Chapter 117 Secret
"I didn't expect the world to develop so fast." Amaterasu sighed, taking out a pack of women's cigarettes from the pocket of her coat.

"I haven't seen it in how many years. Can human beings develop to this level?" Amaterasu Ai looked at the pictures on her phone while lighting a cigarette, and the pictures were pictures of various airplanes.

"You can fly in the sky. Although you use so-called airplanes, this was only the realm of gods before." Amaterasu said with a self-deprecating expression on his face. "We gods should be out of date."

"Master Amaterasu, please don't say that. If it weren't for your blessing for so many years, Japan would not have developed to such a degree." Qingxue panicked and wanted to kneel down again, but under the influence of divine power, she couldn't kneel down at all. .

"No need to do that, I know what it is like, after all, I haven't read less about history recently." Amaterasu Ai shook the Japanese history that he had just brought from his side "But you are very thoughtful. You can actually find out a little about us. Proof of existence, some things I don’t even remember.”

Amaterasu read the history of Japan, and then threw the book aside, "I really miss it, but it's a pity that I'm the only one left now."

Taking a deep breath of the cigarette, she looked at Qingxue in front of her, and said softly, "Sit down, you don't have to be so polite, after all, there are still some gods in the world, including your family."

"You are also the only blood of my younger brother. I have wronged you as guardians for so many years. In the future, it will probably be easier." Amaterasu smiled self-deprecatingly. There are so many gods waking up from a deep sleep, what can I do with such a broken body?"

"Master Shenming, already... Qingxue wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Amaterasu Ai.

"I know what you want to say, but now I am the only god left in Japan. I don't know how long I can last with such a broken body. It will be fine if everyone doesn't wake up." Amaterasu sighed, she The past ten years have been difficult. Europe has been looking for her heir and wants her to betray the Southeast Asian Union, but she knows how the ancient oriental country can be betrayed, and she doesn't want Japan to be in a dangerous situation.

"Has Odin discovered the identity of this generation's heir? It seems that he still hasn't concealed it." Amaterasu turned his head and asked Qingxue who was beside him.

"I'm sorry, it was my mistake. As a maiden of the Yuejian family, she made such a major mistake. She really should commit suicide and apologize." Qingxue pleaded guilty on behalf of her subordinates. They were still too lax, thinking that ten years of persistent searching Even if they don't give up, they will reduce their search efforts. I didn't expect to find them so quickly instead.

"Don't be like this, you should be the only blood of our protoss in the world." Amaterasu stood up slowly, stretched out her hands and stroked Qingxue's cheeks, "It's good to treat me as a family member, there is no need to use honorifics to me "

"If Yue Ye is still here, his child should be the same as you. Although the blood is much thinner, you still have some similarities." Under the coercion and temptation of the gods, life is not as good as imagined.

"Yueye. Have you met Your Highness?" Qingxue asked with some uncertainty.

"You are his bloodline, the bloodline left by him after he married a human woman, and because of this, he escaped the catastrophe. After all, the bloodline is not pure, so naturally it will not be destroyed by the rules." Amaterasu said seriously.

"If you want to ask what happened in the first place, you can't say it, so don't ask." Amaterasu said seeing Qingxue's hesitant expression.These are all secrets that are forbidden to the outside world, and they are strictly prohibited from explaining after they have agreed.

"Then, why am I the only blood of the God Race? What about Lord Qingkong? Does he not have the blood of the God Race? Why did you choose him as the heir?" Jun will inherit the seat of the gods.

"Let me answer them one by one. Your family probably has no records." Amaterasu Ai doesn't want to avoid these questions. Sooner or later, I will have to talk about it. It is better to say it now.

"Now most people's bodies cannot carry the power of gods, even the blood of the gods, but there is only one kind of people who can, that is the immortals in the east. Our gods rely on their natural strength to become gods, but they can Rely on your own strength to become a fairy."

"Then Lord Qingkong is an immortal?" Qingxue was very surprised when she heard such a secret for the first time.

"No, most of the immortals fell in the catastrophe just like us. Although a considerable number of immortals survived, it is impossible for them to inherit my position. After all, they all have their own pride."

"Besides, it is too stupid to abandon the powerful ancient eastern country and come to our country that can only be supported by me." Amaterasu shook her head, even she would not make such a wrong choice.

"Then who is Lord Qingkong?" Qingxue became more and more confused as she listened.

"Their family used to be one of the cultivating families. After they moved to our side, they never went back. I have been paying attention to them since before, and I kept them as a follow-up. I didn't expect it to come in handy. "Amaterasu smiled wryly, she never thought that there would be such a day when the great Japanese kingdom of God would be completely overthrown in one day, even if she barely survived, she would suffer irreparable trauma.

The current God Realm is supported by her alone, but she is already unable to do what she wants. Even if she regains all the power of the gods and uses it to strengthen herself, but the broken body and can't exert any strength, this is why The reason why Odin dared to threaten her.If she is complete and inherits the power of all the gods, she will not be timid even if it is Odin.

But they also knew about her situation, so they came to threaten her to leave the Southeast Asian Union, otherwise they would not dare to offend here at will.

"Then should we continue to conceal the existence of Qingkong? Would it be better to let him know, so that it would be better for this side to inherit the god position early." Qingxue thought seriously, and then said.

"It's not necessary. My strength can last for a long time. Let him continue to enjoy life. I can't directly throw such a burden on a child." Amaterasu sat down again and shook her head. She hoped that Qiu Can have a happy life and then come to take her place.She didn't want to put the burden of protecting the country on a child.

 PS: The second update is late at night.The article has been completed, so if you find that there are only 1000 words, refresh it

  There is also Yuejian Qingxue who appeared in the previous chapters, a family of witches, this is a foreshadowing.But this book is still a daily novel, with a little more mythology and battle scenes at most.So watch with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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