Chapter 835 Envoys Come to See (4)
Li Min, hey, I know I can't hide it.Seeing that Zhu Yongle was going to stay in the palace forever, he insisted on pestering Xu Youzhen.Now, if Xu Youzhen goes to Gaobei, Zhu Yongle must not chase after her.How can I get it.

The high and low are no better than Beiyan.If Zhu Yongle goes to Gaobei, he may not get any preferential treatment.

Seeing her expression, Xu Youzhen knew that she had guessed right, and said, "I will explain to the princess about the matter of the princess."

Can Zhu Yongle's glass heart bear it?Li Mingang thought so.

Xu Youzhen said, "I will tell the Princess, let her wait patiently until I come back, and I will give her an explanation."

Li Min raised his head and quickly glanced at his face twice, but couldn't see any lies or prevarication thoughts in the expression on his face.

"Min'er was thinking, when did my cousin change his mind?"

"I'm not a change of heart. The princess's heart, in fact, I only found out about your cousin after meeting the princess this time." Xu Youzhen said frankly, "To be honest, the princess is not your cousin." brother's food."

Although they are cousins, they have been through hardships all the way, and they are already better than real brothers and sisters.Hearing Xu Youzhen's tone, Li Min couldn't help but think of those brothers in modern times. The same direct and straightforward tone only made people feel kind.If he didn't really regard her as his closest relative, Xu Youzhen might not have said all these things to her.

"Is there anyone else in my cousin's heart?"

"No." Xu Youzhen spoke the truth, "A man's ambition is far away. Your cousin and I have already thought about it. Before we start a career, we can't start a family."

"Brother, this is actually a career. Didn't you already promise Mr. Gongsun that you are willing to be the prince's assistant?"

Her husband recruits talented people, and talented people like her cousin have long been her husband's target.

Xu Youzhen won't get flustered because of her words: "Mr. Gongsun hasn't married yet."

"Cousin, let me say that Mr. Yue has no intention of marrying a wife until now. Cousin, is this, don't you want to take on the responsibility of the eldest grandson to carry on the family line? If Grandpa hears about it at home, I don't know if he will blame the prince for it. Min'er is really worrying, because she can't shirk her responsibility."

In this regard, Xu Youzhen reached out her finger and tapped her head on top of her intentional sigh: "Your cousin, I am young, not very old, so you don't need to sigh."

When the two said this, they looked at each other and smiled.

In any case, it seemed that his cousin didn't feel as disgusted with the princess as he imagined.

"The princess cares about me. It seems that it is not a matter of a day or two. The princess took out a picture I wrote a long time ago, long before I became the champion."

"There is a woman who cares so much about my cousin, and my cousin should be happy."

"I have heard a little about the princess, and I have a good relationship with you. I can trust the character of the princess. But, it is the princess after all."

"My cousin is the number one scholar, and the number one scholar is the son-in-law of the emperor. Why not be the son-in-law of Prince Gong?"

"But, I'm your cousin. Is Prince Gong willing?"

"Cousin has never met Prince Gong, how do you know whether Prince Gong is willing or not?"

Prince Gong is not the emperor.Xu Youzhen is also aware of this.

Seeing that Xu Youzhen was silent, Li Min thought, this resourceful cousin must have his own thoughts in his heart.

In this way, the list of people who will accompany her to Gaobei is almost full.Only one person, not identified.

In the evening, Zhu Li came back from the military headquarters, went to her room to have dinner with her, and said, "Li'er asked someone to come back quickly and write a letter saying that after sunset tomorrow, people from the capital can go to Yandu."

"My lord, drink more soup. The weather is dry. My lord is walking outside, and my lips are cracked."

Zhu Li touched his mouth, only to realize that it was true, maybe when he went out today, he didn't bother to drink saliva.

"My lord has a lot of things to do every day. Usually, Min'er is in the mansion, and occasionally I can still stare at my lord. Now that Min'er is gone, I'm a little worried, if my lord doesn't love me so much."

Zhu Li didn't buy it: "You and I are similar, don't talk about me, talk about yourself. Don't you feel that your face is also dry?"

A woman's face, this is a woman's big deal.Li Min doesn't love beauty, but, like ordinary people, she doesn't want her skin to look old.

Seeing her put down her chopsticks to touch her face, the person opposite suddenly let out a low laugh.

Knowing that he was cheated, Li Min glared at him angrily: Is it fun?
She is a man who sometimes has the heart of a child and plays with her.Speaking of which, from the first time the two of them met, this man's temper was as playful as a child's.

"Okay, okay, this king knows that he is wrong, and shouldn't make fun of the princess. However, the princess and the king are laughing at each other. I believe that Mr. Gongsun must have been called by the princess to talk about it. , not to mention that Brother Hu has been brainwashed by this concubine, and the basket of clothes that I bring to the King every day makes me feel tired for Brother Hu."

It's a good fifty steps and a hundred steps.Li Min stared at him with a smile: "What about you, ask everyone in my room to come over and scrape them. The stove, clothes, what you can't eat, what you can only eat, it seems that you don't remember any of them clearly."

He suddenly reached out, put his arms around her waist, kissed her temples, and said softly: "Yes, I feel that there is no one who understands the princess better than this king."

It was quiet at that moment, when the two of them were alone, the people in her room knew this rule, they had already slipped out and dared not be the light bulb.The snow outside the house seems to be falling silently, exuding coldness, which makes the warmth of people snuggling up to the human body even more precious and hard to give up.

He touched her stomach with his hand, as if feeling the shock that brought him back last time.

She patted the back of his hand and said, "Don't touch it. Touching it will scare the child, so put it on it quietly."

"Is it just waiting for the rabbit?" The corner of his mouth curled up, and he couldn't help showing a trace of fatherly cunning, "It turns out that my king's child is like a rabbit."

It may be that the rabbit's words annoyed a certain little ancestor in his stomach.Once again ushered in an international football in the palm of your hand.

Feeling the second shock, Zhu Li slowly closed his fists.

Li Min watched the unfathomable expression across his face and couldn't help sweating for the child in his stomach.

"The marriage of the five girls of the Wei Mansion, after discussing with the Wei Mansion, this king settled on a family in the west of the city."

Li Min nodded: "Unfortunately, this marriage can only be continued, and the prince will preside over it."

Not enough time.And he was anxious to tell her before she set off that he wanted to reassure her.In fact, she wouldn't worry about it.There is only one thing to worry about.

(End of this chapter)

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