The most cattle country medical concubine

Chapter 870 Medicine King Pot

Chapter 870 Medicine King Pot (6)
What Ziye actually wanted to say was: "When I see Big Brother Wang occasionally, I always feel that he is so pitiful."

Chunmei lowered her head and remained silent.

Seeing that Li Min was asleep, Aunt Shang dared to come in, looked around the room, and asked, "Where is Nanny Li?"

"Nurse Li is going to check on the master's belongings."

Nanny Li is like being bitten by a snake for ten years and being afraid of straw ropes for ten years, and fearing that someone will steal the master's things all day long under her nose.

"Where are the others?" Aunt Shang asked in a low voice.

Knowing who Aunt Shang was asking, Ziye and Chunmei looked at each other.

Speaking of magpies, everyone in Li Min's house thought it was too absurd when Youshi forced them into Li Min's traveling team.The purpose of Youshi's arranging the magpie's trick is that there is no 300 taels of silver here.Of course Li Min would refuse.However, what surprised everyone was that Li Min not only accepted Magpie, but also gave Youshi and Magpie face, allowing Magpie to take care of her purchases.

Purchasing this job is definitely a fat job. Not only is it more face-saving, you can often go out and hang out, but more importantly, you have the opportunity to touch the master's property, which is equivalent to having oil and water to fish for.

Everyone is greedy for this job, but Li Min gave it to Magpie.As long as everyone remembered that when Nian Xia was around, this matter was in charge of Nian Xia herself, and they felt that Li Min's decision was simply beyond everyone's understanding.

Although Magpie was happy in her heart, everyone knew that she was Youshi's spy in Li Min's team, so she would never dare to act presumptuously.On the contrary, all the way down the road, they all did their duty well, not daring to act rashly.Magpie didn't even dare to secretly watch Meng Haoming's affairs, for fear of scaring the snake.

After arriving in Xingzhou in this way, seeing the prosperity of Xingzhou is like the capital, the magpie feels like he has found another world.Here, Li Min, who trusted her, let her go shopping, without Youshi's eyes coldly urging her behind.Humans have some selfish greed.Magpie is no exception. At this moment, she has completely forgotten Youshi.

Silver, the most important thing.

In the bustling big cities, due to the more liberalization of trade, there is room for the price difference of items to rise.This makes purchasing personnel more profitable and making a difference.

When the master arrives at a place, he must use things, preferably those he is familiar with. Some things cannot be brought along, and some things are broken halfway. These must be bought, let alone a place other than the Ming Dynasty. Human relations are even more different.With this excuse, the magpie can stay outside all day looking for what the master wants.

In the shopping list that Li Min gave her, there was a medicine pot for boiling medicine.

As for the medicine pot, they originally brought two with them on this trip, but one was broken, so they had to add another one just in case.

The medicine pot Li Min wanted was a purple clay pot manufactured by Daming.

Gaobei's medical system imitated Daming, and there are many places selling Chinese medicine pots.Moreover, there are many expensive medicine pots imported from Daming.Those, from the Ming Dynasty, are known as medicine pots that can cure all diseases, and are even enshrined in obvious places by some medicine halls.

The magpie came to Huashitang, which is the largest and most famous medicine hall in Xingzhou.When I entered the door, I saw that there was a constant stream of traffic, which surprised even the magpies.It turns out that the people of Xingzhou worship the medicine of Ming Dynasty more than the people of Ming Dynasty.

Since she is just a maidservant, people who visit Huashitang, even the master personally visits, so the treatment she receives in Huashitang as a slave can be imagined.

Squeezing in from the crowd, I finally met a boy in the medicine hall and asked for a purple sand medicine pot.

Her voice was almost deaf to the clerk in the medicine hall, who was rushing to greet other distinguished guests.The magpie looked at the anger, and the fire burst out suddenly, and blocked the other party and said, "Hey, do you know who my master is?"

"Who?" The other party didn't even bother to talk to her.As for the distinguished guests they entertained by Huashitang, there are people of all identities.I have never even seen this maid before, and her master is probably not very good.

"I've seen it all. The medicine written on the signboard outside your medicine hall is said to be from the miracle doctor of Ming Dynasty, Princess Li, right?"

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

"I tell you, my master is Princess Li!"

The sound of the magpie silenced all the surrounding sounds.

"You said your master is Princess Li?"

Immediately afterwards, countless voices of questioning and questioning surrounded the magpie.

Sweat broke out on the magpie's forehead, and something seemed wrong.

"is that a lie!"

"However, I heard that Princess Li has arrived in Xingzhou and wants to treat our king's illness."

"What does Princess Li's servant girl do in the medicine hall? Does the princess need something and ask someone to buy it? Doesn't the palace give it away?"

The magpie took advantage of the chaos to squeeze out of the crowd, and when it rushed to the door, it was suddenly blocked by someone.Magpie raised his head, and was blinded by the elegant lady in front of him.

The beautiful lady smiled at her and said, "Is it the maid in Princess Li's room?"


"Shopkeeper, take her to the backyard. There are several high-quality purple clay pots there. If you let her choose one, I will be responsible for it."

I saw that the shopkeeper who seemed to be Huashitang came out in person, bowed to the lady, and said: "Understood, madam."

I didn't say which wife it was.The magpie was so confused, and was led by the treasurer of Huashitang to the warehouse where the medicine pot was placed.

Inside, there are rows of medicine pots, many of which were never seen by a maid from a wealthy family like Magpie, which is really an eye-opener.

"Are these all medicine pots?" Magpie looked left and right on a jade pot inlaid with gold, thinking that no one in the rich and noble families of Ming Dynasty used this as a medicine pot, only as a teapot, I really don't know how to say so It is good for humble people to worship medicine pots.

"Yes, there are all medicine pots here." The shopkeeper also seemed to show off in front of her intentionally, pointing to the black medicine pot enshrined on the table in the middle of the room, and said, "That's something that can't be bought with a thousand dollars. medicine pot."

"What medicine pot?"

"It's called the Medicine King Pot. You Ming have never seen the Medicine King Pot." The shopkeeper seemed quite satisfied when he said this.

(End of this chapter)

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