The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 639 Taking Husband Fox as a Fake Tiger

Chapter 639 Taking the Husband Fox as a Fake Tiger (1)
Li Min took a look from the crowd, saw someone, and when Lan Yan whispered in his ear who it was, the corner of Li Min's mouth curled slightly, and said to the waiter, "Let's just take that table."

The table Li Min pointed to was near the window, and it was in a remote corner, overlooking the most beautiful old plum tree on the street downstairs.

When the waiter followed Li Min's gaze and looked at the table, he almost raised his head and glanced at Li Min's face: Who are you?How dare you pick that table?
It's not that Xiao Ergou in the shop looked down on people. You must know that although the table was not surrounded by an independent box, it was covered by half-covered screens on both sides.The plum blossom trees embroidered on the two screens are said to have come from the most famous embroiderer in the south of the Yangtze River.Under the peak embroidery skills, the plum trees on the screen seem to jump out of the screen when they hear the wind, and complement each other with a row of plum blossoms on Chunshu Street. Appreciate plum blossoms.

What's more, that place actually looks different, basically, people on the second floor are coming and going, but basically no one dares to go to that table.Obviously, that place is an exclusive area of ​​this teahouse.

There is no mistake, that table is called Meixian Pavilion by the people in Yandu.It was named because it was said that in Beiyanli, the first woman who became the empress of the Ming emperor used to like to sit in this place to drink tea and admire plum blossoms. Entering the harem of the capital, with the support of Duke Huguo, she skyrocketed and became the empress of the emperor at that time.

The legend is probably not a folklore. According to the historical records of Daming, it is true that the grandfather of Wanli's grandfather, the second queen who was established, was married to the capital from Beiyan.The queen who traveled from Yandu to Guannei, it is said that the day she entered Beijing was in the middle of winter, because the plum blossom trees in the capital were not blooming better than those outside the pass. It was fully opened, as if the capital had opened its arms to welcome the woman into the capital.

The records in the history books are more convincing. After all, historians dare not talk nonsense like the folk tea house gentleman.However, it can be confirmed that the woman is the incarnation of the Plum Blossom Essence, but it is a bit biased.Perhaps it was just a coincidence that the weather in the capital happened to be suitable for plum blossoms to bloom on the day the woman entered Beijing.

In this way, even historians have to record this scene in detail in the compiled history books, from which we can see some of the mysteries behind it.That is, the people who wrote the history books were also the emperor's people, so how could they write randomly?Therefore, not surprisingly, this plum blossom woman passed away in a hurry not long after she entered the palace and was favored less than half a year after ascending to the throne.

The outside world speculates that she is a plum blossom fairy, so when the time comes, she must be recalled to the heaven by the Jade Emperor, how can she continue to stay in the world.

To a scientist like Li Min, whether a god is a god or not is simply nonsense.There are no gods in this world.Immortals are made up and used by the ruling class to fool ordinary people.

It can only be said that the ruler at that time intended to use this beautiful lie to cover up all the truth.Tell the common people that this girl from Beiyan died not because of conspiracy and fighting, but most importantly, because she came from Beiyan.If she suffered some crime and died in the capital, even if she committed a crime and was put to death by the emperor, the people of Beiyan would definitely not agree.

It is conceivable that at that time, something must have happened between the emperor and the protector.

History has turned over, what happened nearly two or three hundred years ago, if you want to study it now, it seems that it doesn't make much sense, after all, things have changed and people have changed.But no matter what, this Meixian Pavilion has remained, and it has remained in Yandu for a long time.It can be seen that this bathhouse teahouse should have a history of more than 300 years.

The fact is so, Xiaoer Dian can proudly tell everyone that this teahouse has existed since the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when the Duke of Huguo came to rule Beiyan when Yandu began to rule Beiyan.

No wonder, the place is overcrowded.I am afraid that people who come from other places must visit this teahouse to experience the history of Yandu.

Li Min thought, this time, he really came to the right place, whether it was a coincidence or a coincidence.Before, she never went out without doing any travel homework.

"Why, my young master, can you sit there if you want to? Didn't you say that you can sit at a table with other guests? There are so many people here, every table is full, only that table is left It looks like there are still vacancies." Lan Yan came out from behind Li Min and negotiated with the waiter.

The shop clerk couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, showing a contemptuous expression: "I've already told you that it's too late. You guys are from other places, right? So you don't know the rules in Yandu."


There are rules for drinking tea and appreciating plum blossoms.Li Min's curiosity was aroused, and he squinted his eyes to listen to what the other party had to say.Because Lan Yan looked ignorant of the so-called rules.

Lan Yan doesn't know the rules, maybe it's because she seldom stays in Yandu all the year round, and she didn't grow up in Yandu when she was a child.

"Yes. The rules." The waiter bit down every word with certainty, as if no one could break the rules, "Well, Beiyan may not be as good as Guannei, but Yandu is definitely better than the capital. Don't you know? The current emperor, when he came to our Yandu Chunshu Street, once sighed, why didn't he live in Yandu. "

Li Min pursed the corners of his mouth that were about to rise.From the words of Xiao Er, the shop may explain why she found that all the people in Beiyan were not interested in the inscription written by Master Wanli on Chunshu Street just now.It turned out that the people of Beiyan thought that Emperor Ming was nothing special, because even Emperor Ming himself admitted that the capital would be better off without them.

In fact, if you ask Li Min to say that even if Master Wanli sighed back then, it was just a whim, which was inspired by the scene, just like a poet needs passion to write a poem. Once the passion is over, for the emperor, no matter how beautiful the place is It cannot be compared with the capital.The capital is the emperor's lair, the political and cultural center of the country, and the foundation for the emperor to rule the world. How can it be compared?
Of course, ordinary people like Dian Xiaoer definitely don't understand these logics. The shop advertises to do business.

Receiving Li Min's disappointment, Lan Yan nodded, took out the money bag tied around her waist, and said to the waiter: "My young master said, we all understand what you said, don't you just want money? Open your mouth. Our family What the young master lacks the most is money."

(End of this chapter)

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