Chapter 882 Woke Up (2)
"Because he inherited the king's disease, if he strengthened his physique since he was a child, he could make up for this deficiency to some extent. However, the third prince, like the king, has not received good exercise since he was a child, so if some external factors affect his If the body is concerned, it can easily become troublesome and become a serious illness."

Empress Dowager Jingxian had calmed down very much at this time, looking at Li Min with her wily eyes, and asked, "How do you think the king's illness should be cured?"

The Wen family and Concubine Xi all took a breath of cold air: "Empress Dowager, absolutely not, what she said may not be true! She will put the king to death, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!"

Empress Dowager Jingxian seemed to turn a deaf ear to the words of Wen's family: "Don't be afraid of [-], just in case. In this way, the king's illness will never need to be treated, and everyone who treats the king's illness is not afraid of [-]. just in case!"

Does this count as the empress dowager slapping herself in the face?

The two princes who knelt on the ground without making a sound could not help but bow their heads.Yu Shinan frowned: What does the empress dowager mean?Suddenly changed your mind?
Wen's family and Concubine Xi, who were yelled at by the empress dowager, were obviously stunned.

"The Ai family has figured it out." Empress Dowager Jingxian looked at the crown prince kneeling on the ground, "What the crown prince said was reasonable. Tonight's family banquet touched the Ai family deeply. I didn't expect the crown prince to love the king so much." .Do whatever the crown prince says."

What an old fox, without mentioning a word, did he publicly announce whether Li Min is a member of the royal family of Gaobei Kingdom?However, the bet raised by the crown prince was confirmed.In other words, the old goblin believes that this bet is useful to him after all, and he doesn't think it is a trick that is not good for him.

In this way, isn't it true that the empress dowager doesn't want the king to die at all.

For the Wen family, this didn't seem like good news.In fact, whether the king is dead or not, the relationship with the empress dowager does not seem to be very important.

Thinking of this, Yu Shinan looked at each other with Lian Sheng and Gao Zhi who were kneeling on the ground: Undoubtedly, the Wen family should be the most anxious next.

"The crown prince will arrange this."

Hearing Empress Dowager Jingxian's last sentence, which was to hand over the illnesses of Li Min and the king to Gao Zhi, the face of the Wen family turned dark again.

After receiving the uncle's wink, Concubine Xi hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, when the king was ill, because the king had no other young lords in the palace to serve him, the concubines were always serving the king."

"The Ai family has already said that this matter is left to the crown prince. You are Concubine Xi, the king's concubine, and you can ask the crown prince how to arrange it." Empress Dowager Jingxian suddenly discovered the strategy of throwing away the hot potato, and rubbed it with her fingers. The temple said, "After all, Ai's age is not as good as when he was young, and he is a little tired. Let's stop here for today's family banquet. The crown prince is also older than the weak crown. It is time to share more worries for the king and Ai's family." .”

Gao Zhi immediately accepted her words, and said: "Sun Chen must do his best to do what Grandma Huang ordered well."

The empress dowager got up, and everyone saw her off respectfully.Then, each left the Daqing Palace.

Concubine Xi definitely didn't leave, and wandered anxiously outside the Empress Dowager's house.Just now, before going back in the car, Wen Liangfu shot two glances at her, which were clearly about to stab her to death.It means that she doesn't know how she messed up after the Wen family sent her into the palace, how she managed to mess up so that she was easily taken a step ahead by her opponent.

Also, what is the empress dowager thinking.

In the room, Princess Lihui brought ginseng tea to Empress Dowager Jingxian, and said, "Queen Dowager, drink some."

"Did you hear it from the next door just now?" The Empress Dowager asked with her brows drooping and looking tired after receiving the ginseng tea.

"Yes." Li Hui replied, then pointed to Concubine Xi who hadn't left outside, "Concubine Xi seems to have something to say to Empress Dowager."

"The Ai family has nothing to say to her, let her go back. The Ai family has said everything that should be said just now. These people, do they really think that the high and the low belonged to their Wen family? The king is not dead! They are all the Ai family Are you blind?!" Empress Dowager Jingxian patted down the chair, as if she was angry with the Wen family.

If you don't know what kind of temperament the empress dowager is, I'm afraid that the empress dowager's 180-degree changes to concubine Xi and her [-]-degree changes have made you confused.Li Hui understood the old master's temper very well, she stepped forward with a smile, and gave the Queen Mother a solution: "With the Queen Mother here, who would dare to hurt the King?"

When the news that Concubine Xi was expelled from the Daqing Palace by the Empress Dowager's people reached Li Min and the others, Li Min happened to be in a car and was about to go back to the palace to rest for a night before entering the palace tomorrow.The first prince, second prince, and Yu Shinan were all in the same car with her.

It seems that these people have a lot of things they want to ask her.And the empress dowager's sudden change of face towards Concubine Xi seemed to make them more sure of one thing.

Yu Shinan first raised his eyebrows and said: "It seems that the queen mother is thinking about it, and it is better for the king to fool her."

The motivation of the Wen family is definitely different from that of the Queen Mother.The ultimate goal of the Wen family must be to seize power, kick the Gao family down and make themselves emperor.The empress dowager is not from the Wen family, all she wants is a puppet.Previously, she had no choice but to choose Gao Zhuo for the first time, and chose to cooperate with the Wen family temporarily to eliminate other opponents.After all, neither the crown prince nor the second prince met her requirements.

Unexpectedly, what Li Min said tonight exposed the mystery.The empress dowager felt that Gao Zhuo was even more unreliable.The reason is simple, Gao Zhuo seems to have a shorter life than her son.

"The third prince was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, and Concubine Xi will give the third prince all the good things immediately." When Yu Shinan said this, he looked at Li Min with a smile, "Does Princess Li think this prince's words are right?"

"Yu Shizi's words have a certain truth. This body is not enough to be nourished. If it is purely pampered and not exercised, this body is like a piece of beautiful but impractical jade. Once it hits something hard, it will fall. Broken." Li Min said.

"The Wen family wanted to use Concubine Xi and Gao Zhuo as a springboard, but they didn't expect that the springboard would be rotten before jumping." Yu Shinan thought about it more and more funny, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows and laughing.

It should be said that tonight's result was beyond their expectations, but it was indeed a good thing.Everyone can't be in a bad mood.

The smile on the corner of Liansheng's mouth was like a willow tip blown by the spring breeze, but after raising it for a while, it immediately had to sink slightly because of worry and anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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