The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 821 Who Bes Whose Pawn

Chapter 821 Who Bes Whose Pawn (5)
Zhu Wen asked Lu Borui, "Did your people leak something?"

"Prince, this matter is not trivial, how can I let someone deliberately leak the news to Princess Li?" Lu Borui said angrily, accusing Zhu Wen of saying such a thing is simply absurd.

Zhu Wen was resentful, who could be blamed if he didn't ask Master Lu Bo Ruixing first, no matter what, it must be their accident that Li Min came here, it must be wrong.

Now, if they don't let Li Min in, they will become guilty and guilty.

"Princess Li, please come in." Lu Borui sighed, now he can only play by ear, the best way is to persuade Li Min to dispel his suspicions about them, and then go to trick him.

Wu Jiedanyu was sitting in their room, tapping the wrench on the table all the time, glancing at the panic on the faces of Lu Borui and the others from the corner of his eyes, he suddenly said, "It's obvious that she suspects that she came to the Dudu's mansion. .After all, the Dudu’s Mansion is the Duke Protector’s deadly enemy, and she must be the first to suspect the Dudu’s Mansion.”

Hearing what he said, Lu Borui thought, this is indeed the case.It doesn't matter if there is any accident, the people in the Duke's Mansion must first think of the Dudu's Mansion, and there will be nothing else.

When he went to face Li Min, Lu Borui felt more calm. He thought that with Wu Jie Shanyu's words, he could directly prevaricate Li Min. However, he did not expect that the Donghu people would know so much about the relationship between the emperor and the Duke of the Protectorate. contradictions between.

Li Min walked into the Governor's Mansion, and met Lu Borui who came to greet him.

Lu Borui bowed to him: "I see Princess Li."

"Lord Lu, you are being polite." Li Min said, "This concubine is here to see the emperor's imperial envoy, the eldest prince. I have a few words to say to the eldest prince."

What?Not looking for him, looking for the First Prince?Lu Borui felt that a stick hit his head and almost knocked him out.Zhu Wen didn't have anyone himself, and his people would do whatever he needed.If she touches something, she should be the first to look for Lu Borui instead of Zhu Wen.

"I don't quite understand, is it wrong for the princess to look for the eldest prince in the middle of the night?" Lu Borui's round eyes rolled around Li Min's face.It's a pity that Li Minsheng's expression is as unpredictable as that of Duke Hu.Lu Borui dug hard and couldn't find any traces.

What's more, this Li Min suddenly smiled at him, and said with a very gentle voice: "Your Excellency, you can tell the eldest prince that the news brought by this concubine is definitely good news for the eldest prince. She is here to save the eldest prince." The prince's life. This concubine has saved the eldest prince's life before, the eldest prince will not know what kind of heart this concubine is, and this concubine will not deceive the eldest prince."

Seeing the gentle and kind smile in front of him, Lu Borui seemed to be having a nightmare.This is far from reality.The master next to him was nagging in his ear, saying that, in the past, Li Min had indeed saved the eldest prince's life with his medical skills.Could it be that Li Min meant this, saying that he has found a new medicine and can continue to save the First Prince's life. After all, the First Prince's body has always been weak.

The word spread to Zhu Wen's house, Zhu Wen heard that Li Min brought him life-saving medicine, without any doubt, he quickly called Li Min to meet.

A few Donghu people must avoid it.

Wujie Shanyu gave the subordinates a wink, and then planned to take Elder Lan and Hu Yandu away.

"Second Khan?" Hu Yandu and Elder Lan couldn't figure it out, they could stay here and wait to see what magic medicine Li Min brought Zhu Wen, maybe they could get a share of it.

"What life-saving medicine can she bring to the eldest prince?" Wujie Shanyu sneered three times, "Yes, Princess Li is a miracle doctor and a doctor, but she is not a doctor who treats all kinds of patients. Before, she saved the eldest prince because Because of the emperor's order. Now, no one is forcing her, why should she bring some life-saving medicine to the eldest prince?"

"Er Khan means that she is using this as an excuse to meet the First Prince."

"It doesn't matter if it's an excuse to want to meet the First Prince, but don't forget that everything she says is never wrong." When Wujie Shanyu said these words, Elder Lan and Hu Yandu were both shocked. You can hear the meaning of painful feet.

Dr. Li never likes to talk nonsense, every sentence has a deep meaning, said, he brought life-saving medicine to the First Prince, it is definitely a life-saving thing for the First Prince.

Zhu Wen pretended to have just got up in the room, lazily put a fox fur on his shoulders, pretended to be a little delicate, and lay down on the imperial concubine couch in the room.

When Li Min walked in, he saw that his complexion was slightly flushed amidst his paleness, as if he was full of fire.Sleeplessness at night, restlessness in the heart, poor sleep day and night, and night is an important time for nourishing yin, these are the root causes of yin deficiency and fire.

"Princess Li knows that this king is suffering from the cold tonight?" Zhu Wen smiled at her, with an involuntary ambiguity in his smile, thinking that she saved his life after all, so she must be sympathetic to him. So, knowing that he was feeling unwell after staying up late tonight, I hurried to bring him medicine.

Lan Yan, who was following Li Min, stared coldly at Zhu Wen's shameless face.The emperor's sons are all so brazen.Occupying the prince's light, all she does is careless things.Not to mention the eldest prince, but also the youngest——

Li Min sat down on a stool in the room first, and waited for Gongsun Liangsheng to enter the room.

Seeing that Gongsun Liangsheng had also come, Zhu Wen and Lu Borui frowned on their relatively relaxed faces just now.

What does it mean that Zhu Li asked Gongsun Liangsheng to accompany him?The more Zhu Wen thought about it, the more he felt something strange.

Li Min coughed lightly and said: "Tonight, the eldest prince, together with Mr. Lu, sent an invitation to my concubine, inviting me to kill her heart. After much deliberation, this concubine thinks that the life of the eldest prince is more important. The life-saving things are sent to the eldest prince first."

"Princess Li—" Zhu Wen said in a low voice, "This king did not send any message to Princess Li or—"

"Prince, let's open the skylight and speak honestly. Seeing that it is almost dawn, the emperor must be waiting very anxiously in the capital, waiting for the prince to take my concubine's head back to go to the palace if he is not careful. Jing, in the heart of the emperor, he can relax and comfort himself at the same time. This eldest prince is loyal to me. He sacrificed himself to complete the emperor's great cause. Compared with that cunning and selfish old eighth, he is the prince who is truly loyal to Daming. .”

"What?!" Zhu Wen had already got up from the imperial concubine's bed, regardless of his seemingly weak body, he wanted to pounce down and ask, "Princess Li, you are slandering, do you know who you are slandering? !"

"My concubine said that she would not dare to slander the eldest prince when she said that she would bring life-saving medicine. As for the one in the capital, this concubine dared not. As a courtier, she would not dare even if she had evidence. It's just that the prince Just three days ago, the people in the capital got the news that an envoy from the Gaobei Kingdom had entered the capital."

(End of this chapter)

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