Chapter 833 Envoys Come to See (2)
I thought that after saying this, the daughter-in-law here must be crazy, but after looking over, I found that the daughter-in-law was actually drinking tea, and she didn't want to speak or express her opinion.Yushi felt depressed.

Li Min's thinking was very simple. When mother and son quarreled, even if the daughter-in-law was involved, if the daughter-in-law rushed up to defend herself, it would be like hitting the head of the gun.Because the daughter-in-law is good no matter what, after all, it is the conflict between mother and son that involves the innocent daughter-in-law.She, Li Min, would not take the initiative to step into this muddy water ridiculously.

Moreover, how could a smart husband like her not know what was going on.Zhu Li said: "Mother doesn't need to blame Min'er. The matter of Banner Meng is decided by my child. I don't like the person my mother arranged for Banner Meng. Because my child has said it before, as a real Parents and officials who are sympathetic to the courtiers must not be able to force others to make things difficult. This king is also very clear about who Meng Banner likes, so mother, take this idea back."

Youshi was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't hear his son's words clearly.When he came back to his senses, Zhu Li walked out of the room with his hands behind his back.

Li Min stood up and saluted her mother-in-law.

Youshi's fingers grasping the teacup were trembling, and he wanted to hit the head of the person in front of him directly, but not far away, his son turned around and looked at her hand with cold eyes.

Those who are smarter know that they can't do this.

The corner of Youshi's mouth twitched, and he said: "Okay, you can go back to the house. Get ready, don't you want to go back to Gaobei? But don't go to Gaobei, recognize your relatives, and forget to bring up the Daming you grew up with." .”

"Min'er will definitely remember what her mother taught." Li Min said.

You Shi felt awkward hearing her words, why, what did she mean by these words.Logically, it should not be said that even if I am a high and low person, I recognize the high and low relatives, but I will definitely not forget my roots, forget to raise myself, and it is Daming who did not abandon me, and I am a Daming person whether I live or die.Did this person forget that her mother was from Daming.Is this because the mother's background is not as tall as the father's, so she immediately changed her mind?

Sure enough, she is a dog leg who adapts to the wind, but her son still likes it so much.

You Shi sharply scanned his son's face, but his son's face looked very much like her husband before his death. He kept silent, not knowing what conspiracy was in his stomach.

After his son and daughter-in-law had left, You Shi picked up a string of Buddhist beads and touched them in his palm, as if trying to figure out what his son was thinking.

The magpie sobbed beside him.How could she not be sad?It can be seen that Zhu Li has spoken clearly.She never even thought of taking the chance.That Chunmei is so lucky, why?Because she is the maid in Li Min's room, and she is only the maid in You's room.

Youshi could hear why she was crying, just hearing her cry, it disturbed the atmosphere of other people in her room, is that okay?The master in any room was the one who cried the most.

We all know that when we cry and get frustrated, all kinds of bad things happen.

You Shi yelled at the magpie: "Why are you crying?! Didn't this concubine do enough for you? You have torn the face of the prince to this extent. I can only say that you didn't live up to your expectations and didn't catch the man! He If you say that you are the one you like and you are the one who begs, even the prince can't stop him, didn't the prince say so?"

Hearing Youshi's words was not wrong, the magpie knelt down on both knees and said, "I will give my wife a favor. I will go back to my hometown now, lest I stay in this room and let others see a joke and embarrass my wife." smear on—"

Youshi didn't drink the tea, and the whole cup that was about to be smashed flew straight onto the magpie's head.

The magpie screamed, scalded by the hot water, and jumped up like a grasshopper.

"You want to leave? You leave this mess to my concubine, and you want to escape?!" You Shi gasped heavily, and kicked the magpie.

The magpie bowed its body into a shrimp, hugged its head with both hands, and cried, "If the madam leaves the slave, what can the slave do besides embarrassing the madam and letting others gossip?"

"No way!" Youshi didn't listen to her nonsense, grabbed Grandma Sun's hand to persuade her to fight, sat down, her body continued to tremble due to excitement, and pointed her finger at the magpie's shrinking head, as if trying to get the magpie out of it. He was caught out in hell and continued to do evil, saying, "Listen well, my concubine will arrange for you to go to Gaobei with her. Isn't Meng Haoming going to Gaobei? You follow, my concubine doesn't believe it, you don't even have such a chance If you still can't catch Meng Haoming's heart after you go with me this time, you don't need to see this concubine after you come back, you can solve it yourself."

The magpie's face changed several colors, showing surprise and joy, fear and sadness.It is a good opportunity to have such an opportunity.But if you don't do well and come back, no, you won't come back.Youshi made everything so clear.

The problem is that she can't do it unless you do what Youshi said, because Youshi won't let her go home, and the news of her being abandoned by Meng Haoming will soon spread throughout the house. There is really no way to put it in You's room.I can only take a gamble, it's okay to go to Gaobei with Li Min, so I don't get gossip.

After kowtowing twice to Youshi, the matter is settled.

When Li Min walked back to her yard, she saw that Chunmei had been called and was waiting for her in the corridor at the door of the house.

"Clean up, I'm going back to Gaobei this time, and I plan to take you with me."

Hearing Li Min's words, mixed emotions appeared on Chunmei's face for a moment.It should be said that at first, she was very pleasantly surprised.I am happy that I can go with Li Min, which shows that Li Min's determination to keep relying on her has not changed.I heard that Ziye is still pending, so I don't know whether to go with Li Min or not.However, this burst of surprise was only a quick one, flashing across Chunmei's heart.Because Chunmei heard later that Youshi called Li Min and Zhu Li because of the magpie.No one in the house knew that You Shi had already let go of the word that he would point the magpie to Meng Haoming.

After entering the room with Li Min, Chunmei stood up and said, "Master, can the servants ask why the master chose the servants first instead of other people?"

"You really have a lot of eyes." When these maidservants are like girls, Li Min will not be so polite when he speaks, and he can say what he wants.

Chunmei's face turned red, she bent her knees and said, "Master, I didn't ask you when I was a slave."

"Just ask, and you've said it all. There's nothing to be ashamed of. If you really don't have him in your heart, you won't be so thoughtful that you will be suspicious of everything you hear. However, there are a few words , as someone who has experienced it, I must remind you. When a man gets along with a woman, the woman should relax a little bit. Don't think of everything on the man. This shows how narrow-minded a woman is, you know? ? Once or twice, the man thinks you are jealous and cute. If it happens many times, the man will only think that you are suspicious, suspicious, and have personality problems. It will be a matter of time before they classify you as a lunatic, man. With this heart, finding other women has become the most legitimate reason."

(End of this chapter)

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