wei Ziqing maintained a calm tone, and said, "Bride, didn't we take you to the west yard after arriving at the mansion yesterday?"

"Yes, but, this morning, the servant girl was ordered by the old man to deliver breakfast to Miss Lin. Didn't the old man say yesterday that everyone in the house must take good care of Miss Lin. In the kitchen, the best breakfast is prepared. , The maidservant personally carried the food box to the courtyard where Miss Lin lived, and found that there was no Miss Lin in the house where Miss Lin lived."

"Not seen?" Wei Ziqing asked.

"Yes, this servant carefully searched in the yard, inside and outside the house, and even other places in the mansion. No one said that she had seen Miss Lin." Madam Jiang said clearly. .

Speaking of Lin's niece, because Lin made a special trip to curry favor with Wei Mansion and Zeng's before, and personally brought her cousin to Wei Mansion for Zeng's review.Therefore, many people in Wei's mansion have seen what Miss Lin looks like.

"Could it be that Miss Lin went to the latrine?" Wei Ziang asked kindly.After all, how could a living person be in Nuo Da's mansion managed by someone, and he would disappear if he didn't see him.The Wei Mansion is not an ordinary family, not to mention the security measures in the Wei Mansion, many of the family slaves have practiced martial arts, and thieves dare not set foot in the Wei Mansion.

From a comprehensive point of view, it can only be said that Miss Lin must have walked away for a while, and Mother Jiang might not have found it just by chance.

"No." Jiang Mama shook her head with certainty, "I have searched carefully and carefully, not only the slaves, but the slaves knew that this matter was serious, so they mobilized many maids to search together, but they couldn't find anyone. Think, the bride just entered the Wei Mansion last night, and the fourth young master just got sick, if something happens to the bride—"

Everyone couldn't help but change their faces when they heard Jiang Nanny's last words.Yes, this matter can be big or small.However, if the bride is really lost in the Wei Mansion, it will definitely be a big deal.

First of all, this matter is no longer just a matter of the two of them. Yesterday, when the Uncle Feng's mansion sent his daughter to Wei's mansion, it caused such a commotion that everyone in the city knew about it.

The Wei Mansion is even more responsible for the whole matter.

Without hesitation, Elder Wei walked out of the lobby first with his hands behind his back, and the rest of the Wei family disciples hurriedly followed behind Elder Wei.When he walked to the door, the boss Wei Ziqing suddenly became more thoughtful. He turned around and saw Uncle Feng's mansion sitting motionless in the lobby, and said, "Why don't you come with Uncle Feng and Mrs. Uncle. Maybe Miss Lin is shy. She'll be willing to show up."

Zhu Qingmin was not suspicious, and immediately stood up.The loss of my wife's cousin and niece is definitely a big deal. It stands to reason that their relatives must be nervous.

When he walked to the door, he realized that Mrs. Lin hadn't moved.

Lin held a veil and pressed it to her forehead, as weak as if she was about to faint.

"Ma'am!" Zhu Qingmin roared angrily.

Mrs. Lin is really good at it, she pretends to be dizzy at this juncture, not thinking that her cousin and niece are missing.

After being yelled at by her husband, Lin shuddered and almost wanted to stare back at her husband.

Seeing the Wei family, headed by Mr. Wei, they all turned their heads to look at her, as if they were a little suspicious.Indeed, if their own daughter disappeared, they should be the ones who worried most, but now Lin's behavior is completely wrong.It would be strange if there were no problems in it.

Lin had no choice but to stand up, pretending to be weak, holding a handkerchief to her chest: "I was not frightened by what the nanny said just now—"

When everyone heard what she said, it seemed that their faces softened a little, but there were doubts hidden in their eyes.

Lin knew that if he didn't go with this group of people at this moment, he really couldn't do it. He might be suspected first, so he calmly walked forward and walked behind Zhu Qingmin.

In this way, a group of people moved to the yard where the bride lived.

At that time, Xi Niang was still in the room comforting the maid who married on her behalf: "Don't cry, the Wei family may not necessarily send you there to be buried with the dead. Besides, after this matter is over, you will be the young mistress in this mansion from now on." Yes, Madam has torn up your contract of sale, what is wrong with you? You have taken all the benefits."

"If Fourth Young Master dies, you want me to be buried with you?" The servant girl was in a state of panic all day long, two strings of tears fell from her eyes, and she couldn't even stop the car.

"How could it be? I don't see any white lanterns hung in this mansion until now, let alone coffins—" At this point, Xi Po also had doubts in her heart.What is going on with this Wei Mansion? Isn't it rumored that the fourth child is dying?Some people also said that all the coffins were ready, but after they entered the mansion yesterday, none of the white lantern coffins were seen.

strangeness.If it weren't for the fact that she had to keep a close eye on the bride to prevent the married maid from running away according to what Lin said, she would have been inquiring about this mansion long ago.

Therefore, Mammy Jiang said that she brought food boxes over and found that the bride had disappeared, which was completely nonsense.With Xi Po personally watching the door here, no one can easily enter the bride's room to find out.As for the masters of the Wei Mansion, they have this right, but no one doubts that for this reason, why would they come to the bride's room on their own initiative.

When Lin followed the crowd to the door of the bride's house and suddenly thought of this, it was already too late.

In front, Old Wei ordered someone to open the gate of the bride's courtyard.

Mrs. Lin yelled badly, could it be that she was tricked?
She wanted to drag her husband to run, but Zhu Qingmin walked straight to the front because she was really worried.

Suddenly hearing the movement outside the door, the Xi Po and the bride in the room were startled.Xi Po hurriedly put the red hijab on top of the servant girl's head: "Don't make a sound!"

Then Xi Po went to the back of the door and asked, "Who is here? My girl has been exhausted since yesterday, so she can't see guests."

When the people in the yard heard Xi Po's voice, they had doubts in their hearts.

Mother Jiang came up, met the questioning gazes of Mr. Wei and the others, and bit her words and said, "Master, this servant is right. The one in the room is not Miss Lin. I'm afraid it's the wife who knows that Miss Lin is gone. Take the dowry maid instead of Miss Lin."

(End of this chapter)

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