The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 868 Medicine King Pot

Chapter 868 Medicine King Pot (4)
Long sticks stuck in the soil like wooden stakes.

Yu Shinan walked out of the bamboo forest and entered the archery range surrounded by half of the bamboo forest.

"Yu Shizi!" When everyone saw him, none of them bent down.

The people who were jumping and cheering in the open space frowned when they looked back at him, as if they were saying, why is this person here?

I saw Yu Shinan crossing the corner of the courtyard, walking up to the man standing in front of the quiver, touching the feathered arrow as if thinking about it, and said, "I'm back from the palace."

"I went all night last night, aren't you tired? Don't you want to go back to the mansion to rest?" Tu Shaobian answered him casually, and at the same time, he finally took out a quiver from the kneeling attendant's hands. I seem to be more satisfied with the arrow.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Qi couldn't help but jump up: "You don't mean what you say!"

"When did I stop talking? Did I ever say how many arrows are compared?" Young Master Tu's voice was as cold as a bowl of water.

Yu Shinan watched, with his arms crossed across his chest, the corners of his handsome and thin mouth slightly curled up, as if he wanted to watch a good show.

Zhu Qi was sullen, seeing that the opponent had chosen the arrow and placed it on her own bowstring, aiming at the target she just shot.For this reason, she raised her eyebrows, but she didn't necessarily have no confidence at all.After all, after the opponent's first arrow was shot just now, it was completely missed.

After the arrow crossed the air, it landed with a snap, and its head landed next to the red heart she shot. There was not even a gap between the two arrows.

Zhu Qi immediately stared and clenched her fists.

There was no cheering around, as if everyone took it for granted.

Without hesitation, Young Master Tu said to the guard in the quiver, "Take it and pick the arrow for Lord Eleven."

Isn't this clearly a joke?Zhu Qi quit and threw away the bow in her hand.

Yu Shinan blocked his mouth with his fist, looked at her menacing back, smiled lowly and said to the completely indifferent Tu Shao: "Your acting is not so good, after all, after letting her shoot hundreds of arrows—"

"Do you think I'm the same as you? It takes a long time to catch a chicken."

It was talking about the last time Master Tu tied someone up, he spent a long time trying, and he didn't know what circles he was going around.

Zhu Qi listened to what the two of them were saying, of course she could hear both of them, she suddenly stomped her feet, turned her head, her eyes were as big as copper bells, but the corners of her mouth were hooked up like that, and said with a slanting smile: "It's only you who are so shameless. A lowly man can speak."

In a word, all the high and low people in the field were blackened.

Tu Shao's cold face seemed to be covered with a layer of iron blue, but he didn't lose his temper as others imagined, and he just said indifferently: "Half of your blood, isn't it the same as that of lowly people like us?" blood."

These words obviously hit a certain point in someone's heart.Zhu Qi's lips trembled: "Don't think that I can easily believe your nonsense. If you want to use this kind of thing to sow discord, you can't deceive others but you can't deceive me."

"We don't have the time and energy to lie to people."

"You—" Zhu Qi walked over and stood in front of him.

At that moment the air was tense like a bow.Yu Shinan looked at the two of them, most of his expression of watching the show disappeared, and said to Young Master Tu: "Forget it, a woman, there is nothing to worry about."

"Say it again!" Zhu Qi's sudden excited roar made the two men in front of her feel surprised and strange.

If some of the previous words might have angered her, but Yu Shinan's words just now obviously didn't seem to be the words that could make her so angry.

"Aren't you a woman?" Yu Shinan turned to look at her and said.

"Whether the young master is a girl or not is none of your business!"

Tu Erye's face was successfully sprayed with saliva all over his face.This kind of comedy effect directly made Tu Shao, who had a cold face, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

For this reason, Yu Shinan could only raise his sleeves in resentment, and wiped his face: "I really don't know how to provoke this lunatic. Is it because you are a woman, and you are a woman?" .”

He couldn't stop talking, and his chest was pushed by a soft paw.It seemed that this was something he hadn't expected, so much so that the moment he was stunned, he was pushed back two steps by the other party.Everyone around him screamed.

"My son—"

Yu Shinan stared at the people on both sides who wanted to step forward to help him, and then turned his head, seeing the words and deeds of the woman in front of him, there was indeed no ladylike style, and she was downright masculine.

Such a person, really don't know how they were taught?At that moment, Yu Shinan was a little startled.

At this moment, Young Master Tu interjected coldly and said, "Help Prince Yu go down and lie down. You Prince Yu didn't sleep all night last night, it's equivalent to drinking ten catties of wine right now."

"Yes." Several people responded.

Yu Shinan waved away the people who came to help him, but he turned around and left without saying a word.

Zhu Qi looked at his back and spit on the ground.

Yu Shinan turned around and looked hard at her face full of contempt.

When Changtu accompanied him to the resting yard, he said, "Second Master, you haven't talked to her since you tied her up, so I don't know. Her temperament is like that. After watching for a long time, you may get used to it." Yes. Speaking of which, in Daming, no one calls her the princess, but everyone calls her Eleven Lord."

"It seems that she is not just a woman disguised as a man." Yu Shinan said thoughtfully.

"Since childhood, Princess Qinghui has always raised her as a prince in front of Lord Wanli. Maybe she has always treated herself as a man since she was a child."

To Changtu's words, Yu Shinan obviously disagreed, with a subtle expression on his face: "That's because you don't know why she dared to go against the emperor's will and ran to Beiyan alone."

"Why?" Chang Tu didn't know.

Speaking of which, it was a secret between him and her.Yu Shinan's mouth curled into an inscrutable smile, and he didn't answer any more.

Zhu Qi was escorted back to the room where she was originally detained because of the commotion.

(End of this chapter)

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