The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 838 Going to High and Low

Chapter 838 Going to High and Low (3)
Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles.

From this point alone, it seems that Daming should learn a lot from the other party.Fortunately, my husband's group of counselors are nothing to worry about, and they have been studying the state of all the neighboring countries for a long time.

After Aunt Shang brought the tea, Lu Yushan took it, and with great Ming etiquette, lifted the lid of the tea and tasted the tea very skillfully, then the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a sly smile: "Princess Li's way of hospitality, let the minister It's like being at home.”

"It's just time for dinner. If the envoy wishes, he can have a meal with this concubine in the palace before leaving."

"Has Princess Li also prepared dishes that make me feel at home?"

"That's not true. After all, as for Gao Bei, to be honest, this concubine grew up in the capital, and she doesn't know much about things outside of Daming. In Daming, for women, there is so-called virtue. Therefore, what this concubine has learned is limited to female celebrities and the like. Most of the medical skills are passed down from her mother's natal family. The banquets that this concubine entertains envoys can only follow the rules for receiving guests in the palace. The dishes and the soup are all home-cooked dishes of Daming. However, the lord said, the envoys come over like neighbors visiting, and it is the most cordial to treat guests with home-cooked dishes."

Lu Yushan nodded twice after hearing this, and said: "I am very willing to be entertained by Princess Li in the palace. It is my honor to be invited by Princess Li to have a meal with Princess Li in the palace. But , Today, the official arrived in Yandu, and he did not come alone, and Princess Li also knows."

"The envoy's visit is a big event between Daming and Gaobei. The envoy is not only here to see my concubine, but also has other important responsibilities to visit Daming. This concubine must not delay the official duties of the envoy."

Lu Yushan put down the teacup, stood up, and cupped his hands towards her: "After arriving in Yandu tonight, I will meet with Princess Li immediately. I hope that Princess Li will express her gratitude to Prince Li on behalf of me."

"The envoy is polite. The prince has already said that the visit of the high and low envoys is like visiting neighbors. A family does not need too many complicated etiquette. It is a pity that the prince is busy with official duties and cannot personally receive the envoys. My concubine will take the place. , I hope the envoy will not take this little detail to heart."

"Where. It is my honor to be personally received by Princess Li."

To be polite, how many times have I said it back and forth.Finally, Aunt Shang opened the door, and then Second Brother Hu lit a lantern, accompanied by Zhu Li who was standing in the courtyard, and sent the envoy of the high and humble country out.

After waiting for the people to leave, they all quieted down.

Aunt Shang stood beside Li Min, as if waiting for something.

Li Min said: "Do you know who it is?"

"Before, I was not quite sure." Aunt Shang said in a low voice, "Now that someone is coming, I can see clearly that the person who came is the third prince of the king."

The editors of the Hanlin Academy, which is a wunderkind, are all bluffing.Even if it is a real young genius, it is impossible for Gaobei Country to send a young one to serve as an envoy between the two countries.After all, no matter if you are a genius, if you have to face the treacherous and cunning Emperor Ming, you must be a little young.

On the contrary, if it is the prince of the royal family of Gaobei country, the meaning is different.She didn't come here to engage in interference between the two countries at all, but to serve as an outpost for the royal family in the Gaobei country. First, let's see what kind of person she is, the relative she wants to recognize.

"Did he recognize you?" Li Min asked.

"The third prince should not recognize the old slave. When the old slave left Gaobei, the third prince was not born yet." Aunt Shang replied.

This is strange: "How do you know he is the third prince?"

Since the person left, the other party was not born.

Aunt Shang said: "The royal family of Gaobei country will wear a jade pendant. This jade pendant is hidden in the belt. Ordinary people can't see it. The old slave used to serve the royal family in the palace of Gaobei country. Naturally, he knows this secret thing. Son. Besides, as the second girl guessed before, the eyes of the third prince."

"Like who?" This is also what Li Min is most curious about.

"Like a king."

Danfeng eyes, those pairs of Danfeng eyes, turned out to be inherited from the same man.

Li Min thought about it for a while: "Then tell me, does he think that this concubine might have the blood of the royal family of the Gaobei Kingdom?"

From her Li Min, can the other party see what is inherited from that man?She hadn't met the man and really didn't know anything about it.

When Aunt Shang heard her question, she couldn't help smiling.

Seeing her expression, Li Min asked, "What's wrong?"

"The old slave thought that the princess seems to be lacking in interest in this matter, she doesn't even have any curiosity. Although, the princess already knew that she is not Master Li's biological child."

"My concubine has no curiosity."

It doesn't matter who was born, anyway, she must walk her own path, and no one can influence her own life path.Besides, she is a transmigrated person, so there seems to be a layer of membrane between the family affection here.

When the uncle said that she was lonely, he really saw the true loneliness in her heart.Just think about it, she was the only one in ancient times, and she was very different from this feudal society in all aspects of thought and knowledge.Not to mention that none of the relatives and friends are gone.

If it wasn't for the uncle, if it wasn't for her thinking that life is precious, and she would be sorry for herself and others if she didn't cherish it if she could live again.

It's just that after living in ancient times for a long time, unconsciously, there are also human contacts here, and another kind of relationship is gradually established with the people here.Especially the relationship with the uncle is even more different.Because how could she have imagined that in ancient times, she had really completed her marriage and conceived a child.

"Go on." Although there is no curiosity, but, after all, it is the remnants left by the original host of this body, and it cannot be completed without replacing it.

Aunt Shang said: "Actually, when I first saw the second girl, I couldn't see anything. Although, I already knew where the second girl was from."

"You mean, back then, when you came out of the palace and arranged to be with the old lady, it was deliberately arranged by your master." Hearing what she said, Li Min thought about it and asked, in fact, it's not difficult to guess. After all, the old lady herself later admitted that when Aunt Shang left the palace, it was almost the time when Lady Xu married Li Datong, and at that time, Lady Xu already had Li Min in her stomach.

"Yes. The second girl's guess is correct. The old slave was deliberately arranged by the master to enter Li's house, and he just waited for a suitable time to meet the second girl." Aunt Shang confessed to this.

"I can only say, isn't your master's scheming too complicated? It arranges you, and arranges Wang Desheng and the others, but they don't know each other."

(End of this chapter)

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