Chapter 810 Secret Letter (3)
In any case, he is the princess, and he is even more hateful than that Wei Xiangxiang.With Zhu Yongle's conditions, what kind of husband can I choose without, why bother to fight with them.It's too much, it's bullying.

"Go back." Li Xiner said.

Mainly it is useless to continue to stay here.Li Xin'er thought about it, it's better to force her mother to work harder with Li Min, than they are peeping here.

Both Bai Xihui and Li Yuanzhu seemed to know what she was thinking, and they walked back together.After walking a few steps, Bai Xihui suddenly said: "It's strange, Zhu Li has appeared here, where is Zhu Xiangyi?"

After entering the courtyard, Zhu Yongle didn't need to order, Fuzi and Chunmei were already busy serving tea and water to the guests.

When Zhu Li took the teacup, he saw Fuzi.

Fuzi wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, the implication was self-evident.

The corners of Zhu Li's mouth were tightened into a slit, so far, there is still no news about her.

Xu Youzhen sat in the chair well-behaved, but she really wanted to escape.He really felt that this matter was too absurd. If his cousin Li Min was forced to accept the princess's intimidation, no, it stands to reason that his cousin Li Min could not be coerced by anyone, that is to say, his cousin Li Min Li Min felt that this was possible.

He had to make it clear to Li Min later that the Xu family had no interest in the princess.

"Xu Zhuangyuan, the Princess has something to ask Xu Zhuangyuan."

"Princess, please tell me." Xu Youzhen straightened her chest, her tone was indifferent.

However, Zhu Yongle seemed to turn a blind eye to his indifferent face or was accustomed to it. He was not as angry as before. He asked Fuzi to take out a picture and handed it to Xu Youzhen, saying: "The regular script of Princess Li is known as the best in the world. Absolutely amazing. However, this princess has always believed that Xu Zhuangyuan's clerical script is really called the bone of immortality and is unique."

Xu Youzhen seemed to be stunned, and then, after seeing the picture that Fuzi handed over, her face turned pale.

When Zhu Li was curious, he leaned over to take a look, and saw that the official script written on that handwriting was indeed different from the official script that ordinary people saw, with a more free and unrestrained style. This kind of far-sighted atmosphere is like the bright moon at dawn, and the bright light is faintly visible, making people feel a suddenness that is brighter than stunning.

"This is Xu Zhuangyuan's character?" Zhu Li was also a little surprised. After all, Xu Youzhen, as a famous champion man, had that character spread in the capital, so it was impossible for Zhu Li not to have seen it.In memory, Xu Youzhen's handwriting has never been in the almost unrestrained style in front of her eyes.

Xu Youzhen seemed to be having a hard time saying this, but she just looked at Zhu Yongle who was holding the teacup motionlessly with a very deep look.

This is what he wrote, there is nothing wrong with it.However, this word is a word that he had spent a long time ago when he came to the capital to inquire about the situation before taking part in the palace examination. He ran out of money and was forced to set up a stall on the street for two days to sell the word.

How did Zhu Yongle have this old painting of his, and what's more, he knew about his past?
Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Zhu Li shrugged his brows, and made an excuse that he should not treat this light bulb anymore. When he was walking to the toilet, halfway, he turned around and asked Fuzi who followed: "When you come out with your master, Ba Ye How do you say it?"

"Eighth Master?" Fuzi was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't understand his words, "Eighth Master told Eleventh Master to be careful in everything. Of course, Eighth Master has always persuaded Eleventh Master, saying that Second Young Master is a cold-hearted , next time I see Eleventh Master, maybe I will do something to Eleventh Master."

"That's right." Zhu Li said, "If you meet Master Eleven again in the future, take her with you and keep her away from me. The so-called sword has no eyes. I used to know that you Fuzi once wanted to give her A rabbit survived, but when an arrow flew over, it still killed the rabbit."

Hehehe.Fuzi shook his body dryly: "The slaves all listen to the second young master. If you see the eleventh master, you must tell the eleventh master what the second young master said."

Amidst the singing and dancing, the snow slowly fell to the ground.As the winter solstice banquet drew to a close, the guests began to bid farewell to the host one by one.Everyone said that they were invited to eat, drink and have fun, but in fact they all came with a purpose.

Mrs. Ma and Mrs. Liu stood in the long queue waiting for Li Min to summon them.Liu's son was still young, and fell asleep in the middle of the banquet.Let the nanny hold it in her arms and send it to the carriage first.

After the two young ladies of the Li family and Bai Xihui finished peeping, they turned around and talked to the mothers, and the wives also felt a lump in their hearts.

Pan asked her daughter to rest assured, let her go home by car first, and then came back to discuss countermeasures with Ma and Liu.When I came here, I saw that Li Min's queue was getting longer and longer.Everyone wants to have a good relationship with the new mistress of the Duke Protector's Mansion.

Compared to Li Min's liveliness.In front of Youshi's gate, there are almost no people there, and no one petitions.

Sitting on the heated kang in the room, Li Min patiently looked at the list of gifts sent to the palace by the guests.This is not to say that she and his husband are greedy for money, but that when the invitation was sent out, it was clearly stated in the invitation that the last hailstorm had a great impact on the people of Yandu.

To put it bluntly, the Winter Solstice Banquet is a charity banquet for fundraising.Next, it depends on these people, who will be a man, and who will not be a man.

It seems that there are not many people who know how to be human.Look, these are said to be a meeting gift for the new mistress of the Duke Protector's Mansion, but many of them didn't carefully read the invitations written by Li Min himself.Send something, it must be sent.She can understand the variety of things she sent.However, most things are flashy.What did she use it for, to be honest, she couldn't even exchange it for silver and donate it to the people.

Seeing Li Min suddenly stopped and started to drink tea, Aunt Shang knew that she was so angry that she was about to wear out her patience.

"Are there many people outside?" Li Min asked after thinking about it.

"Yes, Eldest Mistress, there are hundreds of people waiting outside to be summoned by Eldest Mistress." Aunt Shang conservatively estimated.

Because Li Min doesn't meet everyone, Li Min only sees what is necessary, for example, someone who has read Li Min's invitation sincerely and is willing to work with her, the wife of the protector of the country.As for those people who don't care about what Li Min thinks, what she sees them here for, they have different ideas and paths, and meeting them will only cause troubles in her heart.

Li Min doesn't like hypocritical things, so she should do less, if she doesn't have to do it, she won't do it.

Those who were not summoned by Li Min, no, they were all waiting outside the house, relying on their thick skin, they wanted to rub their hands before leaving.

"It seems that this group of people thinks that there are many people and powerful people, and the truth is what everyone doesn't do." The corners of Li Min's cold lips curled up.

(End of this chapter)

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